Cross reference — Licenses, permits and miscellaneous business regulations, Ch. 15.
[Ord. No. 993, §10, 6-3-1976; Ord. No. 1347, §§7, 10, 4-16-1987]
No person shall engage in the business of making or maintaining electrical installations or install any electrical material, apparatus, or equipment of any kind without first having been examined and licensed to do same by St. Louis County, and as may be required by the city.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of electrical or communication work, without having been duly licensed as required by law.
[Ord. No. 993, §11, 6-3-1976; Ord. No. 1347, §11, 4-16-1987]
No person licensed by law to do electrical work under the provisions of this chapter shall allow his name to be used by another person, either for the purpose of obtaining permits, or for doing business or work under the license. Every person licensed shall notify the office of the city engineer as well as any other official in charge of electrical inspections the address of his place of business and the name under which such business is carried on, and shall give immediate notice to the office of the city engineer as well as any other official in charge of electrical inspections hereunder of any change in either.
[Ord. No. 993, §12, 6-3-1976; Ord. No. 1347, §12, 4-16-1987]
The mayor, upon confirmation by the board of aldermen, is hereby authorized to contract with the county to provide electrical inspection service for the city, and to issue, collect for and disburse receipts to the city for electrical permits and inspections. Such contract may provide for disbursement to the city of up to one-third (⅓) of all permit and inspection fees collected by St. Louis County under said contract. However, in the event the board of aldermen decided not to have St. Louis County provide the electrical inspections service as aforesaid, the city may have its own electrical inspector make such electrical inspections, or contract with another municipality to make such electrical inspections.