[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Prepreliminary plat. A proprietor may submit a prepreliminary plat to the Township for the proprietor's information and review. Comments made regarding the prepreliminary plat shall not be binding on the Township or the proprietor.
Preapplication review meeting. Prior to submitting a tentative preliminary plat, the proprietor may request the Ingham County Plat Board to schedule a preapplication review meeting to receive comments from the Township and other reviewing agencies on the concept plan for the tentative preliminary plat.
Tentative preliminary plat. The proprietor shall submit the tentative preliminary plat and other data to the Township Clerk. Following a public hearing and recommendation from the Planning Commission, the Township Board may tentatively approve, approve with conditions, or deny the tentative preliminary plat.
Final preliminary plat. After receiving all necessary approvals by the other approving authorities, the proprietor shall submit the final preliminary plat to the Township Clerk. The Township Board shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the final preliminary plat.
Final plat. The proprietor shall submit the final plat to the Township Clerk. The Township Board shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the final plat.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Deadlines for the Township to take action on a preliminary or final plat, as specified in the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended) and in this chapter, may be extended by written consent of the proprietor.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Prior to submitting an application for plat approval, the proprietor may request a conference with Township staff to achieve an understanding of land division rules and procedures.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Purpose. A proprietor may submit a prepreliminary plat for information and review. The purpose for submitting a prepreliminary plat are as follows:
To determine if the land is appropriately zoned.
To acquaint the Planning Commission and Township staff with the proposed plat.
To inform the proprietor of the platting procedures.
To inform the proprietor of applicable Township ordinances and regulations related to the subdividing and improvement of land, including the land division ordinance, Code of Ordinances, and engineering design and construction standards.
To inform the proprietor of the general requirements for the layout of streets, street improvements, and relationship of subdivision streets to the overall Township street network.
To inform the proprietor of the general requirements and the availability of public facilities and services, including water, storm drainage, sewerage, fire and police protection, recreation, and schools.
To evaluate the impact of the intermediate regional floodplain and wetlands on the use of land and design of the plat.
To identify woodlands, commons, watercourses, and other natural features and priority conservation corridors.
To inform the proprietor about development options which would achieve the planning goals of the Township while satisfying the proprietor's objectives.
To provide the proprietor with any other information to aid in the preparation of the preliminary plat.
Submittal requirements. A minimum of two copies of the prepreliminary plat with a completed application shall be submitted to the Department of Community Planning and Development. The prepreliminary plat shall illustrate in schematic form the proposed subdivision layout. Additional prepreliminary plats illustrating alternative subdivision layout(s) may also be submitted. The following information should be provided:
A legal description of the property proposed for the subdivision.
A vicinity map showing the general relationship of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area.
Existing conditions and characteristics of the site and adjacent land, including:
Approximate boundaries of woodlands, wetlands, the intermediate regional floodplain, and watercourses.
The approximate location and intended future use of existing structures on the site.
Existing land use on surrounding properties.
Location of existing easements on the site.
Existing driveways on both sides of adjacent streets within 100 feet of the site.
The proposed layout of streets, blocks, lots, and outlots.
The approximate lot width and lot area of each lot.
The approximate location, dimensions, and area of all parcels of land proposed to be set aside for public or private commons, parks, and other land proposed within the subdivision.
Review procedures.
Review authority. Within 30 days of the date of filing a complete application, the Planning Commission shall at a regular meeting, review the prepreliminary plat with the proprietor, proprietor's agent, or consultant. The date of filing shall be considered the date on which the prepreliminary plat containing all the required data is received by the Township.
