[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 1]
Unless the context specifically and clearly indicates otherwise,
the meaning of terms and phrases used in this Part shall be as follows:
Any industrial waste having a suspended solid content or
BOD appreciably in excess of that normally found in sanitary sewage.
For the purposes of these regulations any industrial waste containing
more than 350 milligrams per liter of suspended solids, or having
a BOD in excess of 300 milligrams per liter, shall be considered an
abnormal industrial waste regardless of whether or not it contains
other substances in concentrations differing appreciably from those
normally found in sanitary sewage.
A building which is intended to be used for continuous or
periodic habitation by human beings and containing two or more family
dwelling units; or which contains business or professional offices
and one or more family dwelling units; or which contains business,
professional or any other similar type of office or offices.
The concentration limit established in an industrial waste
permit which applies to the average of at least two sampling events
conducted within a calendar month. When only one sampling event occurs
within a calendar month or a more extended period (i.e. quarterly),
the average monthly limit shall apply.
The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation
of the organic matter in said sewage or industrial waste under standard
laboratory procedure in five days at 20°C, expressed in milligrams
per liter by weight. It shall be determined by one of the acceptable
methods described in the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater," published jointly by the American
Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and
the Water Pollution Control Federation.
A sewer designed to receive both sewage and stormwater runoff
which has been approved for such purpose.
A property which is intended to be used for the purpose of
carrying on a trade, business or profession, or for social, religious,
educational, charitable or public uses.
A combination of individual samples obtained at regular intervals
over a specified time period. The volume of each individual sample
may be either proportional to the flow rate during the sample period
(flow composite) or, constant and collected at equal time intervals
during composite period (time composite).
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
A property which is intended to be used for continuous or
periodic habitation by human beings in a single family unit.
Three hundred fifty gallons per day of sewage capacity or
the right to discharge 350 gallons of sewage per day to a sewer system.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Solid wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing
of food and from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
A sample taken from waste on a one time basis with no regard
to flow in the waste and collected over a period of time not exceeding
15 minutes but shall reasonably reflect actual discharge conditions
for that instant.
An occupation or use permitted pursuant to § 7.72
of the Township Zoning Ordinance.
Any property located within the Township on which there is
located within 150 feet of a sewer main or lateral a structure intended
for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings
irrespective of whether that use is for residential, commercial or
industrial purposes, and from which structure sanitary sewage and/or
industrial wastes shall be or may be discharged into a sewer system.
A property which is intended to be used in whole or in part
for the manufacture, fabrication, processing, cleaning, laundering,
conversion or assembly of any product, commodity or article.
Any solid, liquid, gaseous or waterborne substances or forms
of energy ejected or escaping in the course of any industrial, manufacturing,
trade or business use or process or in the course of development,
recovering or processing of natural resources, as distinct from but
not sanitary sewage.
A discharge which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge
or discharges from other sources, results in a violation of any requirement
of the sewage treatment plant's NPDES permit or prevents sludge use
or disposal in compliance with State statutes or regulations, § 405
of the CWA, 33 USC § 1345 et seq., or any criteria, guidelines,
or regulations developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act,
42 USC § 6901 et seq., the Clean Air Act, 42 USC § 7401
et seq., or the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 USC § 2601
et seq., applicable to the method of disposal or use employed by the
sewage treatment plant, or causes a passthrough or disruption of operations
at the sewage treatment plant.
The concentration limit established in an industrial waste
permit which applies to each individual sampling event when more than
one sampling event occurs within a calendar month.
Milligrams per liter.
Solids that either float to the surface or are in suspension
in water, sewage, industrial waste or other liquids, and which are
removable by laboratory filtration. The quantity of non-filterable
residue shall be determined by one of the acceptable methods described
in 40 CFR, Part 136.
Any structure erected and intended for continuous or periodic
habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals, and from
which structure sanitary sewage and industrial waste, or either, is
or may be discharged.
A discharge which exits the sewage treatment plant into waters
of the United States in quantities or concentrations which, alone
or in conjunction with other discharges, is a violation of the sewage
treatment plant's NPDES permit or of any applicable local, State or
Federal water quality criteria.
Includes natural persons, partnerships, companies, societies,
trusts, associations and corporations, public or private.
The logarithm to the base 10 of the reciprocal of the hydrogen
ion concentration expressed in moles per liter. It shall be determined
by one of the acceptable methods described in the latest edition of
"Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," cited
The wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of
food and from the handling, storage and sale of produce that have
been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely
under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with
no particle greater than 1/2 inch in any dimension.
(1) The chief executor officer or the chief operating officer
of the user facility if the industrial user is a corporation; (2)
a partner or the general manager of the user facility if the industrial
user is a partnership; (3) the owner or the general manager of the
user facility if the industrial user is a proprietorship; or (4) the
person duly designated as the responsible individual by the corporation,
partnership or proprietorship, provided such person shall be actually
responsible for overall operation of the user facilities.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from
residences, business buildings, institutions, and industrial and commercial
establishments, exclusive of stormwater runoff, surface water or ground
A sewer which carries sewage and to which storm, surface
and ground water are not intentionally admitted.
