[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986; as amended by Ord. 532, 9/10/2008]
As used in this part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Means approved in accordance with the rules of the Water Department of the City of Philadelphia or the ordinances of Lower Southampton Township, Bucks County, whichever are more stringent.
A drain installed to collect surface water or rainwater from an open area.
The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter or in satisfying the oxygen demand of other materials present during incubation for a given time at a specified temperature.
The extension from the building drain at 10 feet outside the foundation walls to a sewer or other place of disposal. It may be either a sanitary building sewer for sanitary sewage only, an industrial waste building sewer for industrial wastes only, a stormwater building sewer for stormwater runoff only, a combination building sewer receiving any combination of sanitary sewage and/or stormwater runoff.
City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Any sewer owned or maintained by the City.
Any structure or any portion thereof intended to be used wholly or in part for the purposes of carrying on a trade, business or profession or for social, amusement, religious, educational, charitable or public uses, and which contains plumbing for kitchen, toilet or washing facilities.
Those pollutants, as defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to P.L. 92-500 (Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972), amenable to treatment in a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). Compatible pollutants include, but are not necessarily limited to, biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids and fecal coliform bacteria.
The unpolluted water (usually noncontact cooling water) discharged from any system wherein water is used for the removal of heat, such as air conditioning, refrigeration, jacket cooling, etc.
The Water Department of the City.
The placing into a wastewater treatment facility or surface or underground water of any wastes or stormwater by any means, such as, but not limited to, leachate, overland flow, underground leaks and a building sewer.
A structure or dwelling intended to be occupied as a whole by one family or an apartment intended to be occupied by one family or any other one-family living unit.
Any material which is extractable from an acidified sample of waste by using 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon TF or Gneesolv D, registered trademarks).
The solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
Any mechanical or powered device used to grind, macerate or fluidize garbage so that it can be discharged into the sewer system of the Township into cesspools and septic tanks.
A receptacle designed to intercept and retain grease and fatty substances contained in kitchen or other wastes.
Any pollutant which is not a compatible pollutant as defined by the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to P.L. 92-500 (1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments) or its amendments.
Any structure intended to be used wholly or in part for the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembly of any product, commodity or article or any other premises from which industrial waste, as distinct from sanitary sewage, is discharged.
Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or waterborne wastes or form of energy rejected or escaping from any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
A receptacle designed and constructed to separate or intercept and prevent the passage of oil, volatile flammable liquid, grease, sand or other material into the public sewer system to which such receptacle is directly or indirectly connected, including, but not limited to, a separator.
The drainage piping from the Township sewer to the right-of-way for the future use of the property owner.
As defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to P.L. (1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments) or its amendments, to include, but not limited to, an industrial waste discharge having: a) a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; and/or b) a flow greater than 5% of the flow carried by the Authority's sewage system receiving the discharge; and/or c) a flow containing toxic pollutant in toxic amounts as defined under P.L. 92-500 (1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments) or its amendments; and/or d) a flow containing pollutants which, according to permits issued to the City pursuant to P.L. 92-500 (1972 Federal Water Pollution Act Amendments) or its amendments, have a significant impact, either singly or in combination with other industries, on the City sewage system or the Township's sewage system.
Any individual firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
A means of expressing the degree of acidity or basicity of a solution. It indicates the intensity of acidity and alkalinity of the pH scale, running from 0.0 to 14.0. A pH value of 7.0, the midnight of the scale, represents neutrality. Values above 7.0 represent alkaline conditions and those below 7.0 represent acid conditions. Expressed in technical terms, pH is the reciprocal of the logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. The concentration is the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
The period of time, not exceeding 24 hours, utilized for production purposes.
Agencies, such as, but not limited to, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Delaware River Basin Commission (RBC), and the U.S. Coast Guard which have authority over the operations of and/or discharges into and/or from the City's wastewater treatment facilities or the Township's sewer system.
