[CC 1975 §68.300]
No formality shall be required to authorize the repairing of any street or other paving, curbing, guttering, macadamizing, or part thereof, or to reconstruct the same, or to levy an assessment therefor.
[CC 1975 §68.310]
The Street Commissioner, or other officer designated by the Board, shall, without any notice, cause necessary repair work to be done, keep an account of the cost thereof, and report the same to the Board.
[CC 1975 §68.320]
When the Commissioner, or other officer, has reported to the Board the cost of the repair work done on any street or other public way, the Board may levy a special tax to defray the cost, and each lot or piece of ground abutting on the street or way so repaired shall be liable for its part of the cost of the repair.
[CC 1975 §68.330]
In cases of emergency, where life or limb are endangered, or commerce or travel are impeded, the Street Commissioner shall have the authority to make such temporary repairs or erect such barricades as will remove or prevent such danger, and report the same to the Board at its next meeting.