[CC 1986 §105.040; Ord. No. 18 §§1 — 5, 2-3-1958]
The boundaries of the City and the boundaries of the Commons shall be as designated and fully set out and described in the Petition of Incorporation filed at the February Adjourned Term, March 7, 1927 of the County Court of Warren County, Missouri, and also as likewise further set out in the order of said County Court of the February Adjourned Term, March 7, 1927 incorporating the Village of Truesdale recorded on March 19, 1927 of the records of the County Court of Warren County, Missouri. A plat of the Commons is recorded in plat book "A" pages 18 and 19 at the office of the Recorder, Warren County, Missouri, and as otherwise recorded but not herein stated.
Every map or plat or subdivision of lot or part thereof in the limits of the City of Truesdale, or of any tract, piece or parcel of land therein or any such to be made in addition thereto, shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval and shall not be entitled to record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Warren County, Missouri, nor have any validity, until a correct map or plat thereof, certified to by some competent surveyor, shall be so approved by the Board of Aldermen and such approval be therein certified under Seal and hand of the City Clerk.
A certain plat or map of the City of Truesdale and of the Commons within the same as made by August Hummel and filed with the County Court of Warren County, Missouri, together with and as part of the petition of incorporation filed at the February Adjourned Term, March 7, 1927 of said County Court and endorsed by the Board of Aldermen and attested to by the City Clerk, is hereby approved by the Board of Aldermen and made the official plat of the City of Truesdale and the Commons therein contained without affixing the corporate Seal of the City of Truesdale, no Seal having as yet been procured.
When any person who shall file or offer to file any map or plat of any land within or any such addition to the City of Truesdale or subdivision thereof before the same has been approved as provided in Subsection (B) of this Section, he/she shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00).
All additions hereafter to be made to the City of Truesdale and all subdivisions of land or lots lying within the limits of the City shall be made to conform to the streets and alleys as they are now laid out, platted and adopted as shown on the map referred to in Subsection (C) hereof, provided that no new street shall be less than forty (40) feet wide and no alley less than ten (10) feet wide.