[CC 1999 §15.800; Ord. No. 99-12-03 §1, 12-28-1999]
The City hereby names and designates the streets within the City with the name and location of each shown on the official map of the City. The official map is located in the City Hall for public inspection during business hours. A copy of said map is incorporated by reference.
[CC 1999 §15.801; Ord. No. 99-12-03 §1, 12-28-1999]
No person shall erect any street signs without the approval of the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1999 §15.802; Ord. No. 99-12-03 §1, 12-28-1999]
No person shall destroy, change, alter, move or remove any street sign installed by the City.