[Adopted 4-21-2022 by L.L. No. 1-2022[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Art. III, Parking Prohibitions and Restrictions, adopted 11-21-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013.
Whenever used in this article, unless otherwise expressly stated or unless the context or subject matter requires a different meaning, the words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by Article I of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
The parking, stopping or standing of motor vehicles shall be prohibited at all times on the following public roadways in the locations designated:
George Young Boulevard
From the intersection with Route 209 To the terminus of said George Young Boulevard
Sam's Point Road
Intersection with Laurel Mountain Road to entrance of Sam's Point Road at Minnewaska State Park
Laurel Mountain Road
Entire length
Shaft 2A Road
Entire length
Except where motor vehicles are parked within marked public parking spaces or designated parking areas or are parked, stopped or standing at the direction of a police officer.
Every person convicted of violating any provision of this article shall be guilty of a traffic infraction and shall for a first conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than $50; for a second or subsequent conviction within 18 months thereafter, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.
The Highway Superintendent, the Code Enforcement Officer, the New York State Police, the Ulster County Sheriff's Department, the Department of Environmental Conservation or the Department of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation and their agents, officers or designees are hereby authorized to issue an appearance ticket and/or, in their discretion, to arrange for the removal of any motor vehicle parked or abandoned in any location described in § 104-21. All expenses attendant to that removal shall be borne solely by the owner or owners of such motor vehicle.
After removal of any motor vehicle as provided in § 104-23 above, such motor vehicle so removed shall be stored in a suitable place at the expense of the owner. The owner or person in charge of such motor vehicle may redeem the impounded motor vehicle upon payment to the Town Clerk the amount of all expenses actually and necessarily incurred in effecting such removal, together with the storage charges. The Town of Wawarsing shall not be liable for damage or loss of property as a result of the removal or storage of such motor vehicle.