Any complaint alleging a violation of the electrical licensing law shall be sent to:
The County Manager;
The Board; and
The Code Enforcement Officer or Building Inspector of the town or village where the alleged violation occurred.
Upon receipt of a complaint, the Chairman is authorized to initiate a preliminary investigation and generate a preliminary report indicating what, if any, further investigation or inquiry is required. The preliminary report shall be shared with the entire Board. If the Board determines that no further investigation is necessary, then the preliminary report shall be deemed a final report, and a copy of the report shall be sent to the Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector of jurisdiction. If the Board determines that the preliminary report indicates that further investigation or inquiry is necessary, the Chairman shall be authorized to hire an Investigator to conduct a more thorough investigation. Said Investigator shall report its findings directly to the Board and the Code Enforcement Officer or Building Inspector of the town or village where the alleged violation occurred.
Upon review of the investigator's findings and all other information available to him/her, the County Manager or designee and the Board shall recommend further action, including a hearing under this chapter and a method of remediation.
Upon completion of remediation, a final report shall be issued to the Board.
The County Manager or designee shall send the final report to the Board and any official(s), agency(s) or authority(ies) that they deem appropriate. The County Manager or designee is authorized to request that the appropriate official commence an enforcement action, including but not limited to a legal proceeding.