There shall be a Planning Commission for the City. Such body shall have the duties set forth in Chapter 10, Article II, Division 15, of the City Code, and within Code of Virginia Title 15, Chapter 22. The Planning Commission is authorized to make decisions within the Development Review Structure, as set forth within Table 72-21.7 of this chapter.
There shall be a Board of Zoning Appeals for the City. Such body shall have the duties set forth in Chapter 10, Article II, Division 14, of the City Code, and within Code of Virginia Title 15, Chapter 22. The Board of Zoning Appeals is authorized to make decisions within the Development Review Structure, as set forth within Table 72-21.7 of this chapter.
There shall be an Architectural Review Board for the City. Such body shall have the duties as set forth in Chapter 10, Article II, Division 2, of the City Code and within Code of Virginia Title 15, Chapter 22. The Architectural Review Board is authorized to make decisions within the Development Review Structure, as set forth within Table 72-21.7 of this chapter.
Established. The officer assigned to perform the duties of Zoning Administrator shall be designated by the City Manager, and this officer may also hold another office. The City Manager may, consistent with Code of Virginia § 15.2-1502, authorize the Zoning Administrator to employ one or more deputies and assistants to aid in carrying out his/her powers and duties.
Authority. The Zoning Administrator and his/her deputies shall have all necessary authority on behalf of the City to administer and enforce the zoning provisions of this chapter, in accordance Code of Virginia § 15.2-2286. His or her authority shall include:
Ordering in writing the remedying of any condition found in violation of the Ordinance;
Insuring compliance with the Ordinance, bringing legal action, including injunction, abatement, or other appropriate action or proceeding subject to appeal pursuant to Code of Virginia § 15.2-2311; and
In specific cases, making findings of fact and, with concurrence of the City Attorney, conclusions of law regarding determinations of rights accruing under Code of Virginia § 15.2-2307 or Subsection (C) of § 15.2-2311.
Inspection. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to inspect facilities required to be installed under this chapter. The Zoning Administrator is also authorized to make inspections deemed necessary to properly administer and enforce this chapter.
[Amended 5-23-2017 by Ord. No. 17-13]
Approval authority. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to make decisions within the development review structure, or set forth within Table 72-21.7 of this chapter.
Established. The officer assigned to perform the duties of Development Administrator shall be designated by the City Manager, and this officer may also hold another office. The City Manager may, consistent with Code of Virginia § 15.2-1502, authorize the Development Administrator to employ one or more deputies and assistants to aid in carrying out his/her powers and duties.
Authority. The Development Administrator shall perform the duties of the subdivision agent, and shall also be designated to serve as the City's agent for approval of site plans. The Development Administrator may be appointed to serve as a deputy or assistant Zoning Administrator.
[Amended 5-23-2017 by Ord. No. 17-13]
Inspection. The Development Administrator is authorized to inspect facilities required to be installed by this chapter.
Approval authority. The Development Administrator is authorized to make decisions within the development review structure, as set forth within Table 72-21.7.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by Ord. No. 24-19]
Established. The City Manager shall appoint a Stormwater Administrator for approval of erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans, and this officer may also hold one or more other City offices. The City Manager may authorize such officer to employ one or more deputies and assistants to aid in carrying out his/her powers and duties, consistent with Code of Virginia § 15.2-1502.
Authority. The Stormwater Administrator shall have all necessary authority on behalf of the City, for administration and enforcement of the City's Erosion and Sediment Control, pursuant to the Code of Virginia, § 62.1-44.15:51 et seq., and Stormwater Management Programs, pursuant to Code of Virginia, § 62.1-44.15:24 et seq.