[Code 1991, § 3-721]
The name of the commission described in this division is the Recreation Commission.
[Code 1991, § 3-722; amended 11-8-2016 by Ord. No. 16-24]
The purposes and duties of the Commission shall be as follows:
Act as liaison between Parks and Recreation Department staff and the community.
Provide a forum for comment by Parks and Recreation Department staff and the community.
Advise Parks and Recreation Department on yearly goals, park maintenance and development, park policy, and department budget submissions.
Review Parks and Recreation Department programming, park needs, and department financial reports.
Report and advocate to City Council on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Provide strategic guidance to the Parks and Recreation Department.
Participate through a representative on all Parks and Recreation Department task forces.
[Code 1991, § 3-723; Ord. No. 99-21, 11-9-1999]
The Recreation Commission shall be composed of nine members, all of whom except the School Board representative shall be legal residents and qualified voters of the City. All members shall be appointed by the City Council and shall serve without pay. One member shall be a member of the City Council, one member shall be a senior citizen, and one member shall be nominated by the School Board to serve as a representative of the City school system.
[Amended 9-22-2015 by Ord. No. 15-22]
The City Council member of the commission shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council. The remaining eight members of the commission shall serve terms of four years. Members of the commission currently in office shall continue to serve the balance of their existing terms.
Any appointed member of the Recreation Commission may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, lack of participation, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office.
[Code 1991, § 3-724]
Any vacancy in membership of the Recreation Commission shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired term.
[Code 1991, § 3-725]
The Recreation Commission shall elect from its members a chair, a secretary, and such other officers as may be necessary.
[Code 1991, § 3-726]
The Recreation Commission shall hold regular meetings at such times and places as may be fixed by the commission. Four members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and make them available for public inspection.
Editor’s Note: Former §§ 10-377, Authority to make bylaws, rules and regulations, adopted by Code 1991, § 3-727; 10-378, Recommendations regarding employees, adopted by Code 1991, § 3-728; 10-379, Fiscal year; reports; submission of budget, adopted by Code 1991 § 3-729; and 10-380, Finances; supervision by City Council, adopted by Code 1991 § 3-730, were repealed 11-8-2016 by Ord. No. 16-24.