Comments. The Planning Commission shall take no formal action to approve or deny a prepreliminary plat, but may offer suggestions on the design which best meets the intent and requirements of this chapter, the Code of Ordinances, and the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended). Comments and suggestions made during the review of the prepreliminary plat shall not be binding on the Township or the proprietor.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006; Ord. No. 2008-12, 11-23-2008]
Submittal requirements. Ten copies of the tentative preliminary plat, sealed by the professional surveyor who prepared the plat, shall be submitted to the Township Clerk or their designee, along with a completed application and the fee authorized by the Township Board. The tentative preliminary plat shall be on paper which is not greater than 24 inches by 36 inches, and shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 200 feet to one inch. The tentative preliminary plat shall provide a scale, north arrow, date of original submittal, and the dates of any revisions. The sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one sheet is used.
The proprietor's interest in the property. The proprietor shall submit proof of ownership in the form of a title insurance policy or a title opinion prepared by an attorney licensed in Michigan. Such documentation or other legal opinion shall be required showing the legal and equitable owners (including mortgagees, contract purchasers, and fee owners) of the land to be platted, plus all grants, reservations, deed restrictions and easements of record which may condition the use of the property.
Required information. The tentative preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
Legal description of the property proposed for the subdivision.
A vicinity map showing the general relationship of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area and nearby community facilities, such as parks, schools, and shopping centers.
The boundary of the proposed subdivision with dimensions of the overall property and the location and dimensions of any easements.
Property lines of the land adjacent to the proposed subdivision and across abutting roads. The tentative preliminary plat shall identify the owners of all adjacent properties based on the most current assessment roll and the names of adjacent developments, including developments across abutting roads. The tentative preliminary plat should also identify the names of adjacent subdivisions.
A site analysis consisting of maps and written analysis which identify, describe and quantify the following features:
The boundary and character of existing woodlands, and other vegetation on the site shall be noted on the plat.
The boundaries and character of any water bodies, watercourses, wetlands (including the required setback from wetlands or other water features), and the location and elevation of the intermediate regional floodplain. Wetland boundaries shall be delineated by a qualified wetland professional in a format consistent with Chapter 22, Article IV of the Code of Ordinances. Mapped data shall be presented in a form which allows comparison to the Meridian Township Wetland Inventory.
Existing stormwater drainage patterns.
Soils (based on U.S. Soil Conservation Survey or soil borings).
Habitats of endangered, threatened and special concern species, if applicable (i.e., federal and state listed species).
Sight distance limitations along existing or proposed roads.
Topographic relief of the site and the land within 100 feet of the site at two-foot contour intervals, referenced to United States Geological Survey (USGS) elevation datum. Slopes greater than 8% shall be graphically highlighted on the plat.
If any streets are proposed as stub streets at or near the subdivision boundary which abuts vacant land, the general topography and features of the adjacent land shall be delineated. This information shall be used to determine if future street extensions are desirable.
Other unique features affecting the site.
Zoning classification of the proposed subdivision and all adjacent properties.
The tentative preliminary plat shall have a table which provides the following information for each lot: lot area (in square feet): lot width, and lot depth.
The buildable area shall be indicated on each lot, as well as the required setbacks from any wetland or water feature.
Name, location, and right-of-way width of any existing public roads, streets, highways, or railroads adjacent to or on the subdivision site or within 100 feet of the subdivision site. The number of lanes and the most current traffic volumes shall be noted for existing public streets, roads and highways.
Location and size of any existing public or private water lines, sanitary sewers, or storm sewers, drains, culverts, and other underground structures within the subdivision site or immediately adjacent to it.
Location of above or below ground utilities within the subdivision site or immediately adjacent to it, including but not limited to gas, electric, telephone, and cable television.
Location of existing permanent structures on and within 100 feet of the subdivision site. Structures to be removed shall be indicated on the plat.
A written statement specifying the intended use of the proposed plat, such as residential single-family, two-family, and multiple-family; commercial; or industrial.
A traffic assessment or a traffic impact study may be required as specified in Section 86-130.
[Amended 8-4-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-08]
If the proprietor chooses, temporary stakes may be located on site to enable Township officials to find and evaluate features of the tentative preliminary plat in the field.
Proposed improvements. The tentative preliminary plat shall contain the following information regarding proposed improvements:
Name of the proposed subdivision. The proposed name shall not duplicate the name of a previously recorded subdivision unless the proposed subdivision is an addition thereto.