A combination of water-carried wastes from residences, business
buildings, institutions, and industrial and commercial establishments,
together with such ground, surface or stormwater as may be present.
A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
Any sanitary sewer or combined sewer, any sewage pumping
station, force main, sewage lateral, and any other sewerage facility
located within Township which is designed and intended for the collection,
transportation and/or treatment of sanitary sewage and industrial
waste, together with their appurtenances, and any additions, extensions
or improvements thereto, irrespective of whether or not such facilities
are owned by Township.
Any discharges of water, sewage or industrial waste which
in concentration of any given constituent (including BOD or non-filterable
residue) or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration
longer than 15 minutes more than five times the average twenty-four-hour
concentration, or flow, during normal operation or shall adversely
affect the sewage system.
A sewer which is intended to carry stormwater runoff, surface
water, groundwater drainage, etc., but which is not intended to carry
any sanitary sewage or polluted industrial waste.
That portion of the rainfall which reaches a channel, trench,
sewer or sink.
Solids that either float on the surface or are in suspension
in water, sewage, industrial waste or other liquids, and which are
removable by laboratory filtration. The quantity of suspended solids
shall be determined by one of the acceptable methods described in
the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater," cited above.
Shrewsbury Township, York County, Pennsylvania.
Any wastewater treatment which treats sewage originating
in Shrewsbury Township; in particular, the treatment owned by New
Freedom Borough Authority and the treatment plant owned by Glen Rock
Borough Sewer Authority.
Any water or waste containing none of the following: free
or emulsified grease or oil; pH less than 6.0 or greater than 9.0;
phenols or other substances imparting taste and odor to receiving
waters; toxic or poisonous substances in suspension, colloidal state
or solution; obnoxious or odorous gases. It shall contain not more
than 1,000 milligrams per liter by weight of dissolved solids of which
not more than 250 milligrams per liter shall be as chloride and not
more than 10 milligrams per liter each of suspended solids and BOD
The color shall not exceed 50 color units. Analyses for any of the
above mentioned substances shall be made in accordance with the latest
edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,"
cited above.
Any publicly or privately owned duly authorized agency, corporation,
municipality or organization which is the approved purveyor of the
public water supply within the limits of the Township.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/17/1996, § 2]
1. The discharge of stormwater runoff to sanitary sewers is prohibited.
2. All persons connecting improved properties to the sewer system shall
provide adequate means for excluding stormwater runoff to any sanitary
3. No person who connects an improved property to a sanitary sewer shall
connect any roof drain or foundation drain thereto or permit any such
drain to remain connected thereto, nor shall be permit, allow or cause
to enter into any sanitary sewer any spring water or surface water
from any other source.
4. The provisions of this Part do not prohibit the present or future
discharge of stormwater runoff to storm sewers or to natural water
courses within the Township.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/17/1996, § 3; as amended by Ord.
00-07, 4/5/2000]
No improved property may install copper piping or fittings which
form a part of the water service or distribution lines within such
improved property after March 1, 1995, excepting that the use of copper
pipe for service lines, from the water main to the meter, shall be
permitted in any connection for which the sole provider of water is
the York Water Company.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 4]
1. Treatment of Industrial Wastes. The economy and desirability of the
combined treatment of industrial wastes and sanitary sewage is recognized.
However, not all types and quantities of industrial wastes can be
so treated at the treatment plant. Hence it shall be the established
policy of the Township to admit those types and quantities of industrial
wastes that are not harmful or damaging to the structures of the sewer
system, do not inhibit processes or operation of the treatment plant
and are not specifically prohibited by this Part. It is also recognized
that to accommodate industrial waste, additional procedures are required,
the cost of which shall be borne by those receiving the benefits.
2. Refusal To Allow Harmful Discharges. The Township reserves the right
to refuse to permit connection to the sewer system for the purposes
of discharge of harmful industrial waste, or to compel the discontinuance
of the use of the system for the discharge of such wastes, or to require
pretreatment, or equalization of flow, or containment of matter to
be discharged until testing demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
control authority that the matter is not harmful, in order to prevent
harmful or adverse effects upon the sewer system.
3. Harmful Discharges. In general, industrial waste shall be considered
harmful to the sewer system if it may, alone or in conjunction with
discharges, cause, create or result in any of the following damaging
A. Chemical reaction either directly or indirectly with the materials
or construction of the sewer system in a manner that impairs the strength
or durability of any of the sewer system structures.
B. Mechanical action that damages or destroys any of the sewer system
C. Restriction of the hydraulic capacity of any of the sewer system
D. Restriction of the normal any of the sewer system structures.
G. Unacceptable sanitary sewage and industrial waste as described in inspection or maintenance of §
18-205 shall also be considered as a harmful discharge.
4. Monitoring Manhole and Facilities. Any person discharging, or proposing
to discharge, to the sewer system any industrial waste or industrial
wastes and sanitary sewage together, shall install a suitable manhole
or metering chamber on his connecting sewer to facilitate observation,
sampling and measurement of the combined flow of wastes from his premises.
