The fiscal year of the Town shall begin on the first day of July and end on the 30th day of June.
Not later than the first day of February each department, office, board, commission and agency of the Town, excluding the Board of Education, shall submit to the Manager in such form as he may prescribe its estimates of receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. Each such department, office, board, commission and agency shall be entitled to an opportunity to be heard by the Manager in respect to these estimates.
The Board of Education shall furnish to the Manager, by the 15th day of February, a budget for the operation of the schools containing a detailed estimate of expenditures deemed by said Board to be necessary for the proper conduct of the public schools, in the manner and form designated by the Manager.
No later than the second Monday in March the Manager shall present to the Town Council a budget consisting of: (a) a budget message outlining the financial policy of the Town and describing in connection therewith the important features of the budget plan; (b) estimates of revenue, presenting in parallel columns the itemized receipts collected in the last completed fiscal year, the receipts collected during the current fiscal year prior to the time of preparing the estimates, total receipts estimated to be collected during the current fiscal year and estimates of the receipts, other than from the property tax, to be collected in the ensuing fiscal year; (c) itemized estimates of expenditures, presenting in parallel columns the actual expenditures for each department, office, agency or activity for the last completed fiscal year and for the current fiscal year prior to the time of preparing the estimates, total expenditures as estimated for the current fiscal year, the requests of the several departments, offices and agencies for the ensuing fiscal year and the Manager's recommendations of the amount to be appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year for all items, and such other information as may be required by the Town Council. The Manager shall present reasons for all recommendations. The Superintendent of Schools shall have the same duties as the Manager and follow the same form and procedure with respect to the budget of the Board of Education as provided in this chapter for departmental estimates; (d) as part of the annual budget or as a separate report attached thereto the Manager shall present a program, previously considered and acted upon by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with §  8-24 of the General Statutes, concerning municipal improvements, of proposed capital projects for the ensuing fiscal year and for the four fiscal years thereafter. Estimates of the cost of such projects shall be submitted by each department, office or agency annually in the form and manner prescribed by the Manager. The Manager shall recommend to the Town Council those projects to be undertaken during the ensuing fiscal year and the method of financing the same.
The Town Council shall hold one or more public hearings not later than 30 days before the annual budget meeting at which any elector or taxpayer may have an opportunity to be heard regarding appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year. Following the receipt of the estimates from the Manager and the Chairperson of the Board of Education and the holding of such public hearing or hearings, the Town Council shall prepare a budget and shall render the same to the annual budget meeting of the Town. The Town Council shall hold at least one or more public hearings not sooner than 20 days and not later than 25 days prior to the annual budget meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to have the Chairperson of the Town Council and the Chairperson of the Board of Education communicate to the public what changes were made to the Town Manager's and the Board of Education's proposed budgets. After presentation by the Chairpersons of the changes to the proposed budgets, the hearing shall be open for public comment on the budget. Sufficient copies of said annual budget shall be made available for general distribution in the office of the Town Clerk and the Manager, not less than five days prior to said public hearing. Sufficient copies of the annual budget as revised after said public hearing shall be made available for general distribution in the office of the Town Clerk and the Manager not less than five days prior to the annual budget meeting. Further, not less than five days prior to the annual budget meeting, the Town Council shall cause to be published in a newspaper having a circulation in the Town a summary of the budget as revised after the public hearing, showing revenues by major sources and proposed expenditures by function or department in the columnar form, and shall also show the amount to be raised by taxation. The budget shall become effective when approved by the annual budget meeting as provided in this Charter and an official copy shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Within 30 days after the annual budget meeting the Town Council shall fix the tax rate in mills which shall be levied on the taxable property in the Town for the ensuing fiscal year. Upon the approval of the Town Meeting the Town Council may levy annually, at the same time as the regular annual taxes for Town expenses are levied, a tax not to exceed two mills to be assessed upon the taxable property in the Town for the benefit of a fund to be known as the "Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditures Fund" to be used solely to pay the cost of capital improvements. The Town Council shall have the power to transfer from time to time to this fund any portion of the general fund cash surplus not otherwise appropriated. With the exception of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund, appropriations for construction or for other permanent improvements, from whatever source derived, shall not lapse until the purpose for which the appropriation was made shall have been accomplished or abandoned, provided that any project shall be deemed to have been abandoned if three fiscal years shall elapse without any expenditure from or encumbrance of the appropriation.
There shall be a Town Meeting solely for the purpose of voting on the budget on the last Tuesday of April at such polling places as the Council shall determine. Voting at the Town Meeting shall commence at 6:00 a.m. and cease at 8:00 p.m. There shall be a separate vote on the Town budget and the Board of Education budget. Voting shall be by way of a "Yes" or "No" vote on voting machines, as that term is defined by the state statutes, with the voting machine ballot labels provided by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk and such assistants shall conduct and moderate the vote. The Town budget and the Board of Education budget shall be adopted separately by a majority vote of those attending and entitled to vote.
The people shall vote only to adopt the budget(s) as presented. Each budget vote shall include an advisory question relative to the budget as presented.