An interceptor primarily intended to intercept sand or earth, including, but not limited to, a sand trap.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, commercial and industrial establishments, but not commercial kitchens therein.
A sewer which carries sanitary sewage or approved industrial waste and excludes stormwater, surface water and groundwater.
A combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, together with such groundwater, surface water and stormwater as may be inadvertently present in sanitary sewers or purposely present in combined sewers. The admixture of sewage as above defined with industrial wastes or other wastes also should be considered wastewater within the meaning of this definition.
A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
All temporary and permanent facilities at any time, and from time to time, owned or leased and operated by the Township and used and usable for, or in connection with, the collection of sanitary sewage and acceptable industrial wastes.
That portion of the wastewater BOD which is not removed by laboratory filtration.
Any person discharging industrial wastes and other polluted discharges.
As contained in the federal government's Standard Industrial Classification Manual.
A sewer which receives discharges from stormwater building sewers and/or carries off surface water, subsurface water or stormwater from the buildings, ground, streets or other areas, including street wash and unpolluted cooling water, but not including wastewater or liquid industrial waste.
Solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, wastewater or other liquids, and which are largely removable by filtration.
Lower Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and the group of elected officials acting as the Board of Supervisors of the Township.
Any substances, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, which, when discharged to a public sewer in sufficient quantities, will be detrimental to any biological sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to human beings or animals, inhibit aquatic life, or create a hazard to recreation in receiving waters of the effluent from a wastewater treatment plant. Or as defined pursuant to P.L. 92-500 (Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) or its amendments.
A fitting or device so designed and constructed as to provide a liquid seal which will prevent the back passage of sewer gases without materially affecting the flow of sewage or water through it.
A discharge which, according to the Department's regulations as well as those of the Township and the regulatory agencies, including, but not limited to, the Delaware River Basin Commission, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Agency, can be discharged to a receiving stream without treatment.
Any liquid, gaseous or solid substances or combination thereof which are discarded, leached or spilled substances or combination thereof, including sanitary sewage and industrial wastes but excluding stormwater.
The sewage systems of the Township and the City and the wastewater treatment plants of the City.
Any arrangement of devices and structures of the City used for treating sewage and industrial wastes, the handling of sludge resulting from such treatment, and the discharge of treated effluent into a designated body of water.
The public agency or private company furnishing water service to the particular property connected to the sewerage system.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
All owners of property in the Township who connect their premises with the sewerage system of the Township of Lower Southampton, Bucks County, shall pay to the Township a tapping fee in an amount and in accordance with regulations set forth as follows:
Taps to existing system. All taps to preexisting portions of the sewerage system shall be done by the Township's maintenance contractor, and the full cost thereof shall be paid by the owner of the property to be connected.
New taps. Fees shall be established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. All owners of property shall connect their premises to the sewerage system as and when the same may be available, upon notice to do so from the Township and in a manner approved by the Township.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The volume of water to be used for billing nonresidential sewer rentals shall include any and all water purchased from the water supplier and all water obtained from other sources (wells, springs, streams, etc.), as determined by meters installed and maintained by the water supplier; by meters installed and maintained by the Township; by meters installed by the property owner as may be approved by the Township; or by estimates or measurements made by the Township where the Township deems metering impractical.
Exclusion from the sewerage system of noncontaminated wastewaters and waters used solely for cooling purposes may be required by the Township, or such exclusion may be optional with the property owner if not required by the Township. When such wastewaters are excluded, sewer rentals shall be based upon total water consumption, less water excluded, at the rates established in Part 1 of this chapter. Water excluded shall be determined from meters installed and maintained by the property owner as required and approved by the Township, or the property owner may elect to measure waste volumes actually discharged to the sewerage system as provided for below.