The manhole or metering chamber shall be accessible and safely located
and shall be located and constructed in accordance with plans approved
by the Township. The Township may require that the manhole or metering
chamber be relocated if it, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary
or appropriate to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement
of waste flow. The manhole or metering chamber shall be installed
and relocated by the person at his expense and shall be maintained
by him so as to be safe and accessible to the Township at all times.
The Township, on the advice of the Township Engineer, may require
the installation of separate connecting sewers and manholes and metering
chambers if, upon consideration of the difficulties that may be posed
in determining whether or not discharges from the premises comply
with the provisions of this Part and the permit, the Township determines
that such action is reasonably necessary or desirable in order to
protect the public welfare.
5. Discharge Regulations.
A. Permit Required.
No person shall discharge industrial waste into a sewer system
except pursuant to and in accordance with an industrial waste discharge
permit issued by this Township.
Such permits shall be issued for a specified period of time,
not to exceed five years.
Each person intending to discharge industrial waste, or who
shall presently be discharging industrial waste, into a sewer system
shall make application on a form specified by the Township, with the
advice of the Township Engineer and Township Solicitor, setting forth,
inter alia, such information as may be required regarding the quality,
characteristics, concentrations, volume and timing of the proposed
industrial waste discharges, describing the premised and the processes
and operations which will produce the discharges and the materials
and equipment used therein, as well as identifying the owner of the
property and the person(s) in charge of such operations and designating
the responsible individual who will sign reports on the owner's behalf.
Persons presently discharging industrial waste into a sewer
system shall secure such permit within 60 days of the enactment of
this Part.
Each person holding such a permit shall apply for a reissuance
of the permit a minimum of 180 days prior to the expiration of such
B. Right of Entry and Records Inspection. Each person discharging industrial
waste to a sewer system shall provide representatives of the Township,
DEP and EPA the opportunity of access at any time to any part of the
premises from which the discharge shall emanate, where processes which
produce the discharge take place, or materials used therein are stored,
as shall be required for purposes of inspection, measurement, sampling
and testing and for performance of other functions relating to service
rendered by the Township in regard to a sewer system. In addition,
the Township reserves the right to inspect and copy all records concerning
the purchase, sale, or disposal of any materials containing, in the
judgment of the Township, a possible chemical pollutant.
C. Records Preparation and Retention.
Each person discharging industrial waste into a sewer system
shall prepare and maintain and retain records accurately describing
the activities and processes that produce industrial waste, including
the materials used therein, as well as the dates, times, quality,
characteristics, concentrations and volume of industrial waste produced
and discharged into a sewer system for a period of not less than three
Each person discharging industrial waste into a sewer system
shall prepare, maintain and retain records of all industrial waste(s)
that are removed from the permittee's sewage flow by pretreatment
and stored for later disposal. Such records shall detail the type
and volume of wastes removed by pretreatment; and, for each time any
of the stored wastes are disposed, the identity of the person(s) disposing
of the waste, the date of removal, the volume of the wastes removed,
and the date, manner and place of the wastes final disposal. The records
shall be maintained for not less than three years from the date prepared.
The DEP Hazardous Waste Manifest properly prepared and maintained
shall be acceptable to meet this requirement.
All such records shall be made available to officials of the
DEP, EPA and the Township for inspection and copying upon request.
D. Confidential Information/Availability of Reports. Except for data
determined to be confidential under § 308 of the Clean Water
Act, 33 USC § 1318, all submitted data shall be available
for public inspection at the offices of the control authority, the
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and the Environmental
Protection Agency. The Township considers all information regarding
the character of the effluent discharged by a permittee to be nonconfidential.
The physical and chemical properties of discharged industrial waste
will not be recognized as a trade secret.
E. Dilution. No permittee shall increase the use of potable or process
water or, in any way, attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or
complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with
the limitations contained in the permit and this Part.
F. Proper Disposal of Pretreatment Sludges and Spent Chemicals. The
disposal of sludges and spent chemicals generated shall be done in
accordance with § 405 of the Clean Water Act and Subtitles
C and D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
G. Signatory Requirements. All reports required by the permit shall
be signed by the responsible individual of the permittee as specified
in paragraph .D, above, of the permit.
H. Revocation of Permit. The permit may be revoked by the Township when, after inspection, monitoring or analysis it is determined that the discharge of wastewater to a sewer system is in violation of any provision of the permit, this Part, Federal, State, or local laws, ordinances or regulations. Additionally, falsification or intentional misrepresentation of data or statements pertaining to the permit application or any other required reporting form, or refusal to allow Township, DEP or EPA representatives access to the property, or to records, shall be cause for permit revocation. Prior notification and an opportunity to show cause against permit revocation shall be provided to the permit holder as described in §
18-113 of this Part.
I. Prohibition of Permit Transfer. The permit is issued to the permittee
for discharges of particular characteristics, concentration(s) and
volume resulting from a specific operation or processes at a specific
site and is not assignable to another person, or transferable to any
other location, nor does it permit discharges of other characteristics,
constituents, concentrations, or greater volumes, or discharges, from
other operations; for any of the foregoing a new permit is required.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, sale of a permittee
shall obligate the purchaser to seek a new permit prior to continuing
discharge to a sewer system. The Township shall also be notified,
in writing, within 30 days if the name of the permittee is changed.