Layout, right-of-way width, typical cross-section, and names of proposed public streets.
Sight distance plan and profile at each intersection of a proposed subdivision street with any existing public street.
The location, width, and construction material of any sidewalks or pedestrian/bicycle pathway.
The location, width, and purpose of any proposed easements.
The dimensions and area of all proposed lots or outlots. Lots shall be numbered consecutively and outlots shall be identified in alphabetical order.
The location, dimensions, and area of all parcels of land proposed to be set aside for public or private commons, parks, and other land proposed within subdivision. The conditions of any dedication or reservation shall be specified.
Where a proprietor proposes to subdivide land in phases, the tentative preliminary plat shall include a general layout for the entire development. The initial phase and the method of temporary construction and permanent access to subsequent phases shall be clearly identified.
A statement indicating whether street lighting is proposed for the subdivision.
Review procedures.
Initial review. Upon receipt of the tentative preliminary plat, the Department of Community Planning and Development shall check it for completeness. If all required information has been submitted, the Department of Community Planning and Development shall notify the Township Clerk. Should any of the required data specified in this chapter be omitted, the proprietor shall be notified of the additional data required and that the processing of the application will be delayed until the required data is received. The date of filing shall be considered the date on which a plat containing all required data is deemed complete by the Director of Community Planning and Development.
Placement on Planning Commission agenda. When the information is complete, the proposed tentative preliminary plat shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Planning Commission meeting, subject to noticing requirements for the hearing.
Public hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given at least 15 days prior to the hearing by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Township and notice by certified mail to each public utility company and to each railroad within the geographical sections or divisions of the Township affected by the proposed tentative preliminary plat. Not less than 15 days prior to the hearing, notice shall be sent by mail to the proprietor and to all owners of land within 300 feet of the boundaries of the proposed tentative preliminary plat at the address listed on the most recent assessment roll.
The proprietor or their designated representative shall place a notification sign(s) provided by the Township on the property, where the tentative preliminary plat is proposed at least 15 days prior to the hearing. The required notification sign(s) shall be placed in a visible location, along each road frontage adjacent to the property, outside of the road right-of-way.
Planning Commission review. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and review the tentative preliminary plat with respect to the requirements of this chapter, the Code of Ordinances, other applicable ordinances and standards.
Planning Commission action. Before action on a plat by the Township Board, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions or disapproval of the proposed tentative preliminary plat within 60 days after the tentative preliminary plat was filed with the Township. However, the Planning Commission's review period shall be limited to 30 days after the tentative preliminary plat was filed if a preapplication meeting has taken place.
Township Board review. Following receipt of the Planning Commission's action, the Township Board shall take action on the tentative preliminary plat within 90 days after the tentative preliminary plat was filed with the Township. The Township Board's review period shall be limited to 60 days after the tentative preliminary plat was filed with the Township if a preapplication review meeting has taken place.
Township Board action. The Township Board shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposed tentative preliminary plat. If approved, the approval shall be noted on a copy of the tentative preliminary plat to be returned to the proprietor. If denied, the Township Board shall give its reasons for the denial and the requirements for tentative approval to the proprietor.
Notification. The Township Clerk or their designee shall notify in writing the proprietor and other approving authorities, involved in the plat process of the approval or denial, and the reasons if the plat was denied.
Effect of approval.
Approval of the tentative preliminary plat by the Township Board shall confer upon the proprietor for a period of one year from the date of approval lot sizes, lot orientation, street layout, and application of the then current Township land division ordinance. The one-year period may be extended if applied for in writing by the proprietor prior to the expiration date and granted by the Township Board in writing. If the extension is granted, the Township Clerk or their designee shall notify the other approving authorities. In approving an extension, the Township Board may impose new standards (not necessarily related solely to lot size, lot orientation, and street layout) to ensure the plat remains substantially conforming to the previously approved tentative preliminary plat.
