[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
All uses and activities established after the effective date of this chapter shall comply with the following standards.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
All uses and activities shall comply with the Township Noise Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 10, Part 3, Maximum Noise Levels.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No smoke shall be emitted from any chimney or other source of visible gray opacity.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
The emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, fumes, vapors or gases which can cause any damage to human health, to animals or vegetation, or to other forms of property, or which can cause any soiling or staining of persons or property at any point beyond the lot line of the use creating the emission is herewith prohibited.
No use shall emit odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be detectable at any point on or beyond its lot lines. The guide for determining such quantities of offensive odors shall be the 50% response level of Table I, Odor Thresholds in Air, "Research on Chemical Odors: Part I — Odor Thresholds for 53 Commercial Chemicals," October 1968 or most recent edition, Manufacturing Chemists Association, Inc., Washington, D.C.
No emission of liquid or solid particles from any chimney or otherwise shall exceed 0.3 grams per cubic foot of the covering gas at any point beyond the lot line of the use creating the emission. For measurement of the amount of particles in gases resulting from combustion, standard correction shall be applied to a stack temperature of 500° F. and 50% excess air in stack at full load.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No use shall produce heat perceptible beyond its lot lines.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No use shall cause earth vibrations or concussions detectable beyond its lot lines without the aid of instruments, with the exception of that vibration produced as a result of construction activity.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
A completely planted visual barrier or landscape screen of sufficient density and height to constitute an effective screen shall be provided and maintained in the following locations:
Between any nonresidential district and any residential district or residential use;
Between any multifamily residential use or mobile home park use and any other residential district or residential use;
Or for any other use required by Part 14, Use Regulations, to provide a buffer.
The buffer shall be planted along the property lines and may be located within the required side or rear yard setbacks. Additional plantings may not be required where existing planting, topography or man-made structures are deemed acceptable for screening purposes by the Board of Supervisors.
The buffer yard shall be measured from the district boundary line, property line or from the near street line where a street serves as the district boundary line.
The buffer yard may be coterminous with required front, side or rear yards and, in case of conflict, the larger yard requirements shall apply.
No structure, manufacturing or processing activity or storage of materials shall be permitted in the buffer yard; buffer yards shall be maintained as green, planted open spaces.
To the extent the buffer yard regulations contained in § 22-522.5 of Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development, exceed the regulations contained in this part, the regulations in the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance shall be applicable herein.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No highly flammable or explosive liquids, solids or gases shall be stored in bulk above ground, except tanks or drums of fuel directly connecting with energy devices, heating devices or appliances located and operated on the same lot as the tanks or drums of fuel.
All outdoor storage facilities for fuel, raw materials and products and of fuel, raw materials and products stored outdoors shall meet any applicable federal or state safety requirements.
No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that they may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces, nor shall any substance which can contaminate a stream or watercourse or otherwise render such stream or watercourse undesirable as a source of water supply or recreation, or which will destroy aquatic life, be allowed to enter any stream or watercourse.
All materials or wastes which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored outdoors only if enclosed in containers which are adequate to eliminate such hazards.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
The regulations for each district pertaining to maximum overall density, minimum lot area, minimum lot are per dwelling unit; minimum lot width, minimum front yard, minimum side yard, minimum rear yard, maximum height, maximum impervious surface, and maximum building coverage are set forth for each district. No principal building or use shall be erected or established except as permitted in the appropriate part of this chapter for the district involved.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Where a minimum lot area is specified, no principal building or use shall be erected or established on any lot of lesser area except as may be permitted by the terms of this chapter.
The lot area and yards required for any new building or use shall not include any part of a lot that is required by any other building or use to comply with the requirements of this chapter. No required lot area and yard shall include any property, the ownership of which has been transferred subsequent to the effective date of this chapter, if such property was part of the area required for compliance with the dimensional requirements applicable to the lot from which such transfer was made.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Where a minimum lot width is specified, no principal building shall be erected on any part of a lot which has a width of less than is specified, except as may be permitted by the terms of this chapter.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
The provisions of this chapter shall not prevent the construction of a single-family dwelling, provided the yard requirements are observed, on any lot which was lawful when created and which, prior to the effective date of this chapter, was in separate ownership duly recorded by plan or deed, provided that such lot is not less than 7,000 square feet, and provided it is permitted by special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with this chapter.
This exception shall not apply to any two or more contiguous lots in a single ownership as of or subsequent to the effective date of this chapter in any case where a reparceling or replatting could create one or more lots which would conform to the above provisions.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
The following clear sight triangles shall be provided and maintained at all intersections as measured in all directions from center-line intersections. No existing or proposed structures or plantings between two feet and seven feet above road center line shall be permitted in the clear sight triangle area.
For fifty-foot rights-of-way or less: seventy-five-foot clear sight triangle.
For greater than fifty-foot rights-of-way: one-hundred-thirty-foot clear sight triangle.
At each point where a private accessway intersects a public street or road, a clear sight triangle of 10 feet, measured from the point of intersection of the street line and the edge of the accessway, shall be maintained, within which vegetation and other visual obstructions shall be limited to a height of not more than two feet above street grade.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Where two or more main buildings for other than residential uses are proposed to be built upon property in one ownership, front, side and rear yards are required only at lot lines abutting other property.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No building or structure shall be built within the minimum depth from the front of the lot line. For purposes of this section, driveways, required utility facilities and light standards shall not be considered structures.
Where other requirements of this chapter or Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development, require a larger front yard setback, the larger dimension shall apply.
