No person shall pursue or practice within the City the avocation, profession or art of fortuneteller, clairvoyant, spirit medium, necromancer, seer, astrologist, palmist, prophet or other like crafty or occult art, or art of divination, or pretended art of telling past events of another's life or affairs; of foretelling knowledge of future events of another's life or affairs; or in anywise revealing things of the past, the future or of a secret or hidden nature; of giving advice or assistance in matters of business or affairs of any other kind of nature by means of such art; or of purporting so to tell, foretell, reveal or give advice or assistance by means of such art; and any person who shall so pursue or practice within the City such avocations or professions, or any of them, whether for a price or gratuity, and whether by offer or upon request, shall be deemed guilty of an offense against this Section; and the maintenance, display, posting or advertisement, or the causing to be maintained, displayed, posted or advertised, of any sign, card, bill or announcement of any kind whatever indicating the pursuit or practice of any such avocation, profession or art aforesaid, or indicating an offer to render service in such pursuit or practice, shall, upon proof thereof, be sufficient evidence against the person so maintaining, displaying, posting or advertising, or so causing the same to be done, and so charged, of a violation by and for the conviction of such person under this Section.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed so as to regulate or control the administration of any fund held or acquired by any religious association or body, or so as to violate, limit or impair the religious liberty of any person.
It shall be unlawful to move furniture or household goods exceeding three hundred (300) pounds in total weight or exceeding a size of twenty-five (25) cubic feet in or out of any premises in the City between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.
Persons seeking to move furniture or household goods into or out of any building located in the City contrary to the provisions of this Section, may do so by special permit issued by the City Administrator or his/her authorized representative.
It shall be unlawful for any person to bring any glass beverage container into or upon the premises of any park or recreational facility operated by the City of Normandy, Missouri, or to have in his/her possession any such container while in or upon any such premises or facility.
[Ord. No. 784, 7-11-2023]
It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or maintain or for any property owner or occupant to allow to be erected or maintained on any property within the City, any fence equipped with or having a barbed wire, spikes, or any similar device or any electrical charge sufficient to cause an electric shock.
It shall, however, not be unlawful, under this Section to maintain a barbed wire fence so long as said barbed wire is at least six (6) feet above the ground and at least one (1) foot within the property line of the owner's or occupant's property and so long as said property is located within an industrial or business zoning classification.