The Township may require a nonresidential establishment, or the nonresidential establishment may elect to install, pay for and maintain a meter approved by the Township for measuring wastewaters discharged to the sewerage system, in which case sewer rentals shall be based upon the actual volume of wastes so metered as being discharged to the sewerage system. Said sewer rentals shall be computed at the rates set forth in Part 1 of this chapter.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
When directed by the Township, industrial establishments shall install, pay for and maintain a manhole and other devices as may be approved by the Township to facilitate observation, measurement and sampling of wastes discharged to the sewerage system. The Township or its duly authorized representative shall, at all reasonable times, be permitted to enter upon any and all properties for the purpose of inspecting, observing, measuring and sampling wastes discharged to the sewerage system. Any industrial establishment that desires to connect to the sewerage system or which is connected to the sewerage system and plans to change its operations so as to materially alter the characteristics and volumes of wastes discharged thereto must notify the Township in writing at least 10 days before making such connection or changing its operation.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986; as amended by Ord. 532, 9/10/2008]
Sanitary sewer. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff or subsurface drainage to any Township sanitary sewer. This does not exclude or preclude pumpout of manholes by a utility company or of manholes on plant premises which should be kept dry or in reasonably dry condition.
Unpolluted cooling waters. Unpolluted industrial cooling waters and unpolluted process waters may be discharged to Township sewers only with the written approval of the Township.
Industrial waste. No person shall cause or permit to be discharged into the Township's sewer system any solid, liquid or gaseous matter harmful to the sewage disposal process or any part of the wastewater treatment facilities.
Limitation on waste discharges. Following are wastes which are not acceptable:
Wastes which limit hydraulic capacity of sewers. Wastes which tend to limit the hydraulic capacity of Township sewers and associated equipment and structures, such as grease, sand, tar, rags, glass, ashes, straw, feathers, plastics, paraffin, wood, sawdust, paunch manure, entrails, fleshings, hides, offal from livestock and others as may be prescribed by the Department or the Township.
Wastes which tend to damage wastewater treatment facilities. Wastes which tend to damage sewers and associated structures and equipment such as acids, alkalis, abrasive grits and others as may be prescribed by the Department or the Township.
Wastes which prevent maintenance of sewers. Wastes which tend to prevent or make hazardous maintenance or inspection of sewers and associated equipment and structures, such as gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, solvents, strong acids and alkalies, cyanides, excessively hot wastes, radioactive wastes and others as may be prescribed by the Department or the Township. [See also Subsection 2B(3) and (5).]
Wastes which place unusual demands on sewers. Wastes which place unusual demands, i.e., 10% or more of the system's load, on sewers and associated equipment and structures or treatment process, such as excessive volumes, high biochemical oxygen demands, suspended solids and others as may be prescribed by the Department or the Township. See also Subsections 2A(1), (3), 2B(9), (16) and (17).
Wastes which prevent the Department's treatment facilities from meeting regulatory agency discharge standards. Wastes which contain pollutants incompatible with or toxic to the City's wastewater treatment facilities and affect the suitability of the resultant sludges for various disposal techniques such as heavy metals and others may be prescribed by the Department of the Township.
Specific limitations for wastes discharged into the Township's sewerage system.
No person shall discharge wastes having a pH lower than 6.5 or higher than 9.0 at any time.
Explosive, flammable or combustible waste. The wastewater shall not contain any immiscible substances in immiscible concentrations or any miscible substances or miscible amounts of immiscible substances in sufficient quantity to create a potential quantity to create a potential explosive, flammable or combustible atmosphere in the wastewater treatment facilities at any time.
Temperature. The temperature of the waste shall not exceed 140° F. A variance to a temperature not to exceed 150° F. at any time may be granted when it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Department and the Township that the 140° F. limit would present an extreme technical and/or economic hardship to the person and would not create additional problems regarding the sewerage system or wastewater treatment plant. Upon request by the Department or the Township, the temperature must be reduced as required by the Department or the Township to allow Departmental or Township personnel to enter the City sewer or Township sewers for inspection and maintenance purposes.
