Off-street loading shall be required in accordance with this article prior to the occupancy of any building or use, so as to alleviate traffic congestion on streets. These facilities shall provide adequate off-street areas for the loading and unloading of vehicles whenever:
A new use is established;
The use of a property or building is changed and thereby requiring an increase in loading space; and
An existing use is enlarged, thereby requiring an increase in loading space; for all commercial, office, manufacturing, institutional, hospital or other similar uses requiring the delivery or pickup of products or materials.
Each application for a zoning permit (or use for which off-street loading spaces are required) shall include a drawing (site plan) showing the proposed layout of the loading area. The drawing shall clearly indicate the design elements required below.
No zoning permit shall be issued for any use for which a loading area is required unless the site plan has been approved or necessary variances have been approved.
All off-street loading facilities shall be constructed and maintained with the same paved concrete or bituminous surface material required for access drives in Article V of Chapter 235, Subdivision and Land Development, and/or any applicable Township construction and materials specifications.[1] Alternate surfacing as proposed by the developer may be approved by the Township Engineer.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 105, Construction and Materials Specifications.
Off-street loading spaces shall be designed so that there will be no need for service vehicles to back over streets or sidewalks. Furthermore, off-street loading spaces shall not interfere with off-street parking lots.
Off-street loading facilities (including access drives) shall be provided with adequate facilities to collect and convey stormwater in accordance with Article V of Chapter 235, Subdivision and Land Development, and/or any applicable Township construction and materials specifications.[1] Furthermore, all off-street loading facilities shall be designed to prevent the collection of standing water on any portion of the loading facility surface, particularly next to access drives. Adequately sized inlets and storm sewers shall be provided to discharge stormwater in accordance with a plan to be approved by the Township. At a minimum, all off-street loading facilities shall be graded to a minimum slope of 1% to provide for drainage.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 105, Construction and Materials Specifications.
Except as provided elsewhere, a ground-level off-street loading area may be located in any side or rear yard. No exterior portion of an off-street loading facility (including access drives) shall be located within 50 feet of any land within the Residential and Suburban Residential Zoning Districts or an existing residential use. Where possible, off-street loading facilities shall be located on the side of a building not facing any abutting land in a residential zone or an existing residential use.
Every loading space shall be connected to a street by means of an access drive. The access drive shall be at least 24 feet wide for two-way travel, or 18 feet wide for one-way travel, exclusive of any parts of the curb and gutters. Article V of Chapter 235, Subdivision and Land Development, specifies other requirements for access drives.
The following lists required minimum loading space sizes, in feet (excluding access drives, entrances and exits):
(if Covered or Obstructed)
Industrial, wholesale and storage uses
All other uses
Adequate lighting shall be provided if the loading facility is to be used at night. The lighting shall be arranged so as not to be directed, reflected or cause glare off the site.
Unless otherwise indicated, all off-street loading facilities shall be provided with buffering, landscaping and screening in accordance with Part 10 of this chapter.
The following table lists required numbers of berths and spaces by use type:
Type of Use
Number of Spaces
Unit of Measurement
(square feet)
Hospital or other institution
First 10,000
10,001 to 100,000
Each additional 100,000 (or fraction)
First 10,000
10,001 to 100,000
Each additional 100,000 (or fraction)
Industry or manufacturing
First 2,000
2,001 to 25,000
Each additional 40,000 (or fraction)
Multifamily dwelling
Fewer than 100 dwellings
100 to 300 dwellings
Each additional 200 dwellings (or fraction)
Office building, including banks
First 10,000
10,001 to 100,000
Each additional 100,000 (or fraction)
Retail sales and services, per store
First 2,000
2,001 to 10,000
Each additional 100,000 (or fraction)
Shopping centers (integrated shopping centers, malls and plazas) having at least 25,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area
First 100,000
Each additional 100,000 (or fraction)
Theater, auditorium, bowling alley or other recreational establishment
First 10,000
10,001 to 100,000
Each additional 100,000 (or fraction)
Undertaking establishment or funeral parlor
First 3,000
3,001 to 5,000
Each additional 10,000 (or fraction)
Wholesale or warehousing
First 1,500
1,501 to 10,000
Each additional 40,000 (or fraction)