J. Waste Discharge Limitations. The permit shall describe the various
parameters of the discharge that are regulated, including the location
from which an industrial waste discharge is authorized, the location
from which samples are to be taken and monitoring frequency and sample
type, as well as the maximum limits, in such fashion as, in the judgment
of the control authority with the advice of the Township Engineer,
when combined with other discharge into a sewer system will not result
in a violation of this part, the NPDES permit or other applicable
regulations or law.
K. Reporting Requirements.
Upon any discharge to the sewer system of any slug or prohibited or regulated substance in such quantity or concentration that may result in a violation of the waste discharge limitations set forth in paragraph. A, above, of the permit or in §§
18-204 or
18-205 of this Part, the discharger shall immediately notify the Township by telephone. The notification shall include information regarding the location of the discharge, the type of pollution involved, the concentration and volume of the discharge and corrective action taken or contemplated. Formal written notification discussing circumstances, remedies and future preventative measures shall be submitted to the Township within five working days of the occurrence.
Within five working days following an accidental discharge,
the discharger shall submit to the control authority a detailed written
report describing the cause of the discharge and the measures to be
taken by the discharger to prevent similar future occurrences. Such
notification shall not relieve the discharger of any expense, loss,
damage or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage
to the sewage system, fish kills or any other damage to person or
property; nor shall such notification relieve the discharge of any
fines, civil penalties or other liability which may be imposed by
this article or other applicable law.
The permittee shall file an application and supporting data
with and receive a permit from the Township prior to any changes in
the volume, constituents, or characteristics, or concentrations, of
their waste discharge or in the operation of their pretreatment processes.
The permittee shall notify the Township, the EPA Regional Waste
Management Division Director and Pennsylvania hazardous waste authorities
in writing of any discharge into a sewer system of a substance which,
if otherwise disposed of, would be a hazardous waste under 40 CFR,
Part 261. Such notification must include the name of the hazardous
waste as set forth in 40 CFR, Part 261, the EPA hazardous waste number,
and the type of discharge (continuous, batch, or other), as such additional
information is required by 40 CFR, Part 403.12(p).
The permittee shall submit to the Township quarterly self-monitoring
reports on the results of its sampling of the parameters specified
in paragraph .A, above, of the permit. The reports shall also set
forth quarterly flows. The quarterly reports shall cover the calendar
quarters of January 1 to March 31, April 1 to June 30, July 1 to September
30 and October 1 to December 31. The reports shall be filed with the
Township within 10 days after the end of each quarter. A laboratory
report from a qualified testing laboratory acceptable to the Control
Authority with the advice of the Township Engineer shall be submitted
with the quarterly report to verify the values reported.
For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements
of the permit, the user shall record the following information:
The exact place, date, time and type of sampling (composite
or grab).
The person and organization who obtained the sample.
The dates the analyses were performed.
The laboratory who performed the analyses.
A copy of the laboratory report.
All reports shall be signed by the permittee's responsible individual
and include the following statement:
"I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all
attachments, were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry
of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly
responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted
is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete.
I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for
knowing violations.
All reports shall be submitted to the following address:
Shrewsbury Township
R.D.#4, Box 40160
Glen Rock, PA 17327-9602
L. Falsifying Information or Tampering with Monitoring Equipment. It
shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly make any false statement
on any report or other document required by a permit or knowingly
render any monitoring device or method inaccurate.
M. Modification or Revision of the Permit.
The terms and conditions of a permit may be subject to modification
by the Township at any time as limitations or requirements as identified
by the Township's ordinance, are modified, or other just cause exists.
Without limiting the generality of paragraph .A, above, the
terms and condition of a permit may be modified to incorporate special
conditions resulting from the issuance of a special order.
As a result of EPA promulgating a new Federal pretreatment standard.
Any permit modifications which result in new conditions in the
permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance of
N. Severability Clause. The several provisions of this Part are severable.
If any provision of this Part is held invalid, the remainder of this
Part shall not be affected thereby.
O. Property Rights. The issuance of a permit does not convey any property
rights of any sort, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize
any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights,
nor any violation of Federal, State or local laws or regulations.
P. Enforcement Action for Violations.
Violations of either the permit conditions or §§
18-204 or
18-205 of this Part shall subject the permittee to enforcement action. A list of possible enforcement actions may include, but is not limited to:
Notice of Violation. A written description of the nature of
the problem.
Compliance Agreements. Specific action and timetables which
become Permit amendments, and posting of bond.
Notice of Required Action. Such as a request for a detailed
explanation and a plan of corrective action and additional monitoring.
Report of violation to DEP and EPA.
Emergency suspension of water and sewer service.
Revocation of permit; termination of water and sewer service.
In addition to any of the above actions, civil or criminal penalties of not less than $50 and not more than $25,000 under Federal and State laws and up to $1,000 plus costs including reasonable attorney fees for each offense under §
18-213 of this Part may be imposed for each offense. "Each offense" may be defined on a per pollutant, per day basis. Costs associated with restoring any affected sewer system operations may also be recovered.
The issue or reissue of a permit does not constitute a decision
not to proceed in an administrative or civil action for any violations
of sewer system regulations occurring before the issue or reissue
of the permit, nor a waiver of the right to do so.