An approval of the tentative preliminary plat grants the proprietor no rights to begin installation or construction of improvements, including grading, tree removal, or land clearing.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Submittal requirements. Ten copies of the final preliminary plat, sealed by the engineer who prepared the plat, shall be submitted to the Township Clerk or their designee, along with the completed application and the fee authorized by the Township Board. These materials shall be submitted at least 10 days and no more than 15 days prior to the Township Board meeting where action is desired.
The final preliminary plat shall be on paper which is no greater than 24 inches by 36 inches, and shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 200 feet to one inch. The final preliminary plat shall provide a scale, north arrow, and date of original submittal and dates of any revisions. The sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one sheet is used.
Required information. The final preliminary plat submittal shall contain all of the information required for the tentative preliminary plat listed in Subsection 62-34(1)(b), plus the following information:
Preliminary engineering plans shall be provided as follows:
The preliminary engineering plans shall be submitted in sufficient detail to enable the Township Board, Director of Public Works and Engineering, and other reviewing authorities to make a preliminary determination that the proposed improvements comply with applicable regulations and standards of the Township and other agencies.
The preliminary engineering plans shall show the location and provide preliminary specifications for sewage disposal systems, water supply systems (including fire hydrants), stormwater drainage systems, site grading, street trees, street lighting, and sidewalks. Stormwater runoff calculations shall be provided to analyze the adequacy of proposed drainage facilities.
The preliminary engineering plans shall show connections to any existing or proposed gas, electric, telephone, cable television or other utility systems.
If the subdivision will not be served by sanitary sewers, the plans shall show the locations and results of all soil borings for individual septic systems or the design and engineering plans pertaining to a proposed cluster system, including approvals from the Ingham County Health Department if the system has a design capacity of less than 10,000 gallons per day or the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality if it has a design capacity of 10,000 gallons per day or more.
A detailed drawing to scale of any proposed entry features including specifications and location of boulevards, walls, signs, and lighting.
General information concerning the proposed construction operations plan, as described in Subsection 62-36(2)(b).
A landscape plan showing the location and type of street trees to be planted, as well as proposed landscaping in cul-de-sacs, at development entrances and required buffer areas.
The proprietor shall submit to the Township Clerk a list of all agencies to which the proprietor has sent copies of the tentative preliminary plat, certifying the list shows all authorities listed in this subsection. The proprietor shall also submit copies of the necessary approvals of all approving authorities as required by the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended) and this chapter, including:
Ingham County Road Commission (ICRC).
Ingham County Drain Commissioner (ICDC).
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), if any of the proposed subdivision includes or abuts a state trunk line highway, or includes streets or roads which connect with or lie within the right-of-way of state trunkline highways.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), if the land proposed to be subdivided abuts a lake or stream, or abuts an existing or proposed channel or lagoon affording access to a lake or stream where public rights may be affected, or lies wholly or in part within a floodplain of a river, stream, creek or lake.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) if a cluster system is proposed which has a design capacity of 10,000 gallons per day or more.
Ingham County Health Department (ICHD), if public water or sanitary sewers are not available and accessible to the land proposed to be subdivided or if a cluster system is proposed which has a design capacity of less than 10,000 gallons per day.
The Natural Resource Conservation Service for review of soil limitations if public sanitary sewer and water are not available to the subdivision.
The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for verification the proposed street names do not duplicate or conflict with existing street names.
The plat shall also be submitted for informational purposes to the county plat board, utilities serving the area, and the school board(s) of the school district(s) serving the area.
Review procedures.
Initial review. Upon receipt of the final preliminary plat, the Department of Community Planning and Development shall check it for completeness. If all required information has been submitted, the Department of Community Planning and Development shall notify the Township Clerk. Should any of the required data specified in this chapter be omitted, the proprietor shall be notified of the additional data required and the processing of the final preliminary plat will be delayed until the required data is received. The date of filing shall be considered the date on which all required data is received by the Township.
