[Amended 5-22-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-12]
The Building Commissioner shall:
Maintain records of every watershed development permit application, permit, variance, hydrologic and hydraulic data and enforcement action as well as "as-built" plans, if available, for a period of at least five years from the date of permit issuance and shall allow periodic inspections of the records by SMC personnel.
Maintain a jurisdiction map which displays the development location and file reference number of every permit. Collect and maintain elevation and floodproofing certificates for all new buildings in the regulatory floodplain. Where the development site was located above the BFE prior to development, maintain documentation of the predevelopment ground elevations and certification that the ground elevations existed prior to the effective date of the first regulatory floodplain map.
Provide to SMC staff a copy of each variance granted, elevation or floodproofing certificate issued, and other permit-related materials upon reasonable request by SMC staff.
Transfer to SMC, at agreed-upon intervals, but no later than the five-year period described above, specified portions of the stormwater records.