In accordance with the County Commission of Cass County, and when signs are erected giving notice, drivers of vehicles at the intersections of locations listed in this Schedule shall stop or yield their vehicles as specified in this Schedule:
[Ord. No. (04-94) 94-04 §B, 12-16-1994; Ord. No. 95-03 §B, 10-19-1995; Amendments to Ord. No. 95-03 §B, 1-8-1996, 8-29-1996, 12-23-1996, 3-17-1997, 7-24-1997, 11-17-1997, 2-20-1998, 5-29-2003, 8-28-2003, 10-2-2003; Ord. No. 05-20 §1, 12-22-2005; Ord. No. 09-05 §B, 7-9-2009; Ord. No. 09-06 §B, 8-6-2009; Ord. No. 10-02, 8-26-2010; Ord. No. 10-11, 10-7-2010; Ord. No. 10-12, 11-4-2010]
Two-Way or Four-Way Intersections
3rd Street at Freedom Road, one (1) stop sign.
163rd Street:
At Osborn Road, west side, one (1) stop sign.
At Prairie Lane, two (2) stop signs.
163rd/Gore Road at Kurzweil Road, two (2) stop signs.
164th Terrace at Holmes Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
165th Street at Holmes Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
167th Street at Boardman, one (1) stop sign.
171st Street:
At Osborn Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Shimel, two (2) stop signs.
At Ward Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Ward Road, two (2) additional stop signs.
At 171st Street and State line.
[Amended Ord. No. 24-02, 3-6-2024]
174th Street at Holmes Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
175th Street:
At Rolling Hills Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At 175th Street and State line.
[Amended Ord. No. 24-02, 3-6-2024]
177th Street:
At Holmes Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Miller Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Shimel Road, two (2) stop signs.
At 177th Street and State line.
[Amended Ord. No. 24-02, 3-6-2024]
179th Street at Shimel Road, two (2) stop signs.
183rd Street:
At K.C. Southern RR, two (2) stop signs.
At Prospect Avenue.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
184th Street at Cleveland Avenue.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
185th Street at Cleveland Avenue.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
187th Street:
At Askew Avenue.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Cleveland Road (4-way stop).
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Holmes Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Mullen Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Prospect Avenue (4-way stop).
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Shimel Road, two (2) stop signs.
At 187th Street and State line.
[Amended Ord. No. 24-02, 3-6-2024]
191st Street at Shimel Road, two (2) stop signs.
195th Street:
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Cable Road.
At Cleveland Avenue (4-way stop).
At Holmes Road.
At Mullen Road.
At Peculiar Drive.
At Prospect Avenue (4-way stop).
At State Line Road.
At Stockman Road.
At “Y” Highway.
196th Street at “Y” Highway.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
197th Street at Mullen Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
198th Street at “Y” Highway.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
199th Street:
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Mullen Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
201st Street at Pickering Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
202nd Street:
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Mullen Road.
At Stockman Road.
At “Y” Highway.
203rd Street:
At Cleveland Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Holmes Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Prospect Avenue.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Rafferty Road, one (1) stop sign.
At School, one (1) stop sign.
At 203rd Street and State line.
[Amended Ord. No. 24-02, 3-6-2024]
205th Street:
At Cleveland Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Mullen Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At “Y” Highway.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
211th Street at Cleveland, one (1) stop sign.
215th Street at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
217th at Dillon Road, one (1) stop sign.
219th Street at Cleveland, one (1) stop sign.
223rd Street:
At Cleveland Road, one (1) stop sign.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Old Town Drive, one (1) stop sign.
At Prospect, two (2) stop signs.
227th Street:
Stop signs in the east and westerly direction.
At Harper Road, four (4) stop signs.
At Knight Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
231st at Staley Mound, one (1) stop sign.
234th Street at Prospect Avenue, two (2) stop signs.
235th Street:
At Airport Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Camp Branch, one (1) stop sign.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Staley Mound, two (2) stop signs.
237th at Cowger Road, one (1) stop sign.
239th Street:
At Airport Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Camp Branch, one (1) stop sign.
At Chadwick Drive, one (1) stop sign.
At Hunter Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Old Drum, one (1) stop sign.
240th Street:
At Chadwick Drive, one (1) stop sign.
At Tanaine Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Harper Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Overfelt Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Prospect, one (1) stop sign.