Placement on Township Board agenda. When all required information is submitted, the proposed final preliminary plat shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Township Board meeting or within 20 days of the date of filing.
Review deadline. The Township Board shall take action on the final preliminary plat within 20 days of the date of filing the plat with the Township Clerk.
Township Board action. The Township Board shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposed final preliminary plat. If approved, the approval shall be noted on a copy of the final preliminary plat to be returned to the proprietor. If denied, the Township Board shall give its reasons for the denial and the requirements for final approval to the proprietor.
Notification. The Township Clerk or their designee shall notify in writing the proprietor and other approving authorities, involved in the plat process of the approval or denial, and the reasons if the plat was denied.
Effect of approval.
Approval of the final preliminary plat by the Township Board shall confer upon the proprietor for a period of two years from the date of approval, the conditional right that the general terms and conditions under which final preliminary plat approval was granted will not be changed. The two-year period may be extended if applied for in writing by the proprietor prior to the expiration date and granted by the Township Board in writing. If the extension is granted, the Township Clerk or their designee shall notify the other approving authorities. In approving an extension, the Township Board may impose new standards to ensure the plat remains substantially conforming to the previously approved final preliminary plat.
An approval of the final preliminary plat grants the proprietor no rights to begin installation or construction of improvements, including grading, tree removal, or land clearing.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Condition of final plat approval. Before the final plat is approved by the Township, the proprietor shall be required to complete all of the following improvements. If the proprietor does form or cause to be formed a special district or districts to finance or construct required improvements, such action does not release the proprietor from their obligations to complete such improvements. Where applicable, the proprietor shall dedicate these improvements to the Township or other applicable governmental unit, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances on the dedicated property and public improvements. These improvements shall be completed in accordance with the approved final preliminary plat, the approvals of other authorities, the regulations in this chapter and the requirements of other applicable ordinances, laws and regulations, and shall be subject to inspection by the Department of Community Planning and Development, the Department of Public Works and Engineering, and other authorities having jurisdiction over such improvements. Required improvements include, where applicable:
Monuments. Monuments shall be set in accordance with the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended), and the rules of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth. If any monument or lot marker is removed during construction the responsible party shall secure the services of a professional surveyor to replace the monument or lot marker.
Streets (including curb and gutter, where applicable).
Utility lines, including gas, electric, telephone, and cable television.
Storm drainage.
Water system.
Sanitary sewer system.
Sidewalks, pedestrian/bicycle pathways, and crosswalks.
Street trees or other required landscaping.
Construction plans and specifications. No installation or construction of any improvements shall be made until engineering plans and specifications have been approved by the Director of Public Works and Engineering and any other authorities which have jurisdiction over the improvements. Where a plat is located in more than one municipality, no permits for construction shall be issued until verification has been received the final preliminary plat has been approved by the municipalities.
Required plans. Plans and specifications shall be submitted for all proposed improvements including, where applicable: public water, public sanitary sewers, public storm sewers, cluster systems, sidewalks, pathways, soil erosion and sedimentation control measures, site grading; roads, and street lighting. Plans depicting landscaping and signs shall be submitted to the Department of Community Planning and Development for review.
A copy of all plans prepared on AutoCAD (most recent version) shall also be provided to the Department of Public Works and Engineering on diskette or CD as well as hardcopy.
Construction operations plan. The proprietor shall also submit a construction operations plan to both the Department of Community Planning and Development and the Department of Public Works and Engineering for review and approval, which shall include the following information:
The routes to be used by all construction traffic during the installation of infrastructure. Construction traffic shall be routed to minimize impact on existing residential development, to the extent feasible.
The methods and frequency of dust control (including dust, dirt, and other material deposited or tracked onto public streets).
Methods to protect adjacent property, including but not limited to wetlands, other natural features, and residential developments, from construction impacts (e.g., temporary screen walls, fencing, landscaped buffer, silt fencing, and other appropriate actions).
A construction timetable listing the days of the week when construction will occur, and the maximum daily starting and ending times for construction.
