[Code 1964, § 26-14]
After approval of a preliminary subdivision plat by the board of aldermen, the subdivider shall then proceed with the improvement plans of the subdivision and upon completion shall file three (3) prints of such plans with the city clerk, together with three (3) copies of a detailed cost estimate of the improvements.
[Code 1964, § 26-15]
Improvement plans shall show the following:
Construction details of streets and alleys showing curbs, gutters, corner radius, etc., in accordance with this chapter and existing city specifications.
Construction details, size and location of storm and sanitary sewers in accordance with the metropolitan sewer district regulations.
Construction details of sidewalks in accordance with this chapter and existing city specifications.
Construction details, illumination value and location of street lights in accordance with this chapter.
Construction details, size and location of potable water lines in accordance with county health department regulations.
Construction details, size and location of fire hydrant supply lines and location of fire hydrants in accordance with existing fire district regulations.
Construction details and location of street signs in accordance with this chapter and existing city specifications.
Location and species of trees to be planted in accordance with this chapter.
[Code 1964, § 26-16]
The city clerk shall transmit the improvement plans and the detailed cost estimate to the city engineer for study and review. The city engineer shall determine if the improvement plans comply with the regulations and ordinances of the applicable city and county districts and departments, and shall check the cost estimate of the improvements for accuracy of evaluation. Any revisions to the improvement plans or adjustments to the cost estimate that are deemed necessary by the city engineer shall be made before transmitting them to the planning and zoning commission for review.
[Code 1964, § 26-17]
After review by the planning and zoning commission and approval by the board of aldermen, one (1) print of the improvement plans shall be filed with the city clerk, one (1) print shall be sent to the subdivider and one (1) print shall be retained by the commission.