241st Terrace:
At Chadwick Drive, one (1) stop sign.
At Tanaine Lane, one (1) stop sign.
243rd at Camp Branch, one (1) stop sign.
245th Street:
At Camp Branch, one (1) stop sign.
At Old Trail, one (1) stop sign.
At Orient Cemetery Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Old Trail, one (1) stop sign.
At Prospect, two (2) stop signs.
251st Street:
At 3rd Street (Cleveland), one (1) stop sign.
At LL Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Old Drum, two (2) stop signs.
253rd Street:
At Brush College Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Groh Road, one (1) stop sign.
254th Street at Groh Road, one (1) stop sign.
255th Street:
At Brush College Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Groh Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Smoke Road, one (1) stop sign.
259th Street:
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At LL Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Old Drum, two (2) stop signs.
At West Line Road, one (1) stop sign.
261st Street:
At Blueberry Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Groh Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Smoke Road, one (1) stop sign.
At West Line Road, one (1) stop sign.
263rd Street:
At Brush College Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Smoke Road, one (1) stop sign.
267th Street:
At Bill School Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Freedom Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Grand River Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Kircher, one (1) stop sign.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
271st at Bill School Road, one (1) stop sign.
272nd at Freedom Road, one (1) stop sign.
275th Street:
At Bill School Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Famuliner, two (2) stop signs.
At Freedom Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Index Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Kauffman, two (2) stop signs.
At Kircher, two (2) stop signs.
At Little Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Obannon, one (1) stop sign.
At Sycamore Grove, two (2) stop signs.
277th at Grand River Road, one (1) stop sign.
278th at Buford Road, one (1) stop sign.
279th at Bill School Road, one (1) stop sign.
283rd Street:
At Belle Plain Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Famuliner, two (2) stop signs.
At Freedom Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Little Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Obannon, one (1) stop sign.
At Sycamore Grove, two (2) stop signs.
At Walker Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Index Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Obannon, one (1) stop sign.
At Shaler Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Belle Plain Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Buford Road, one (1) stop sign.
289th Street:
At Horn Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Jones Road, one (1) stop sign.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
291st Street:
At Famuliner, one (1) stop sign.
At Index Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Jones Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Kircher, two (2) stop signs.
291st Street (cont):
At Little Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Sycamore Grove, two (2) stop signs.
At Walker Road, two (2) stop signs.
295th at Masterson Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Bonar, one (1) stop sign.
At Crook Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Kircher, one (1) stop sign.
At Obannon, one (1) stop sign.
299th Street:
At Famuliner, two (2) stop signs.
At Hartzler Road, two (2) stop signs.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Kircher, one (1) stop sign.
At Little Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Masterson Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Morrow, two (2) stop signs.
At Obannon, one (1) stop sign.
At Old 7 Highway, one (1) stop sign.
At Sycamore Grove, two (2) stop signs.
299th Street and Old No. 7 Highway (two (2) signs — stop 299th Street).
301st at Crook Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Little Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Van Meter Road, one (1) stop sign.
307th Street:
At Davenport Road, one (1) stop sign.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At TT Highway, two (2) stop signs.
At Van Meter Road, one (1) stop sign.
307th Street and Old No. 7 Highway (one (1) sign — stop 307th Street).
313th at Lone Tree, one (1) stop sign.
315th Street:
At Chandler, two (2) stop signs.
At Famuliner, two (2) stop signs.
At Hess Road, one (1) stop sign.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Little Road, one (1) stop sign.
At McClain Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Obannon, two (2) stop signs.
At Three Tees, one (1) stop sign.
At Grant, two (2) stop signs.
At Hess Road, one (1) stop sign.
At South Fork Drive, one (1) stop sign.
323rd Street:
At Amarugia Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Amarugia Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Chandler, two (2) stop signs.
At Gregg, one (1) stop sign.
At Jacobson, one (1) stop sign.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At Main City Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Sherwood Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Three Tees, one (1) stop sign.
At Thunder Road, one (1) stop sign.
327th Street:
At Main City Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
329th at Rainbow, one (1) stop sign.
331st Street:
At Austin, one (1) stop sign.
At Chandler, one (1) stop sign.
At Dorsett Hill Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Evers Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Shipley Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Dorsett Hill Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Thunder Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Harper Road, two (2) stop signs.
At McCulloh Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Dickey Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Nelson Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Sherwood Drive, one (1) stop sign.