Continuing maintenance. Methods established to control impacts from construction in accordance with an approved construction operations plan shall be maintained on a continuing basis for the duration of the construction project.
Review by other authorities. It shall be the responsibility of the proprietor to obtain approval of construction plans and specifications for public improvements which are under the jurisdiction of other authorities. Evidence of all approvals required from other authorities shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works and Engineering prior to issuance of any permits for construction.
Grading permit. No grading shall occur on the site until the final grading plan has been approved by the Department of Public Works and Engineering and a grading permit has been issued by the Department of Community Planning and Development.
Removal of waste materials. Cut trees, timber, debris, rocks, junk, rubbish, or other waste materials of any kind shall not be buried within the subdivision, or left or deposited on any street, lot, outlot, commons, or parks. Removal of such waste materials shall be required at the time of expiration of any subdivision improvement agreement or dedication of public improvements, whichever is sooner, unless weight restrictions on roads prevent removal, in which case the Director of Community Planning and Development may extend the time limit for removal. As a condition of extending the time limit, the Township may require a performance guarantee to insure the removal of waste materials.
Authorization to proceed.
Requirements. Authorization to proceed with construction shall only be granted after all the following items have been completed:
Construction plans and specifications have been approved by the Township and other applicable authorities.
The proprietor has submitted evidence of public liability and property damage insurance in a form and amount specified by the Department of Public Works and Engineering.
The proprietor has submitted an inspection fee deposit in an amount specified by the Department of Public Works and Engineering.
Preconstruction meeting. At least 10 days prior to construction of subdivision improvements, including site grading, the contractor shall contract the Department of Community Planning and Development and the Department of Public Works and Engineering to establish a date and time for a pre-construction meeting which should occur at least five days prior to commencement of construction. The proprietor shall be responsible for making all arrangements and notifying meeting attendees.
Inspections. The contractor or proprietor shall contact the Department of Public Works and Engineering to arrange for inspections of public water and sanitary sewer lines. The contractor or proprietor shall contact the Department of Community Planning and Development to arrange inspections of landscaping.
Final inspections and acceptance.
Final inspection and test(s). Prior to acceptance of public facilities or utilities by the Township or other public entity having jurisdiction, all improvements shall have been completed, equipment removed from the site, and the final inspection and all required tests shall be completed. Any portions of the work found to be unacceptable shall be repaired or replaced prior to acceptance.
As-built drawings. As-built drawings showing the final location and grades of all utilities, water and sanitary sewer lines, and other improvements shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works and Engineering, along with an AutoCAD (most recent version) diskette or CD for review and acceptance.
Engineer's certificate. Prior to final acceptance by the Township, an engineer's certificate shall be provided to the Department of Public Works and Engineering certifying all work has been completed in a manner consistent with the Township's approved plans and specifications, including approved changes. The certificate shall also note accurate and complete as-built drawings have been prepared and submitted to the Department of Public Works and Engineering.
Completion of improvements. Upon completion of all required improvements, the proprietor shall notify the Township's Director of Public Works and Engineering and the Director of Community Planning and Development, in writing, of the completion of improvements.
Approval of improvements. The Director of Public Works and Engineering and the Director of Community Planning and Development shall either approve, partially approve, or deny the improvements and shall notify the proprietor in writing no later than 30 days after receipt of the as-built drawings and landscape plans for the improvements.
Partial approval. Where partial approval is granted, the proprietor shall be responsible for the portion of improvements not yet approved.
Alternative to completing subdivision improvements. In lieu of completion of all applicable public improvements prior to approval of the final plat, the Township Board may permit the proprietor to enter into a subdivision improvement agreement by which the proprietor shall complete all required public improvements identified in Article II, Subsection 62-36(1) no later than two years following the date on which the final plat is signed by the Township. The subdivision improvement agreement shall provide that the covenants contained in the agreement shall run with the land and bind all successors, heirs and assignees of the proprietor. The subdivision improvement agreement shall be adopted by the Township Board and recorded pursuant to applicable state and local laws and ordinances.