Cyanide content. The cyanide content of the waste shall not exceed 10 mg/l total cyanide and 2 mg/l of cyanide readily released at 150° F. and pH 4.5 for a composite sample representing one process day or, as shown by grab sampling, twice these amounts at any given time.
Chlorine and ammonia. The free chlorine and/or free ammonia content of the waste shall be limited to 5 mg/l at any time as shown by grab sample. In particular instances where a mist-free atmosphere, as needed during inspection and maintenance of a sewer, or to protect the sewage system, is otherwise not attainable, the Department or Township may direct the plant management to further reduce its discharge of chlorine and of ammonia, either on a temporary or permanent basis, so as to eliminate formation of mist, in order to permit such inspection and maintenance and protect the sewerage system. [See Subsections 2A(2) and (3).]
Hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide content of the waste shall not exceed 2 mg/l at any time as shown by grab sample.
Wastes containing metals.
For sources connected to the Township's system prior to the effective date of this part the waste shall not contain in excess of the following metal concentrations measured as a total of both soluble and insoluble metals for a composite representing the process day or twice these concentrations at any time as shown by grab sample:
1 mg/l
5 mg/l
0.1 mg/l
10 mg/l
3 mg/l
30 mg/l
15 mg/l
Chromium (Total)
15 mg/l
0.005 mg/l
Subsequent to the effective date of this part, no new source shall discharge to the Township sewer wastes containing in excess of the following metal concentrations measured as a total of both soluble and insoluble metals for a composite representing the process by grab sample:
1.0 mg/l
3 mg/l
0.1 mg/l
3 mg/l
1 mg/l
5 mg/l
3 mg/l
Chromium (Total)
3 mg/l
0.005 mg/l
0.1 mg/l
The limits of Subsection 2B(7)(b) also apply to the waste discharge from an existing source if new industrial waste discharge occurs from that source subsequent to the effective date of this part due to the addition of metal processing or finishing or other operations which result in the discharge of heavy metals. These new operations include, but are not limited to, plating, anodizing, galvanizing, chromating, phosphating, film developing, primary and secondary smelting, heavy metal containing pigment, paint and chemical manufacturing and processes in which heavy metals are used as catalyst.
Cooling tower discharges. Cooling towers discharges as measured before dilution by any other wastewater flows shall not contain in excess of 5 mg/l of chromium (total) at any time as shown by grab sample.
Fats, oils and greases.
Wastewaters shall not contain in excess of 100 mg/l of fats, oils and greases of mineral or petroleum of unknown origin for a composite sample representing one process day and twice this amount at any time as shown by grab sample.
Wastewaters shall not contain in excess of 300 mg/l as a composite sample for one process day for fats, oils and greases of animal or vegetable origin and not in excess of 400 mg/l at any time as shown by grab sample for industries to include, but not limited to, slaughtering, rendering, meat packing, fat, oil, grease or tallow refining and meat processing, where the fats, oils and greases are of such a nature, in the opinion of the Department or Township, as may separate and become floatables or are otherwise nonbiodegradable in the City's wastewater treatment facilities.
The above concentrations may be reduced by the Department or Township where it is demonstrated that the concentration is causing chronic or repeated adverse effects to the sewage system.
The discharge to the sewage system of floatable or separable fats, oils and greases, whether of petroleum or animal or vegetable origin, or any combination thereof, shall not be permitted.
Radioactive wastes. No waste containing radioactive substances shall be discharged unless so treated, diluted or handled as the Township and the Department may prescribe to prevent public health hazard.
Motor oils and lubricants. Motor oils or lubricants removed from vehicles or other machinery shall not be discharged either directly or indirectly into the sewerage system.
Discharge through sewer manhole. No wastes shall be discharged into street inlets or through sewer manholes.
Wastes discharge location. No wastes generated at one property shall be discharged at another property without approval from the Township.
Viscous materials. No wastes containing substances that may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32° and 150° F. shall be discharged.