Q. Fees.
Each application or a renewal thereof, for an industrial waste
discharge permit shall be accompanied by such a deposit on account
of the costs that the Township anticipates it will incur in the review
thereof and issuance of the permit. Any deficiency shall be paid at
the time of the issuance of a permit and, in case not paid, shall
be considered as a delinquent sewer rental and collected in the same
fashion. Any excess shall be refunded.
The Township or its designated agent shall inspect properties
discharging waste other than sanitary sewage into a sewer system and
obtain and analyze samples therefrom to enforce provisions of this
Part, to comply with State and Federal requirements and to determine
applicable surcharges. The costs incurred by the Township in connection
with the inspection, sampling and analysis shall be due and payable
on request.
Costs and fees referred to in subparagraphs (1) and (2), above,
shall be assessed in accordance with a schedule established by administrative
order based on costs and if not paid as and, when due, shall be deemed
to be additional sewer rentals and charges and collected in the same
R. Slug Control Plan. Persons discharging industrial waste into a sewer
system shall provide and maintain at their own expense facilities
adequate, in the judgment of the control authority, to prevent accidental
discharge of prohibited and/or regulated substances and/or slug discharges
and to protect the sewage system from damages caused by such substances.
If the control authority decides that a slug control plan is needed,
the plan shall contain, at a minimum, the elements required in 40
CFR, Part 403.8(f)(2)(v).
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 5]
1. Unpolluted Water. The discharge of excessive amounts of unpolluted water or waste to a sanitary sewer is expressly prohibited. This provision shall not be interpreted as easing the exclusion of stormwater runoff and ground water by §
18-202 of this Part. These discharges of storm sewers will be permitted however, wherever the sewers are of adequate capacity. The Township reserves the right to define the amount it deems excessive in each particular instance.
2. Prohibited Characteristics. Without limiting the breadth of other
provisions of this Part, no person shall discharge to a sewer system
any sanitary sewage or industrial waste having any of the following
A. Wastes containing liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their
nature or quality may cause fire, explosions or be in any other way
injurious to persons, the structures of a sewer system or its operation.
B. Wastes having a temperature in excess of 150° F. or less than
32° F.
C. Wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any
corrosive properties capable of causing damage or hazards to personnel
or to structures or equipment which is a part of a sewer system. Where
the Township deems it advisable, it may require any person discharging
industrial waste to install and maintain at his own expense, in a
manner approved by the Township, a suitable device to continuously
measure and record the pH of the wastes so discharged.
D. Wastes containing any noxious or malodorous gas or substance which
either singly or by interaction with sewage or other wastes is, in
the opinion of the Township, likely to create a public nuisance or
hazard to life or prevent entry to sewage structures for their maintenance
and repair.
E. Wastes containing ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal,
glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, hair, chemical or paint
residues, greases, lime, slurry or viscous materials of such characters
or in quantity that, in the opinion of the Township, they may cause
an obstruction to the flow in the sewers or otherwise interfere with
the proper operation of a sewer system. Attention is called to the
fact that the maximum permissible concentration will vary throughout
a sewer system depending upon the size of the particular interceptor
sewer receiving the same and the flows therein.
F. Wastes containing garbage, provided the same is properly shredded
garbage. The installation or maintenance of garbage grinders or disposal
units in any occupied building connected with a sewer system is permitted.
G. Wastes containing insoluble, non-flocculent substances having a specific
gravity in excess of 2.65.
H. Wastes containing soluble substances in such concentrations as to
cause the specific gravity of the waste to be greater than 1.1.
I. Wastes containing any of the following substances in solution or
in suspension in concentrations exceeding those shown in the following
Maximum Daily Limit
Chromium (Cr+3 + Cr+6)
Chromium (Cr+6)(Hexavalent)
Copper as CU
Cyanides (CN~) (Free)
Iron as Fe
Lead as Pb
Mercury as Hg
Nickel as Ni
Phenolic Compounds as C5H60H
Zinc as Zn
Maximum Average Monthly Limit
Chromium (Cr+3 + Cr+6)
Chromium (Cr+6) (Hexavalent)
Copper as Cu
Cyanides (CN~) (Free)
Iron as Fe
Lead as Pb
Mercury as Hg
Nickel as Ni
Phenolic Compounds, as C5H60H
Zinc as Zn
K. Wastes containing more than 100 milligrams per liter by weight of
fat, oil or grease.
L. Wastes containing more than 10 milligrams per liter of any of the
following gases: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide,
or any of the halogens.
M. Wastes containing gases or vapors, either free or occluded, in concentrations
toxic or dangerous to human beings or animals.
N. Wastes containing toxic substances in quantities sufficient to interfere
with the biochemical processes of the sewage treatment works or that
will pass through the treatment process and still exceed the State
and Federal requirements for the receiving stream.