The proprietor shall agree to furnish a performance guarantee in an amount not to exceed the cost of installation of incomplete improvements. The performance guarantee shall be in a form as specified in Article VI, § 62-148.
[Ord. No. 2006-03, 8-1-2006]
Submittal requirements. The following information shall be submitted to the Township Clerk or their designee, along with the completed application, the fee authorized by the Township Board, the recording and filing fee, and the state plat review fee required by the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended). These materials shall be submitted at least 10 days and no more than 15 days prior to the Township Board meeting at which action is desired.
The final plat shall be prepared and submitted in a form consistent with the requirements of the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended).
The final plat shall conform substantially to the final preliminary plat as approved by the Township Board.
The proprietor shall submit an abstract of title, a policy of title insurance, or an attorney's title opinion based on the abstract of title, in accordance with § 245 of the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended).
All easements and utility agreements shall be executed by the Township or appropriate utility authority and the proprietor, setting forth the terms of the utility arrangements.
If the preliminary plat was required to be approved by the Ingham County Health Department (ICHD), a copy of such approval shall be submitted by the proprietor.
The proprietor shall submit three copies of the proposed declaration of covenants and restrictions for the subdivision to the Department of Community Planning and Development to determine consistency with this chapter, the Code of Ordinances, and other applicable ordinances and regulations. If the homeowners association is proposed as the method by which commons and facilities will be maintained, then these covenants and restrictions shall specify, at a minimum, when the homeowners association will be established; whether membership will be mandatory for each homebuyer and any successive homebuyer; whether the association or another entity will be responsible for liability insurance, applicable taxes, and the continuing upkeep and proper maintenance of recreation areas, and other common facilities; whether homeowners will be required to pay their pro rata share of the cost of maintenance, and how unpaid assessments will be collected; and how the association will adjust any assessment to meet changing needs. Upon final plat approval, the proprietor shall submit copies of deed restrictions and protective covenants in their final recordable form.
The proprietor shall furnish a performance guarantee in an amount not to exceed the cost of installation of the incomplete improvements. The performance guarantee shall be in a form specified in Article VI, § 62-148.
A subdivision improvement agreement shall be provided by the proprietor. The subdivision improvement agreement shall be adopted by the Township Board and recorded pursuant to applicable state and local laws and ordinances.
Review procedures.
Initial review. Upon receipt of the final plat, the Department of Community Planning and Development shall check the plat for completeness. If all required information has been submitted, the Department of Community Planning and Development shall notify the Township Clerk. Should any of the required data specified in this chapter be omitted, the proprietor shall be notified of the additional data required and that processing of the final plat will be delayed until the required data is received. The date of filing shall be considered the date on which all required data is received by the Township.
Placement on Township Board agenda. When the information is complete, the proposed final plat shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Township Board meeting or within 20 days from the date of filing with the Township Clerk.
Review deadline. The Township Board shall take action on the final plat within 20 days of the date of filing the plat with the Township Clerk.
Township Board action. Within 20 days of the date of filing, the Township Board shall review the proposed final plat to determine conformance with the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended), this chapter, the final preliminary plat, and any conditions of approval attached to the final preliminary plat. The Township Board may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the final plat as follows:
Upon determining the final plat conforms to the standards and regulations in this chapter, the provisions of the Land Division Act (MCL § 560.101 et seq., as amended) and other applicable ordinances and laws, the Township Board shall approve the final plat and instruct the Township Clerk to certify on the plat the Township Board's approval and the date of approval.
Upon determination the final plat does not comply with the standards and regulations in this chapter and other applicable ordinances and laws, the Township Board shall deny the final plat, instruct the Township Clerk or their designee to give the reasons for the denial in writing as set forth in the minutes of the meeting, and return the plat to the proprietor.
Minutes to the plat board. The Township Clerk shall forward a copy of the minutes of the Township Board pertaining to the final plat to the Ingham County Plat Board.