[R.O. 2013 §405.240; CC 1991 §400.240; CC §42.500; Ord. No. 22.09 Art. VIII, 10-30-1967]
The regulations set forth in this Article or set forth elsewhere in this Chapter, when referred to in this Article, are the regulations in the "B-2" Central Business District.
[R.O. 2013 §405.250; CC 1991 §400.250; CC §42.510; Ord. No. 22.09 Art. VIII §1, 10-30-1967]
A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes:
Any use permitted in the "B-1" General Business District.
Multiple-family residences.
Boarding and lodging houses.
Private clubs and lodges.
Hospitals or clinics for small animals, dogs, cats, birds and the like.
Laboratories, research, experimental or testing.
Wholesale merchandising or storage warehouses.
General service and repair establishments including dyeing and cleaning works or laundry, plumbing and heating, printing, painting, upholstering or tinsmithing.
Outdoor advertising sign or structure.
Accessory buildings and uses.
[R.O. 2013 §405.260; CC 1991 §400.260; CC §42.520; Ord. No. 22.09 Art. VIII §4, 10-30-1967]
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set out in Section 405.410.
[R.O. 2013 §405.270; CC 1991 §400.270; CC §42.530; Ord. No. 22.09 Art. VIII §3, 10-30-1967]
No building shall exceed six (6) stories nor shall it exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height except as provided in Section 405.400.
[R.O. 2013 §405.280; CC 1991 §400.280; CC §42.540; Ord. No. 22.09 Art. VIII §4, 10-30-1967]
Yards. No yards are required.
Minimum Lot Area. The minimum lot area requirements are the same as those in the "R-1" Residential District with the exception that a lot occupied by a multiple dwelling with three (3) or more dwelling units shall contain not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet for each dwelling unit and shall not be less than sixty (60) feet in width.