Noxious substances. No noxious or malodorous liquids, gases or substances which either singly or by interaction with other wastes are sufficient to create a public nuisance or hazard to life, to cause injury or to prevent entry into the sewers for their maintenance and repair shall be allowed.
Rate of flow. No person shall discharge wastewater in quantities or at rates of flow which may have an adverse or harmful effect on or overload the Township's sewerage system or wastewater treatment plant or cause excessive or additional treatment costs.
Excessive flow, biochemical oxygen demand or suspended solids. No person shall discharge a wastewater flow contributing 10% or more of the total biochemical oxygen demand, soluble biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids or volume of the City's wastewater treatment plant receiving the flow without specific written approval of the Department and the Township.
Water and wastewater treatment plant sludges. No sludges from water and wastewater treatment plants shall be discharged into the Township's sewerage system without specific prior approval of the Township. Filter backwash at industrial installations does not fall under this provision and is permitted to be discharged to the Township's sewerage system with permission of the Department and the Township.
Spill prevention. The storage of any material in sewered areas or in areas draining in the Township's sewerage system, which, because of discharge or leakage from such storage, may create an explosion hazard in the sewer system or treatment plant or in any other way may have a deleterious effect upon the wastewater treatment facilities or constitute a hazard to human beings or animals or the receiving stream, shall be subject to review by the Department and the Township and shall require reasonable safeguards to prevent discharge or leakage of such materials into the sewers. This requirement shall be extended to a formal spill prevention plan program including written reports to the Department and Township if deemed necessary by them.
Records and analytical data. Any person serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial waste shall maintain records, provide reports and obtain analytical data as required by the Department and the Township.
Corrective action reports. Any person served by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes not in compliance with the provisions of this part shall submit to the Township periodic notices at intervals specified by the Township (but in no instance at intervals exceeding nine months) of specific action taken to achieve compliance with this part.
Dilution is a prohibited means of achievement of the provisions of this regulation.
Hence, the Township may mathematically calculate concentrations based upon sampling results and the average daily discharge to the sewer determined from the most recent four quarters prior to issuance of this part if:
The quarterly discharge to the sewer increased by 30% or more subsequent to the issuance of this part.
The increase cannot satisfactorily, in the judgment of the Township, be explained by production, process or equipment changes.
The Township also reserves the right to mathematically calculate concentrations based upon sampling results and the average daily discharge to the sewer during the most recent valid quarter prior to sampling, if:
The discharge to the sewer during the day sampling is greater by 30% or more than the average daily discharge during the most recent valid previous quarter.
The increase cannot satisfactorily, in the judgment of the Township, be explained by production, process or equipment change.
Access to premises for inspection. Any duly authorized employee or agent of the Township bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to gain access to such premises during regular working hours and at other reasonable times, and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, as may be necessary for the purpose of inspection and observation, measurement, sampling and testing, and in accordance with the provisions of this part.
Control manholes. When required by the Township, the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install an adequate control manhole together with such necessary meters, recorders, samplers and other appurtenances on the building sewer to permit observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes, including flow-proportioned sampling when deemed necessary by the Township.
Plans and specifications. Such manholes when required shall be accessible and safely located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Township.
Maintenance. The manhole and/or meter(s) and other appurtenances shall be installed by the owner at his expense and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times.
Transport of signal. If a plant has been found to be in repeated noncompliance with Township regulations limiting the minimum permitted pH, and if the discharge can be shown to have had a significant negative effect on the operations or condition of the City's or Township's sewerage system, the discharger may be required by the Township to install the necessary meters and recorders and be required to transmit or transport the signal to a designated facility.
Tank testing. If it is in fact determined by the Township that a person is causing a prohibited discharge to the Township's wastewater treatment facilities due to leaks in underground structures, such as, but not limited to, tanks or pipe lines, the person shall test, according to Township specifications, any structures required by the Township.
Dumps and spills. Any spills or dumps of wastes into the Township's sewerage system which could affect compliance with the limitations set forth in this part shall be reported immediately to the Township regardless of cause.