O. Wastes containing toxic radioactive isotopes without a special permit.
3. Charges are imposed upon and shall be collected from the owner of
each property which shall be connected with a sewer system from which
there shall be discharged, directly or indirectly, into a sewer system
a substance or a quantity of a substance in violation of the provisions
of this Part, and upon a person who shall discharge into a sewer system
a substance or a quantity of a substance in violation of this Part
if different from the owner and whether or not the unlawful discharge
shall emanate from an occupied building. The charge shall be in the
amount of the cost, expense, loss or damage to the sewer system or
the Township as a result, directly or indirectly, of the discharge
including, by way of example and not limitation, physical damage to
a sewer system or any component part, the cost of labor, equipment
rental and materials used in the repair or replacement of the damaged
components or in correcting the results of the discharge, fines or
penalties imposed upon the Township or its agents, officers and employees,
damages to third parties, and costs incident to litigation, civil
or criminal, or the preparation, defense or settlement of the litigation.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 6]
1. Although the treatment plant will be capable of treating certain
abnormal industrial waste, the actual treatment of such wastes may
increase the cost of operating and maintaining a sewer system. Therefore,
there will be imposed upon each person discharging such industrial
waste into a sewer system a surcharge or surcharges which are intended
to cover such additional cost. Such surcharges shall be in addition
to the volume sewer rental owed to the Township pursuant to Section
III-C of the Shrewsbury Township Sewer Rental Resolution and shall
be collected as additional sewer rental in a manner as provided in
that Resolution.
2. The strength of any industrial waste, the discharge of which is to
be subject to surcharge, shall be determined quarterly, or more frequently
as the Township shall determine, from samples taken either at the
manhole or metering chamber referred to in § 18-204.4 hereof,
or at any other sampling point mutually agreed upon by the Township
and the producer of such waste, the frequency and duration of the
sampling period shall be such as, in the opinion of the Township,
will permit a reasonably reliable determination of that average composition
of such waste, exclusive of stormwater runoff. Samples shall be collected
or their collection supervised by a representative of the Township
and shall be in proportion to the flow of waste, exclusive of stormwater
runoff, and composited for analysis in accordance with the latest
edition of "Standard Methods of the Examination of Water and Wastewater,"
as cited above. Except as hereinafter provided, the strength of the
waste so found by analysis shall be used for establishing the surcharge
or surcharges. However, the Township may, if it so elects, accept
the results of routine sampling and analyses by the producer of such
wastes in lieu of making its own samplings and analyses.
3. In the event any industrial waste is found by the Township to have
a BOD in excess of 300 milligrams per liter and/or a Suspended Solids
concentration in excess of 350 milligrams per liter, the producer
of said waste shall pay a strength of waste surcharge, which surcharge
shall be computed by using the following formula:
Where the concentration of the waste is less than 300 milligrams
per liter for BOD or 300 milligrams per liter for suspended solids,
the values in parentheses for BOD and/or suspended solids, as applicable,
shall be equal to one. The amount of the strength of waste surcharge
shall be computed by multiplying the sewer rentals owed to the Township
as established by Section IIIC of the Shrewsbury Township Sewer Rental
Resolution by the surcharge factor derived from the above formula.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 7]
It shall be a violation of this Part for any person to permit
there to be discharged from an improved property to a sewer system
more than 350 gallons of sewage per day for each EDU which has been
assigned to such improved property by Township. In the event there
is found to be an excessive discharge in violation of this Part:
A. The owner of such improved property shall pay to Township a volume
surcharge of $1 for each gallon or part thereof of excess discharge.
(If discharge was determined to have been 400 gallons during one day,
the volume surcharge would be $50. Such surcharge shall be in addition
to the volume sewer rental owed to Township pursuant to Section IIIC
of the Shrewsbury Township Sewer Rental Resolution and shall be collected
as additional sewer rental in the manner as provided in that Resolution.
B. The owner of the improved property shall within 30 days:
Cause sufficient reduction in usage so that there is no further
Purchase sufficient additional EDU's of capacity so that there
is no further violation.
C. For purposes of this Section the reading of a meter installed for
the purpose of measuring water usage shall be conclusively presumed
to measure sewage usage.
D. It shall be a further violation of this Part for any owner of an
improved property to permit any meter to be tampered with, to freeze
or to otherwise permit any action which prevents the meter from accurately
measuring water used. Each day that the meter is not accurately functioning
shall constitute a separate violation. For purposes of payment of
sewage rental as well as any surcharge balance of excess volume, the
Township shall estimate the volume of sewage use during any period
when a meter is inoperable based on past usage and any apparent additional
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 8]
Sewer charges imposed by this Part shall be payable quarterly
and shall be added to the bills rendered pursuant to the Shrewsbury
Township Sewer Rental Resolution.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 9]
Sewer charges imposed by this Part, together with penalties
and interest shall be a lien on each improved property whose owners
are obligated to pay such charges and any such charges which are not
paid within 30 days after each quarterly billing date, at the discretion
of the Township, shall be filed as a lien against the aforesaid improved
property, which lien shall be filed in the office of the Prothonotary
of York County, Pennsylvania, and shall be collected in the manner
provided by law for the filing and collecting of municipal claims.
