State law reference: Regulation of traffic on school property, MCL 257.961.
[Code 1974, § 41-1]
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Any duly constituted board of education of a public school district operating wholly or partially within the territorial boundaries of the Township; provided, however, that this article shall be in effect only in those school districts where the local board of education has specifically adopted a resolution requesting application of this article as provided in Public Act No. 175 of 1958 (MCL § 257.961).
Every vehicle which is self-propelled, excluding, however, snowmobiles.
An individual, partnership, corporation, and any other body of persons, whether incorporated or not.
Any motorized vehicle designed for travel primarily on snow or ice steered by wheels, skis, or runners.
Cross reference: Definitions generally, § 1-2.
[Code 1974, § 41-8; Ord. No. 2003-02, 1-7-2003]
Any person who drives any vehicle upon a road, parking lot, path, frozen pond or lake, or on the grounds of a local board of education in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as provided by this Code.
State law reference: Reckless driving, MCL 257.626.
[Code 1974, § 41-2]
No person shall operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour on any drive, parking lot, access road, or private street owned by a local board of education within the Township.
State law reference: Speed limits at schools, MCL 257.627a.
[Code 1974, § 41-3]
No person shall drive or park any motor vehicle on any lands owned by a local board of education other than on lands clearly marked and designated as streets and parking lots by the local board of education. All areas which are designated as streets and parking lots and are surfaced to allow driving shall be available solely for driving purposes but not for parking.
[Code 1974, § 41-4]
Parking shall be allowed without fee or charge on properties owned by the local board of education and clearly marked and designated as parking areas by the local board of education. All such parking shall be in accordance with the directional lines designated in such parking area. No vehicle, other than vehicles owned by such school, shall be parked in parking areas, during the period of 12:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. unless the owner or operator is actually engaged on the school property during such period on school business or employment.
State law references: Stopping, standing, and parking, MCL 257.672 et seq.; authority to regulate standing or parking, MCL 257.606(1)(a).
[Code 1974, § 41-5]
In the absence of special regulations issued by school authorities or Township law enforcement officers to handle unusual crowd situations, no person shall park a motor vehicle on or in any fire lane located on property owned by a local board of education. All such fire lanes shall be identified in the Traffic Control Order Book kept by the Township Clerk under the heading "Fire Lanes." Fire lanes may be used, however, for shortterm deliveries by school suppliers, by authorized snow and refuse removal trucks, and by authorized fire or emergency vehicles.
Cross reference: Fire prevention and protection, ch. 26.
[Code 1974, § 41-6]
No person shall operate a snowmobile on any properties owned by a local board of education except on such trails or paths as may be designated by the local board of education.
[Code 1974, § 41-7]
No person shall deposit, dump, or otherwise dispose of refuse of any kind from a motor vehicle, except in clearly designated receptacles marked for that purpose, on property owned by a local board of education.