At Shipley Road, two (2) stop signs.
341st Street:
At Atkinson, one (1) stop sign.
At K.C. Southern RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
At MO Pacific Railroad, two (2) stop signs.
342nd at Evers Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Bonar Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Lacy Road, two (2) stop signs.
At Main City Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Nelson Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Obannon Road, one (1) stop sign.
347th at Grant Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Grant Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Index Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Parker Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Sliffe Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Barnard Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Grand River Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Lost Lane, one (1) stop sign.
At Main City Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Wagnor Road, one (1) stop sign.
Aero Drive at East 235th Street (south side), one (1) stop sign.
Aero Drive at 236th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Airport Road:
At 227, two (2) stop signs.
At 245, one (1) stop sign.
Alendale Drive at 175th Street.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
Amarugia Lane at 335th, one (1) stop sign.
Amarugia Road:
At 335th, one (1) stop sign.
At 335th, two (2) stop signs.
At 291, one (1) stop sign.
At 299, one (1) stop sign.
Areo at 235, one (1) stop sign.
Areo Drive at 236, one (1) stop sign.
At 291, one (1) stop sign.
At 299, one (1) stop sign.
Atkinson at 335th, one (1) stop sign.
At 307, one (1) stop sign.
At 323, one (1) stop sign.
Austin Road:
At 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 343, three (3) stop signs.
At 355th, one (1) stop sign.
Beattie Road at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
Belle Plain Road at 275th, one (1) stop sign.
Bennett Road:
At 267th, one (1) stop sign.
At 291st, one (1) stop sign.
Beth Lee Drive at East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Blinker Light Road and Cemetery Road (two-way stop).
Boardman Road at East 175th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Bonar Road at 331st, one (1) stop sign.
Bridle Lane at East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Bronson Acres Road at East 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Brush College Road at 267th, one (1) stop sign.
Butcher Road at 351st, two (2) stop signs.
Bybee Road at 283rd, one (1) stop sign.
Byler Road:
At 331st, one (1) stop sign.
At 7 Highway, one (1) stop sign.
C Highway at 261st, two (2) stop signs.
C Street:
At 283, one (1) stop sign.
At 3rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Camp Branch Road at Orient Cemetery Road, two (2) stop signs.
Carriage Lane at East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Carter Road at East 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Cedar at 219th, one (1) stop sign.
Cemetery Road at East 175th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Chadwich Drive at 243rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 299th Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 315th Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 323rd, Street, one (1) stop sign.
Clark Road at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, one (1) stop sign.
Clement Road:
At 307th, one (1) stop sign.
At 317 Terrace, one (1) stop sign.
Cleveland at 195th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Cleveland Avenue:
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At 187th Street (4-way stop).
At 195th Street (4-way stop).
Cleveland Road at 215th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Cleveland Street at 187th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Coleman Road:
At East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Connelly Lane at 355th, one (1) stop sign.
Connelly Road at 355th, one (1) stop sign.
Countryside Drive at East 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Cowger Road:
At 249th Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 253rd, one (1) stop sign.
Crook Road:
At 303rd, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th, one (1) stop sign.
At 315th, one (1) stop sign.
D Highway at 259th, two (2) stop signs.
Davenport Road:
At 299th, one (1) stop sign.
At 315th, one (1) stop sign.
Davidson at 163, one (1) stop sign.
Davilla Court at East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Dean Road at Dickey Road, one (1) stop sign.
Dorsett Hill Lane at 319th, one (1) stop sign.
Dorsett Hill Road at 319th, one (1) stop sign.
East 157th Street at Prairie Lane Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 158th Street at Prairie Lane Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 159th Terrace at Prairie Lane Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 160th Terrace at Prairie Lane Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 203rd Street at School Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 215th Street:
At Jefferson Parkway (both), two (2) stop signs.
At State Line Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 217th Terrace at East 217th Street, one (1) stop sign.
East 223rd Street at Old Town Drive, one (1) stop sign.
East 231st Street at Prospect Avenue (both sides), two (2) stop signs.
East 245th Street at Orient Cemetery Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 258th Street at Blinker Light Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 267th Street:
At Blinker Light Road, two (2) stop sign.
At Orchard Road, one (1) stop sign.
East 273rd Street:
At Blinker Light Road, one (1) stop sign.