In addition, the payment of said charges imposed hereunder may be
enforced by the Township in any manner appropriate under existing
laws at the time they become due and payable. In addition, to the
aforesaid charges, the owner of every improved property shall be liable
for attorney fees on behalf of Shrewsbury Township in the collection
or enforcement of any delinquent account at the rates that may be
established by the Township pursuant to Act 1 of 1996.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 10]
The Township shall have the right of access at reasonable times
to any part of any improved property or the property on which an improved
property served by a sewer system is located as shall be required
for purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and
testing and for performance of other functions relating to service
rendered by the Township through a sewer a system.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 11]
The owner of each improved property connected to the sewer system
shall be responsible for all acts of tenants or other occupants of
such improved property insofar as such acts shall be governed by provisions
of this Part.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 12]
The Township reserves the right to adopt, from time to time,
such additional rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary and
proper in connection with use and operation of the sewer system, as
well as such rules and regulations as may be required to effectuate
the conditions and obligations imposed upon the Shrewsbury Township
Sewer Authority by virtue of a certain agreement with Shrewsbury Borough
and Shrewsbury Borough Municipal Authority dated February 8, 1995,
which conditions and obligations have been assigned to and assumed
by Shrewsbury Township and are incorporated herein by reference, and
all of which rules, regulations, conditions and obligations shall
become and shall be construed as part of this Part.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 13; as amended by Ord.
2008-02, 8/6/2008]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision
of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before
a magisterial district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement
of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure,
shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs
and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment
not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues
or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated
shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 14]
1. Emergency Suspension of Service. The Township may suspend sewage
treatment service to any person or property when it appears to the
Township that an actual or threatened discharge presents or may present
an imminent and substantial danger to the health or welfare of persons
or to the environment, interferes or may interfere with the operation
of a treatment plant, or its processes, damages or may damage structures
of a sewer system, violates or may violate provisions of this Part,
or of an industrial waste permit, or results or may result in a violation
of the NPDES permit whereby effluent is discharged into the Codorus
Creek. In addition to self-help remedies, the Township may institute
legal proceedings to compel compliance with any order suspending service
it may issue.
2. Termination of Treatment Service. The Township may disconnect all
connecting pipe lines whereby sewage is conveyed from the property
to a sewer system if:
A. Factually correct reports of the volume and characteristics and constituents
of the wastewater discharged into a sewer system from the property
are not filed as and when due.
B. Significant changes in the volume, characteristics or constituents
are not reported in a timely fashion.
C. Access to the portions of the property where the processes which
produce the effluent discharged into a sewer system take place, or
materials used in said processes are stored, or waste that is not
to be discharged into a sewer system is stored, or the discharge takes
place, or to a monitoring manhole are not made available to Township's
representatives upon request or if records are not made available
to the Township's representatives upon request.
D. Violations of the provisions of this Part, or of any suspension order,
or of the provisions of any industrial waste permit, occur with regard
to said property or the effluent discharged into a sewer system.
3. Notice; Administrative Adjustment; Hearing.
A. Notice. Whenever the Township finds that grounds exist for a termination
of sewer service pursuant to Subsection .2, above, it shall serve
written notice stating, inter alia, the address/description of the
property to which service is to be terminated, a statement of the
facts that provide the ground for termination, a citation to the provision
of a permit, regulation, ordinance, or law that is being violated
or not complied with by the facts, and of the opportunity for an administrative
adjustment as set forth in the immediately following paragraph .B.
Notices shall be served by personal service, or by certified mail,
return receipt requested, restricted delivery, addressed to the owner
of the property and the permittee's designated representative, all
as indicated on the Township's records, and, unless not accessible,
shall be posted on the outside wall of the property at a location
as close as practical to the entrance thereof.
B. Administrative Adjustment. Within 20 days the service of the notice,
the persons to whom such notices are addressed shall respond, in writing,
to the Township, advising of their position with respect to the allegations.
Thereafter, the parties shall meet to ascertain the veracity of the
allegations and where agreed to be true, establish a plan, including
a time schedule based on the severity of the violation, for the correction
C. Show Cause Hearing. Where the grounds for termination of sewer service
are not corrected in a timely fashion pursuant to administrative adjustment
pursuant to Subsection .2, above, the Township may order the permittee
or other property owner to show cause why service should not be terminated.
Written notice of such order shall be served in the same manner as
the notice as set forth in Subsection. 1, above, setting forth the
time and place of a hearing thereon to be held by the Township Board
of Supervisors (which, except in case of emergency, shall be at least
seven days following the estimated date of receipt of the notice by
the person(s) to whom it is addressed), together with a statement
of the facts that provide the ground for suspension, a citation to
the provision of the permit, regulation, ordinance, or law that is
being violated or not complied with by the facts. Upon the completion
of the hearing, the Township shall make appropriate findings of fact
and conclusions, and enter an appropriate order, which may include,
by way of example and not limitation, the revocation of any industrial
waste discharge permit and the termination of sewage treatment service
and water service to the property and the disconnection of the pipe
lines whereby sewage is conveyed from the property to a sewer system,
or water is served to the property by the Shrewsbury Borough's water
system. The hearing shall be pursuant to the Local Agency Law.
