[R.O. 2011 §100.250; Ord. No. 788 §§3 — 4, 7-21-2003]
The City of Cabool shall furnish at the cost of the City health insurance coverage for all City employees.
The City of Cabool shall furnish health insurance coverage for the dependents of City employees who were employees of the City on June 30, 2003, so long as such employees continue to be employed by the City; however, the City shall only be responsible for payment of the cost thereof up to the maximum dollar amounts set forth below. In addition to health insurance coverage for such employees, the full cost thereof which is to be paid by the City pursuant to Subsection (A) above, such employees may choose one (1) of the following options for coverage for his/her dependents and the City shall pay the cost thereof for such employee's dependents up to the maximum dollar amount specified as follows:
Coverage for such employee's family (spouse and dependent children) $381.76
Coverage for such employee's spouse $218.45
Coverage for such employee's children $164.03
In the event that coverage for the dependents of any such employee exceeds the foregoing amounts, such employee shall have the option of either paying the amount in excess of the applicable maximum amount to provide coverage for such employee's dependents or of electing to receive coverage for the employee only.
[R.O. 2011 §100.260; Ord. No. 788 §§5 — 6, 7-21-2003]
The City of Cabool shall not be obligated to furnish or pay for health insurance coverage for dependents of City employees hired on or after July 1, 2003. In the event that coverage is available for the dependents of such City employees hired on or after July 1, 2003, under the City's health insurance plan then in effect, such employees shall have the option of paying the cost of health insurance coverage for dependents under the City's health insurance plan, but in no event shall the City of Cabool be responsible for providing health insurance coverage or paying for such coverage for the dependents of employees hired on or after July 1, 2003.
The type, amount, extent and terms of any health insurance coverage for City employees and their dependents required to be provided or paid for by the City of Cabool pursuant to the provisions of this Article, including the amount of any deductible to be paid by the employee, shall be within the sole and complete discretion of the City of Cabool.