At Tieman Road, one (1) stop sign.
East Clover Hills Road at East 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Evers Road:
At 323, one (1) stop sign.
At 331, one (1) stop sign.
Famuliner Road:
At 307th Street, two (2) stop signs.
At 323, one (1) stop sign.
Fields Road at 343, one (1) stop sign.
Fisher Road at Amarugia Road, one (1) stop sign.
Foxtail Drive at 307th, one (1) stop sign.
Francy Road:
At East 179th Street, one (1) stop sign.
At Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, one (1) stop sign.
Freedom Road at 291st, one (1) stop sign.
Gibbons Road at East 175th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Grand River Road:
At 264th, one (1) stop sign.
At 279th, one (1) stop sign.
At Morgan Road, one (1) stop sign.
Gray Road:
North side at East 175th Street, one (1) stop sign.
South side at East 175th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Gregg Road at 319th, one (1) stop sign.
Groh Road at Pony Creek Road, one (1) stop sign.
Gunn City at Old Drum, one (1) stop sign.
Hanging Tree Road at 235th, one (1) stop sign.
Harper Road:
At 235th Street, two (2) stop sign.
At 251st Street, one (1) stop sign.
Harper Road and 227th Street (two-way stop).
At 329, one (1) stop sign.
At 335, one (1) stop sign.
Hartzler Road at 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Hatfield at 219, one (1) stop sign.
Hatfield Road:
At 221st, one (1) stop sign.
At 331, one (1) stop sign.
Hess Road:
At 296th, one (1) stop sign.
At 299th, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Hidden Valley at 239th, one (1) stop sign.
Horn Road at 299th, one (1) stop sign.
Hubach Hill Road and School Road, four (4) stop signs.
Hubach Road and School Road (four-way stop).
Hunter Road at 253rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Jeter Road at East 155th Street, one (1) stop sign.
John Road at Orient Cemetery Road, one (1) stop sign.
Justice Center:
At 2 Highway, one (1) stop sign.
At Clearwater Road, one (1) stop sign.
Karg Road at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, one (1) stop sign.
King at 241, one (1) stop sign.
Kircher Road:
At Orient Cemetery Road, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Knight Road at East 235th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Knight Road and 227th Street (two-way stop).
Kurzweil Road and 163rd Street (two-way stop).
Kurzweil Road:
At 155th Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 155th Street, two (2) additional stop signs.
Lacy at 331, two (2) stop signs.
Lacy Road:
At 319th, one (1) stop sign.
At 355th, one (1) stop sign.
Leslie Road at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, one (1) stop sign.
Lexington Road at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, two (2) stop signs.
Lexington Street at East 239th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Lincoln Road at Orient Cemetery Road, one (1) stop sign.
Little Road at 275, two (2) stop signs.
Lone Tree Road:
At 299th, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Lucille Road at 241st, one (1) stop sign.
Main City Road at 335th, two (2) stop signs.
McClain Road at 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
McCoy Road at 355th, one (1) stop sign.
McCulloh Road at 335th, one (1) stop sign.
McLellan Road:
At 339th, one (1) stop sign.
At 343rd, one (1) stop sign.
Meadowbrook Court at 155th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Merriot Road at 175th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Moore Road at 233rd, one (1) stop sign.
Morrow Road:
At 291st, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Mullen Road at 187th Street (3-way stop).
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
Nash Road:
At 323rd, one (1) stop sign.
At 327th, one (1) stop sign.
Nelson Road:
At 307, two (2) stop signs.
At 315th Street, two (2) stop signs.
At 355th, one (1) stop.
Obannon Road, at 331st one (1) stop sign.
Old Drum, at Gunn City one (1) stop sign.
Old Trail Road:
At Orient Cemetery Road, two (2) stop signs.
At 227th, one (1) stop sign.
At 235th, two (2) stop signs.
At 245th, one (1) stop sign.
Orient Cemetery Road and Camp Branch Road to control traffic on the minor road, which is "Camp Branch", installation of a stop sign at the intersection.
Overfelt Road at 253rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Park Road at 303rd, one (1) stop sign.
Parker Lane at 355th, one (1) stop sign.
Parrot Farm Road at East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Phoenix Drive:
North side at East 217th Street, one (1) stop sign.