4. Non-Exclusive Nature of Proceedings.
A. The provisions of Subsection .3, above, shall not be exclusive, but
shall be concurrent and supplemental to any and all other remedies
and proceedings at law or in equity provided herein or by other applicable
B. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the Township may, without the proceedings set forth in Subsection .3, above, disconnect all connecting pipe lines whereby sewage is conveyed from the property to a sewer system, if a party entitled to notice under Subsection .3.A, above, shall have been convicted of a violation as referred to in §
5. Restoration of Service. In the event that sewage treatment service
is suspended or terminated, it shall not be restored until:
A. Payment of Amounts Due Township. The payment to the Township of all
amounts due the Township hereunder including, but not limited to,
the cost, expense, loss or damage to a sewer system, including by
way of example and not limitation, physical damage, the cost of labor,
equipment rental and materials used in the repair or replacement of
damaged components or in correcting the results of the discharge,
fines or penalties imposed by the Township, its agents, officers and
employees, damages to third persons and costs incident to litigation,
civil or criminal, threatened or actually instituted, and the costs
of preparation, defense, or settlement thereof, all fines or penalties
imposed on the person violating this Part or a provision of an industrial
waste permit, as well as any disconnection or reconnection fees.
B. Protection Against Recurrance. Provisions are made that, in the sole
discretion of the Township, shall protect against a recurrence of
the violation, which may include but not be limited to the alteration
of the plumbing facilities of the property from or through which matter
may be discharged, directly or indirectly, into a sewer system shall
meet all of the requirements:
Separate connecting sewers for the discharge into a sewer system
of, on the one hand, sanitary sewage, and of industrial waste, on
the other hand, shall have been installed. Such connecting sewer and
the equipment and facilities which produce or are capable of producing
industrial waste shall be designed and constructed so that it is not
possible for industrial waste to be discharged directly into a sewer
system other than through the connecting sewer for the discharge of
industrial waste.
A manhole or monitoring chamber equipped with metering and sampling
devices, and if deemed necessary or desirable by the Township, recording
and transmitting devices, shall be provided on the connecting sewers
in order to facilitate the observation, sampling and measurement of
flow from the premises.
A holding tank or tanks shall be installed on the industrial
waste connecting sewer, into which tank(s) all industrial waste must
be discharged, held, sampled, tested and found by the Township to
comply with the provisions of this Part before discharge into a sewer
system. Such holding tank(s) shall be equipped with a mechanical mixing
apparatus capable of dispersing dissolved or suspended material evenly
throughout; all orifices shall be equipped with locking valves or
devices, all keys to which shall be kept in the possession, or under
the control of the Township; and there shall be an orifice which shall
be connected to the piping to the treatment unit in order to permit
the return of the contents of the holding tank which are not found
to comply with the provisions of this Part, or of the industrial waste
discharge permit, as well as an orifice which is so located as to
permit the discharge of the contents of the tank into vehicles of
licensed haulers of the type of waste involved. Such tank(s) shall
be of such capacity as the owner may decide upon consideration, inter
alia, of the frequency with which the Township agents will be available
to open and close the orifices and the time consumed by the laboratory
in taking and testing samples and the rendition of reports to the
The plans and specifications referred to above must be approved
by the Township as meeting the foregoing requirements.
The owner shall have entered into an agreement with the Township,
in such form as Township may prescribe, establishing the procedures
for assuring that all provisions of this Part and of the industrial
waste discharge permit shall be complied with, which shall include
but not be limited to:
The selection of an independent laboratory by the owner or permittee
from among those on a list specified by the Township, which, upon
the request of the owner or permittee shall unlock the intake orifice
of the holding tank, take samples of the contents while suspended
or dissolved material is evenly dispersed throughout following or
during the operation of the mixing apparatus, test the samples for
compliance with the provisions of this Part and the industrial waste
discharge permit and render a written report to the Township.
The unlocking of the discharge orifice by the Township employees
following receipt of the report of the independent laboratory certifying
the results of the samples of the contents of the tank which indicate
that the contents comply with the provisions of this Part, and the
locking of such orifice and the unlocking if the intake orifice following
the advice of the owner or permittee that the discharge of the contents
of the tank into a sewer system has been completed.
The payment of all costs incurred by the Township in connection
with the discharges, including by way of example and not limitation,
salary of Township Employees and the charges of the Township Engineer
and Township Solicitor.
Access by agents and employees of the Township at all times
for the purposes of inspection to insure that the provisions of this
Part and any industrial waste discharge permit are being met.
Submission to the Township of periodic reports by the owner
or permittee describing the operations which produce or are capable
of producing industrial waste, including but not limited to the volume
and manner of disposition of sludge and other by-products resulting
from their pretreatment processes, at such frequency as may be prescribed
by the Township.
The owner shall have posted a performance bond, with the Township
as obligee and with corporate surety or such other security as may
be approved by the Township, assuring the availability of the proceeds,
the condition of which bond shall be that there shall be no further
violations of this Part, or of the provisions of the industrial waste
discharge permit, and that the agreement referred to in subparagraph
(5), above, shall be carried out in a timely fashion, within the period
set forth in the bond; such bond to be in the amount as the Township,
in its sole discretion, shall seem to be adequate to secure the obligations
of the agreement referred to in subparagraph (5), above.
[Ord. 96-17, 8/7/1996, § 16]
This Part shall be known as the "Shrewsbury Township Waste Discharge