[Adopted 12-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-39]
In order to establish rules, regulations, fees, and forms pursuant to, and in compliance with, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.), as amended, the President and Board of Trustees hereby approve and adopt the FOIA rules and forms, in substantially the form as attached to this article as Exhibit A,[1] but subject to revisions and amendments that the Village Manager, in consultation with the Village Attorney, from time to time determines are necessary or appropriate to effect compliance with the Act in an administratively efficient manner.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is on file in the Village offices and available on the Village website: www.bannockburn.org.
The Village Manager, along with the officers and employees designated by the Village Manager or otherwise set forth in the FOIA rules and forms, shall be and are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to comply with and effectively administer the Act in accordance with the FOIA rules and forms. The Village Manager is further authorized to appoint one or more Freedom of Information Officers and such deputies or assistants as the Village Manager deems appropriate to assist in implementing the Act.
Any requestor who is in violation of this article shall be fined $750 for each violation. A requestor is in violation of this article if he or she does not accurately indicate whether the request for records was made for a commercial purpose. Each request for records, even if presented with other requests for records, shall be deemed a separate request for purposes of calculating fines for violations. To the extent permitted by law, no person who has any outstanding fees, charges, or fines due to the Village under this article or rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this article shall be allowed to make additional requests of the Village until such fees, charges, and fines shall have been fully paid. The Village Manager, in consultation with the Village Attorney, is hereby directed and authorized to establish such rules and regulations accordingly.
The Village shall charge a fee to recover costs associated with copying records. The amount of such fee shall be $0.15 per page for black and white copies, and, for all other copies, the Village's actual cost incurred.