The adoption of the budgets shall be deemed to constitute the appropriation to each department or when so indicated in the budgets a major subdivision thereof and to each office, board, commission and agency separately listed in the budgets of the sum estimated in the budgets to be expended by each such unit respectively.
Should the Town Meeting fail to adopt a budget at the first meeting called on the last Tuesday in April, the Town Council in conjunction with the Manager shall revise the rejected budgets in accordance with the majority results from the advisory question. A second Town Meeting to adopt the revised budgets shall be called on the second Tuesday in May for final approval.
Should the Town Meeting fail to adopt one or both budgets after the second meeting, the Town Council in conjunction with the Manager shall revise the rejected budget in accordance with the majority results from the advisory question, which shall be deemed finally adopted by the Town Meeting and expenditures shall be made in accordance therewith. The Council may conduct such public hearings and/or informational meetings, as it may deem necessary.
Pursuant to Section 7-6 of the General Statutes, as amended, the following individuals are eligible to vote in any Town Meeting: any person who is an elector of the Town of Plainville and any United States citizen who is at least 18 years of age who, jointly or severally, is liable to the Town of Plainville for taxes assessed against him or her on an assessment of $1,000 or more on the last completed grand list of the Town of Plainville, or who would be so liable if not entitled to an exemption as outlined in Section 7-6 of the General Statutes.
The Town Council may transfer the whole or any part of the unencumbered balance of any appropriation, except the appropriation to the Board of Education, to any other purpose for which the Town Council may legally appropriate money provided that such a transfer may be made from budget appropriations only in the last three months of the fiscal year and that there shall be attached to the ordinance making the transfer the certificate of the Manager that such transfer is necessary with the reasons therefor.
No money shall be expended or obligation for such expenditure incurred by any department, office, board, commission or agency of the Town except in accordance with an appropriation by the Town Council. No contract, work order, purchase order or other authorization to spend money by any department, office, board, commission or agency, except the Board of Education, shall be valid until there has been attached thereto the certificate of the Director of Finance that there is an unexpended and unencumbered balance of an appropriation applicable thereto sufficient to meet the estimated cost thereof, provided that the Board of Education shall set up its own system of budgetary control. It shall further be the duty of the Director of Finance after signing such certificate to immediately encumber the appropriation in question with such estimated cost.
With the exception of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund, appropriations shall lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which they were made and any balance shall be credited to the general fund, provided that an appropriation for a capital outlay shall not lapse until the object for which the appropriation was made has been accomplished or no expenditure from or encumbrance of the appropriation has been made for three consecutive fiscal years.
All supplies, materials and equipment required by all departments, offices, boards, commissions and agencies of the Town, hereafter referred to in this chapter as "buying units," except in respect to items or services that are peculiar to the Board of Education or Library Board, shall be purchased by the Purchasing Agent who until the Town Council shall otherwise determine by ordinance shall be the Manager. All purchases shall be made on requisitions describing the kind and quantity of goods or services required, provided that it shall be the duty of the Purchasing Agent at the beginning of each fiscal year to request requisitions and of all buying units to prepare and deliver to the Purchasing Agent such requisitions covering their normal requirements for the year so that wholesale purchases may be made on behalf of the Town. No requisition shall be honored unless it bears the certificate provided for in Section 8 of this chapter.
Purchases and contracts for services, including contracts for the construction of public works, shall be made under such rules and regulations as may be established by ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 106, Purchasing.
[Amended 11-7-2023]
No payroll, bill or other claim against the Town, including those of the Board of Education, shall be paid until the same has been audited for the correctness and legality by the Director of Finance, and all payments shall be made by check drawn on a Town bank account, signed by the Director of Finance and countersigned by the Town Treasurer as provided in Chapter III, Section 1, of this Charter. All payrolls, bills or other claims against the Board of Education shall be audited as such Board may provide. To avoid unnecessary delay in the transaction of Town business the Director of Finance and Town Treasurer may each designate a deputy, covered by a surety bond, who may affix their respective signatures to certificates, payrolls, bills, claims and checks.
All fees collected by Town officers and employees of the Town in their official capacities shall be paid into the Town treasury, provided that this shall not apply to subpoena fees.
The Town shall purchase fidelity and/or surety bonds, in amounts deemed appropriate, for the faithful performance of the duties of the Town officials and employees. These officials and employees shall include, but not be limited to, the Town Manager, Director of Finance, Treasurer, Revenue Collector(s), Town Clerk(s) and Constables. Such bonding review and filing of bonds shall be the responsibility of the Insurance Commission. The Insurance Commission shall annually notify the Town Council and Town Manager of the positions and amounts bonded and shall consider any recommendations which the Town Council may wish to submit.
Any person who makes or causes to be made any payment from Town monies in violation of the provisions of this chapter or who receives such a payment shall be jointly and separately liable to the Town for the full amount of such payment. Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter by any officer or employee of the Town shall be ground for his removal.
The Town Council shall designate annually an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants to audit the books and accounts of the Town, including the Board of Education, as provided in the General Statutes.