South side at East 217th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Pleasant Ridge Road:
At 299th, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Prairie Lane:
At Hubach, one (1) stop sign.
At 155th, one (1) stop sign.
At East 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
At Gore Road, northbound and southbound, two (2) stop signs.
[Ord. No. 22-04, 9-8-2022]
At Y Highway, one (1) stop sign.
At 187th Street (4-way stop).
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At 195th Street (4-way stop).
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At 215th Street, two (2) stop signs.
At 255th, one (1) stop sign.
At 311th, one (1) stop sign.
At 323, one (1) stop sign.
At 329th, one (1) stop sign.
Ray Lynn at 219, one (1) stop sign.
Rodier Road:
At 253rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 267th, one (1) stop sign.
Rogers Road at Missouri Pacific RR Crossing, one (1) stop sign.
Rolling Hills Road at 175th Street (4-way stop).
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
Rush Road at 343rd, one (1) stop sign.
Sawmill Road at 289th, one (1) stop sign.
School at Hubach, two (2) stop signs.
Scotsdale Terrace at 235th, one (1) stop sign.
Scottsdale Drive at East 235th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Seaton Road at 179th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Seville Circle:
East 235th Street:
East Rd., one (1) stop sign.
West Rd., one (1) stop sign.
Shaler Road:
At 281st, one (1) stop sign.
At 303rd, one (1) stop sign.
Sharon Cemetery:
At 323rd, one (1) stop sign.
At 331st, one (1) stop sign.
At 355th, one (1) stop sign.
Shelby Lane at East 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Sherwood at 329th, four (4) stop signs.
Sherwood Drive:
At 319th, one (1) stop sign.
At 339th, one (1) stop sign.
Sloan Cemetery Road at East 179th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Smoke Road at 264th, one (1) stop sign.
South Crest Drive at East 235th Street, one (1) stop sign.
South Fork Drive at Van Meter Road, one (1) stop sign.
South Fork Road at 315th, one (1) stop sign.
South Quail Ridge Road at Pickering Road.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
Southcrest Drive at 235th, one (1) stop sign.
Southcrest Lane at 307th, one (1) stop sign.
Staley Mound Road:
At 219th, two (2) stop signs.
At 243rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Stark Road at 263rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Stevens Point at 351st, one (1) stop sign.
Stockman Road:
At 202nd Street, two (2) stop signs.
At East 267th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Sugar Creek Road at Dickey Road, two (2) stop signs.
Susquehanna Road at 315th, one (1) stop sign.
Sycamore Grove Road:
At Old 7 Highway, one (1) stop sign.
At 307th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Sycamore Road and Old No. 7 Highway (one (1) sign — stop Sycamore Road).
Tanaine Lane at 243rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
Taylor Road at 343rd, one (1) stop sign.
Thorngrove Road:
At 203rd Street, one (1) stop sign.
At 215th Street, two (2) stop signs.
Thunder Road at 339th, one (1) stop sign.
Timberlake Road at 267th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Timber Ridge Road:
At 175th Street.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
At 271st, one (1) stop sign.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
Triple Oak Road at 235th, one (1) stop sign.
Twin Pine at Blinkerlight, one (1) stop sign.
Valley Road:
At 227th Street, two (2) stop signs.
At 235th, one (1) stop sign.
Van Meter Road:
At Pony Creek Road, one (1) stop sign.
At 285th, one (1) stop sign.
At 299th, one (1) stop sign.
West Clover Hills Road at East 215th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Wheatfield Road:
North side at East 217th Street, one (1) stop sign.
South side at East 217th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Wheatland Drive at 171st Street.
[Amending Ord. No. 10-02, 5-2-2019]
Wild Goose Lane at 239th Street, one (1) stop sign.
Williams Road at 343rd, one (1) stop sign.
Wilmouth Road at 179th Street, one (1) stop sign.
WindRidge Road at 251st Street, one (1) stop sign.
Windridge Road at 253rd, one (1) stop sign.
Wolf Road:
At 293rd, one (1) stop sign.
At 301st, one (1) stop sign.
Yoder at 251st, one (1) stop sign.
Zellmer Road:
At 293rd, one (1) stop sign.
At 299th, one (1) stop sign.
Zion Road at 291st, one (1) stop sign.
Areo South at 235th Street, one (1) yield sign.