It shall be unlawful for any person, jobber, wholesaler, or manufacturer, to sell or offer for sale at retail any fireworks, to any person, within the City before the twentieth (20th) day of June and after the tenth (10th) day of July and before the twentieth (20th) day of December and after the second (2nd) day of January. All retailers are forbidden to expose fireworks where the sun shines through glass on the merchandise displayed, except where the fireworks are in the original package, and all fireworks kept for sale on front counters must remain in original packages, except where an attendant is on constant duty at all times at counters where the fireworks are on display. Fireworks in open stock may be kept in show cases or counters out of reach of the public without an attendant being on duty. Signs reading, "Fireworks For Sale — No Smoking Allowed" shall be displayed in the section of the store set aside for the sale of fireworks.
For the purposes of this Article, the following terms shall be deemed to have the meaning indicated below:
Explosive devices designed primarily to produce visible or audible effects by combustion and includes aerial devices and ground devices, all of which are classified as fireworks, UN0336, within 49 CFR Part 172.
Explosive devices designed primarily to produce visible or audible effects by combustion, deflagration or detonation. This term includes devices containing more than two (2) grains (130 mg) of explosive composition intended for public display. These devices are classified as fireworks, UN0333 or UN0334 or UN0335, within 49 CFR Part 172.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or possessing any fireworks to explode, detonate, discharge or combust fireworks within the City limits, which shall specifically include City parks, schools, streets, public property, except that fireworks may be used by individuals on their own residential property or for public display purposes as provided in Section 210.2300. The time line to discharge fireworks on their own residential property shall be from June twenty-eighth (28th) thru July seventh (7th) and on December thirty-first (31st) thru January first (1st). No fireworks shall be exploded or discharged after the hours of 10:00 P.M. except on the fourth (4th) of July and New Year's Eve until Midnight. Nothing in the Article is construed as applying to the manufacture, storage, sale or use of signals necessary for the safe operation of railroads or other classes of public or private transportation, nor applying to the military or Navy forces of the United States or of this State, or to Peace Officers, nor as prohibiting the sale or use of blank cartridges for ceremonial, or theatrical, or athletic events or agricultural purposes.
[Ord. No. 1068, 11-6-2017]
Any person described in Section 210.2290 who shall wish to explode, detonate, discharge or combust fireworks within the City limits for exhibition purposes at fairs, celebrations or other public affairs, must obtain a permit from the Board of Aldermen, which specifies the date, time, particular location and individuals authorized to use fireworks for such public display purposes. The dates allowed for this permit shall be the same as set forth in Section 210.2290.
If the Board of Aldermen grants a permit to use fireworks for public display purposes, the individuals in charge of same shall be experienced in the handling of fireworks and the public attending the exhibition shall be at a safe distance and kept there. Fireworks held in storage for the exhibition shall be kept in a closed box until they are removed for firing.
Permittees for use of Class B (professional) fireworks shall be required to present proof of licensing from the Missouri State Fire Marshall as well as proof of liability insurance.
When any person is found within the City limits to be in violation of the provisions of this Article, the fireworks shall be seized and the City may dispose of or otherwise destroy such fireworks.