Projections into front yards. Ground-story bays and porches not over half the length of the front wall may project into any front yard 3 1/2 feet. Chimneys, flues, columns, sills and ornamental features may project not more than one foot, and cornices and gutters not more than two feet, over a required front yard.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Where a minimum width of side yard is specified, no building or structure shall be erected within the specified distance from either side lot line, except as permitted by this chapter. This shall not include required utility facilities.
Projections into side yards. Bays, balconies, chimneys, flues, fire escapes may project into a required side yard not more than 1/3 of its width and not more than four feet in any case. Ground-story bays and porches not over half the length of the side wall may project into any side yard 3 1/2 feet.
Fences and terraces in side yards. Side yard requirements shall not apply to fences, hedges or walls less than six feet high above the natural grade nor to terraces, steps, uncovered porches or other similar features not over three feet high above the floor of the ground story.
Driveways in side yard. Driveways shall be permitted in residential side yards, provided that no driveway may be located within three feet of any side property line.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No building or structure shall be built within the minimum depth from the rear lot line specified, except as provided by this chapter. This shall not include required utility facilities.
Rear yard requirements for triangular lots. In the case of a triangular lot with no rear lot line, the distance between any point on the building and corner of the lot farthest from the front lot line shall be at least twice the minimum depth specified in the applicable district regulations, provided the minimum lot width requirements are met.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Unless otherwise provided in Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development, no building shall exceed the maximum height of 35 feet unless otherwise stated for a specific use or district.
Height exceptions of maximum regulations. Height limits specified in this section may be exceeded by one foot for each foot by which the width of the front, rear and side yards is increased beyond the minimum yard requirements, up to a maximum of 80 feet. This exception is applicable only in nonresidential zoning districts.
Accessory structure. No accessory structure shall exceed the maximum height of 15 feet.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
No fence shall be erected in Lower Southampton Township without the issuance of a permit from the Lower Southampton Department of Licenses and Inspections and the payment of any applicable fee as set forth in the Township's Fee Schedule.
Prior to the issuance of a permit, a plan depicting the proposed fence, as well as the height, location on the property and materials of the proposed fence, shall be submitted with the applicable permit application to the Lower Southampton Department of Licenses and Inspections. The applicant shall provide adequate proof of the existence of any property lines depicted on the proposed fence plan.
No fence shall be erected in a front yard unless such fence is located a minimum of 15 feet from the edge of the adjacent cartway, and in no event shall any fence be erected in an existing road right-of-way.
No fence exceeding a height of six feet shall be erected unless otherwise permitted under this chapter.
No fence may be erected or maintained in any Township-controlled easement area.
No spite fence or spite walls shall be erected. A spite fence or spite wall is any fence or wall that has been erected for the purpose of cutting off the light or air of an adjoining property or erected of unsightly materials for the purpose of annoyance or harassment of an adjoining property, or which has been erected to a height above that necessary for proper and ordinary security or enclosure.
Fences and terraces in front yards. Only fencing which does not obstruct view may be located in front yards, and no fence over four feet high, nor hedges over three feet high, shall be permitted in a front yard, unless in the case of corner lots, where the lot owner shall be permitted to designate one front yard to comply with this section.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
In addition to the setbacks and yards required by the terms of this chapter, the following special setbacks are required:
Setbacks from resource-protected lands. On lots which include lands with resource restrictions, the minimum building setbacks shall be measured from the limit of the resource-protected lands rather than from the lot lines so that the required minimum yard is free from resource-restricted lands.
Setbacks from street road. This section shall apply to all uses with lot frontage on Street Road and shall apply whenever an application for land development, subdivision, zoning permit or a building permit is made.
Setback from the street line for all buildings and structures shall be a minimum of 100 feet.
Setback from the street line for parking areas shall be a minimum of 50 feet, provided appropriate landscaping and screening is provided in accordance with Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development.
The streetscape design shall include berms, landscaping, lighting, pedestrian circulation and access and/or any other criteria as determined to be a part of the uniform streetscape plan for Street Road.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-1721 Lighting, adopted by Ord. 558, 9/4/2012, was repealed by Ord. No. 606, 4/10/2024. See now Chapter 10, Part 7, Outdoor Lighting.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, a bus shelter shall be a permitted use in any zoning district, subject to the following criteria:
The use shall be permitted only on established bus routes.
The use shall be permitted only on arterial roads.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
All outdoor waste receptacles, including, but not limited to, dumpsters, cans, recycling bins and recycling dumpsters, must be located in the rear yard wherever possible, but in no event shall be permitted in the front yard. All receptacles must be enclosed completely in an opaque enclosure.
The requirements of this section shall not apply to single-family dwellings, townhouses, duplexes or any other individual residential dwelling unit.
Enclosures for waste receptacles shall be designed so as to integrate into the architectural style of the structure which the receptacle services and, in the event of a standalone enclosure, shall be completely screened by suitable plantings, including trees and shrubbery, consistent with buffer plantings as defined under Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development.
[Added by Ord. 566, 11/12/2014]
The following regulations shall govern the parking, housing or maintaining of vehicles on a residential premises:
It shall be unlawful to load or unload any commercial vehicle in a residential district except for normal deliveries or for moving the contents of a residential premises.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, store, or house more than one commercial vehicle, or any commercial vehicle having a gross weight in excess of 9,000 pounds, in a residential district or within the public streets adjacent thereto.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use any premises in a residential district for a loading station or warehouse.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, store, or house any vehicle regularly parked on a premises in any residential district except on a gravel, stone, macadam or otherwise paved driveway or parking area.