Approval and permits.
No industrial wastes shall be discharged either directly or indirectly into any sewer without the prior written approval of the Township. This requirement shall be extended to a formal permit system for any existing and/or new discharge if deemed necessary by the Township.
Subsequent to the effective date of this part, no new major contributing industry shall discharge to the Township sewer without obtaining a permit from the Township. Any additional or new industrial waste discharge from an existing source which could either affect the person's compliance with the limitations of this part, alter its status regarding the definition of a major industry or, as related to wastewater discharge, alter its main Standard Industrial Classification Code, must provide written notification to and obtain a permit from the Township.
Installation and maintenance of pretreatment facilities.
Owner to provide pretreatment facilities. Whenever deemed necessary by the Township, any person discharging or proposing to discharge industrial wastes into any sewer shall at his expense provide such pretreatment facilities as may be necessary to reduce or modify the objectionable characteristics of such wastes to meet the limits or conditions hereinbefore defined.
Maintenance. When pretreatment facilities are provided, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the Township.
Owner liable for damages. The person producing the waste shall be liable for all damages directly attributable to such waste.
Sludges generated. Sludges, floats, oils, etc., generated by pretreatment facilities must be contained and transported in a safe manner as prescribed by the rules of regulatory agencies, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and handled by reputable persons who shall dispose of all such wastes in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations. The owner of such sludges, floats, oils, etc., shall keep records and receipts needed to demonstrate proper disposal for review by the Township upon request.
Sampling and analysis.
All measurements, tests and analysis of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in these rules shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, as prepared, approved and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation or other reference source specified by regulatory agency requirements such as Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, or its subsequent updated version.
All measurements, tests, inspections and analysis deemed by the Township to be necessary under this section or any other part of the rules and regulations of the Township shall be done by the Township or its agents, employees or contractors. The costs thereof shall be borne by the owner/owners or user/users of the property which the tests, measurements, inspection and analyses involve. Such costs shall be in addition to any other fees charged by the Township. The cost shall be payable within 30 days of presentation of a bill for such costs by the Township to the owner/owners or user/users. Costs not so paid shall be as those applicable to quarterly charges for sewer services and inspection fees.
Disposal of wastes from septic tanks and cesspools. No person shall dispose of wastes from septic tanks, cesspools or other such sources of sanitary sewage to the Township's sewer system except when the following conditions are complied with:
License required. Persons discharging wastes to the Township's sewer system must obtain a valid license to so discharge such wastes from the Township.
Conform to regulations. The waste must not violate any of the provisions of Subsection 2.
Type of waste. The waste must be of a sanitary nature. Liquids, sludges from wastewater or water treatment plants are prohibited.
Display of license. The person disposing of the waste to the Township system must display at all times a valid license or a photocopy thereof and must furnish to the Township the source, type and location of origin of the waste.
Location. The Township shall specify the permissible locations.
Disposal hours. The Township shall specify the permissible hours of disposal.
Method of disposal. The method of disposal shall be set forth by the Township, and no obnoxious conditions are permitted at the point of disposal.
Samples. Samples of the waste must be provided as directed by the Township and, upon request of the Township, copies of receipts of the origins of the wastes must be provided.
Township agreement areas. Municipalities or authorities with sewer connections to the Township's sewer system must abide by this part and forbid discharges by odorless excavators into sewers flowing to the Township's system.
Federal and state requirements.
Any provisions or limitations of this part are suspended and supplemented by federal and state requirements pursuant to, but not limited to, § 307(b) and (c) of P.L. 92-500 (1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments).
Any reports or miscellaneous information required by regulatory agencies, such as under, but not limited to, § 308 of P.L. 92-500 (1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act), shall be provided to the Township by the users of the Township's system.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this part continues or each section of this part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
The Township reserves the right to deny sewer service for violation of any provision of this part. In addition, the violator is subject to fines and/or civil penalties of regulatory agencies, such as, but not limited to, the Coast Guard, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Township, municipality or municipal authority agreement areas.
