[Code 1974, § 81-4.1]
Required. A building permit shall be required prior to proceeding with any construction, alteration, enlargement, demolition, placement, movement, or removal of any building or structure, or grading, cutting, filling, or excavating associated with such building or structure, as required by the state construction code of current adoption, and all other applicable ordinances.
Application. Application for a building permit or occupancy permit shall be filed in writing, signed by the person, firm, copartnership, or corporation requesting the same or by the duly authorized agent of such person, firm, copartnership, or corporation. All applications for building permits under the provisions of this division shall be accompanied with evidence of ownership, or contract right to ownership, to the property to be covered by the permit. There shall be submitted with all applications for building permits two copies of a site layout or plot plan, drawn to scale, showing where applicable:
The location, shape, area, and dimension of the lot.
The location, dimensions, height, and bulk of the existing and/or proposed structures, to be erected, altered or moved on the lot.
The intended use.
The proposed number of sleeping rooms, dwelling units, occupants, employees, customers, and other uses.
The yard, open space, and parking space dimensions.
The proposed parking areas and surfacing.
The number of loading and unloading space provided.
Any other information deemed necessary by the chief building inspector to determine and provide for the enforcement of this chapter.
Voiding of permit. Any building permit granted under this division shall become null and void unless the development proposed shall have passed its first building inspection within one year from the date of granting of the building permit.
Inspection. The construction of usage affected by any building permit shall be subject to periodic inspections.
[Code 1974, § 81-4.2]
Grading, earth stripping, cutting, filling, or excavating not associated with construction of buildings or structures, or grading activities undertaken prior to obtaining a building permit for the construction of buildings or structures, shall require a grading permit. Grading permits shall be in accordance with the state construction code of current adoption and all other applicable ordinances.
Grading activities coincident with construction of buildings or structures shall be reviewed and approved or denied as part of a building permit; however, all grading activities shall comply with the provisions of this division.
[Code 1974, § 81-4.3]
No permit for occupying any structure or use shall be granted until all improvements indicated on the approved plan have been completed and approved. If such improvements have not been completed and a certificate of occupancy is desired, a performance guarantee in the form of a cash deposit, certified check, or irrevocable letter of credit in a form acceptable to the Township Treasurer, covering the estimated cost of incomplete improvements associated with the project approved plans, shall be deposited with the Township Treasurer to insure faithful completion of the improvements. As required improvements are completed, as determined by the Director of Community Planning and Development, or other person authorized to verify completion of required improvements, the performance guarantee shall be returned or released in whole or in part consonant with the required improvement.
[Code 1974, § 81-4.4]
Generally. To ensure that the provisions of this chapter are met, certificates of occupancy must be obtained and no land shall be occupied or used, and no structure shall be used until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued stating that the structure or land and its proposed use comply with the provisions of this chapter and the state construction code.
Applicability. Certificates of occupancy shall be required for all new construction, alterations and enlargements of existing buildings, and placement or movement of new or existing buildings.
Application. All certificates of occupancy shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit.
Issuance. A certificate of occupancy shall be issued at the time of final inspection provided the use or building meets the requirements of this chapter, the state construction code, and all other applicable township, county, state, and federal regulations.
[Code 1974, § 81-4.5]
Any permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this chapter may be suspended or revoked in writing by the Director of Community Planning and Development when the permit or certificate was issued in error, or at any time whenever the holder thereof:
Shall have made any false or fraudulent statement in the application for such permit or certificate, or in the exercise of such permit or certificate;
Shall have violated any of the provisions of this chapter;
Shall have failed to satisfy the requirements of this chapter or of any rules adopted pursuant thereto;
Shall have violated the requirements of a conditional approval under this chapter which authorized the permit's or certificate's issuance; or
Shall have caused, created, or maintained, in the exercise of such permit or certificate, a menace or danger to the public health, safety, or welfare.
The permit or certificate holder shall be promptly notified, in writing, of any such suspension or revocation.
[Code 1974, § 81-4.6]
Aggrieved persons may appeal the Director of Community Planning and Development's decision to issue or deny a building permit or grading permit, or to revoke or suspend a permit or certificate of occupancy, to the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with § 86-188.