For the purpose of controlling industrial waste discharges pursuant to this part, the Township shall be provided with drainage plans, including the location of industrial waste discharges, from each agreement area served by the Township's sewer facilities. The Township may enter or inspect any sewer or sewer systems whether within or without Lower Southampton Township to enforce this part.
Township personnel shall have the authority to enter any company firm or corporation located in the agreement areas as provided in Subsection 2G of this part.
Any person in an agreement area is subject to the provisions of this part.
When required by the Township, the agreement area authority shall provide and maintain in dry and serviceable condition a suitable control manhole, or manholes, together with such meters, samplers, recorders and other appurtenances as the authority may find necessary to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the agreement area flow(s) as they enter the Township's facilities.
Upon request of the Township, each agreement area authority must obtain and provide any information required by regulatory agencies regarding the activities, quantity and quality of any industrial waste discharges in its service area.
The agreement area authorities must notify the Township of any new industrial sources and additional or new industrial waste discharges from existing sources.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The Township reserves the right to require industry having large variations in rates of waste discharge to install suitable regulating devices for equalizing waste flows to the sewerage system.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The Township's representatives shall have access at all reasonable times to water and any other meters used for establishing or determining water consumption, water excluded from the sewerage system, and/or wastewaters discharged to the sewerage system.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The Township reserve the right to impose surcharges for excess-strength sewage and/or excess sewage and industrial waste, as circumstances deem advisable.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The above tapping fees shall be payable upon application for permit to make connection to the sewerage system.
Sewer rentals or charges shall be paid quarterly, and quarterly billings for sewer rentals shall be made by bills dated on the first days of January, April, July and October of each year, for the quarterly calendar period immediately preceding the date of the bill. The bills for sewer rentals under Part 2 for the first quarter during which a property is connected will be prorated on the basis of the quarterly rate. All bills shall be due and payable on their respective dates.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986; as added by Ord. 517, 7/17/2006]
Notwithstanding any other term, condition or provision of this part, all sewer rentals or charges shall be billed to the owner of the property being provided sewage service by the Township. All sewer rentals or charges shall be paid as provided hereunder, and nothing in this chapter shall abrogate the responsibility of the owner of the property being provided public sewage service from payment of any and all sewer rentals or charges, as well as tapping fees as provided under this chapter.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
Quarterly charges for sewer service shall be subject to a twenty-five-percent penalty if not paid within 30 days after they are due. If not paid within 60 days after becoming due, the Township shall have the right to cut off sewer service from the delinquent premises and not to restore the same until all delinquent bills against the same and the cost of cutting off and restoring service shall have been paid.
All persons connected to the sewerage system must give the Township their correct address. Failure to receive bills will not be considered an excuse for nonpayment nor permit an extension of the period during which bills are payable at face.
Payments made, as evidenced by the United States Post Office mark, on or previous to the end of the period during which the bills are payable at face, will be deemed to be a payment within such period.
All sewer rentals, together with all penalties thereof, not paid on or before the end of six months from the date of each bill shall be deemed to be delinquent. All delinquent sewer rentals and all penalties thereof shall be a lien on the property served and shall be entered as a lien against such property in the office of the Prothonotary of Bucks County and shall be collected in the manner provided by law for the filing and collection of such liens.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The funds received by the Township from the collection of the tapping fees and from sewer rentals and all penalties thereon, as herein provided for, shall be segregated and kept separate and apart from all other funds of the Township and shall be paid over on the business day next succeeding collection to the Central-Penn National Bank of Philadelphia, trustee under indenture, dated as of December 31, 1961.
[Ord. 356, 12/17/1986]
The Township reserves the right to and may from time to time adopt, revise, amend and readopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary and proper for the use and operation of the sewerage system, and all such rules and regulations shall be and become a part of this part.