[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Grading, erosion control practices, sediment control practices, and waterway crossings shall be adequate to prevent transportation of sediment and other pollutants from the site.
For sites that disturb less than one (1) acre unless otherwise exempted under Section 407.030, the owner/developer/contractor must provide a sketch plot plan indicating the overall layout of buildings and other impervious areas, indicate flow direction with arrows and show the location of construction site best management practices. This plan does not necessarily need to be prepared by a registered professional engineer.
For sites that disturb greater than one (1) acre, the owner/developer shall provide a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and associated drawings prepared by a registered professional engineer. The design and construction guidance in KC-APWA 5100 shall be followed insofar as it is applicable. Additional guidance for construction site runoff control can be found in MDNR's "Protecting Water Quality Field Guide". Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans must meet MDNR's requirements set forth in the General Operating Permit for Construction or Land Disturbance Activity.
All construction shall meet the criteria set forth below insofar as they are applicable as determined by the Director.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Clearing and grading of natural resources, such as forests and wetlands, shall not be permitted, except when in compliance with all other City regulations.
Clearing techniques that retain natural vegetation and retain natural drainage patterns shall be used to the maximum extent practicable.
Clearing, except that necessary to establish sediment control devices, shall not begin until all sediment control devices have been installed and have been stabilized.
Cut and fill slopes shall be no greater than 2:1, except as approved by the City to meet other community or environmental objectives.
Phasing shall be required on all sites disturbing greater than thirty acres, with the size of each phase to be established at plan review.
Other measures may be required in order to ensure that sediment is not tracked onto public streets by construction vehicles, or washed into storm drains.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Soil must be stabilized within fourteen (14) days of clearing or inactivity in construction, unless otherwise authorized, and shall be effectively maintained throughout the duration of any inactivity.
Soil stockpiles must be stabilized or covered at the end of each work day unless otherwise protected from allowing sediment to leave the site.
Techniques shall be employed to prevent the blowing of dust or sediment from the site.
Techniques that divert upland runoff past disturbed slopes shall be employed.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Sediment controls shall be provided in the form of settling basins or sediment traps or tanks, and perimeter controls.
Where possible, settling basins shall be designed in a manner that allows adaptation to provide long term stormwater management.
Adjacent properties shall be protected by the use of a vegetated buffer strip, in combination with perimeter controls wherever possible.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
When a wet watercourse must be crossed regularly during construction, a temporary stream crossing shall be provided, and an approval obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources if deemed a jurisdictional stream.
When in-channel work is conducted, the channel shall be stabilized before, during and after work.
Stabilization adequate to prevent erosion must be provided at the outlets of all pipes and paved channels.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
A temporary access road or driveway shall be provided at all sites.
Regardless of the amount of land disturbance at a particular site, it shall be the responsibility of the permit holder and/or property owner to ensure streets open to the public surrounding a permitted site are kept free of debris and sediment throughout construction. Upon notification that a problem exists, the permit holder and/or property owner shall remedy the issue within 24 hours.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Concrete Truck Washout. Concrete truck washout shall not discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water on the site in such a manner that promotes contact with storm waters discharging from the site.
Construction Waste. All construction waste material shall be collected, deposited, and stored in a manner to prevent contact with storm waters discharging from the site and shall be disposed of by a licensed solid waste management contractor. No waste shall be buried on the site.
Sanitary Waste. A licensed sanitary waste management contractor shall collect all sanitary waste from portable units that will be maintained on a regular basis for any site that cannot provide other means of sanitary waste disposal.
Petroleum Products. All construction equipment and vehicles shall be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventative maintenance to ensure proper operation and reduce the risk for leaks or spills. Petroleum products shall be stored in clearly labeled and tightly sealed containers or tanks. Any soil contaminated by fuel or oil spills shall be removed and disposed of properly.
Fertilizers. Fertilizers shall be applied following manufacturer's recommendations. Fertilizers shall be stored in a covered area or in watertight containers. Partially used products shall be properly sealed and stored to avoid spills or leaks.
Hazardous Materials. Storage areas for hazardous materials such as oils, greases, paints, fuels, and chemicals, shall be provided with secondary containment to ensure that spills in these areas do not reach waters of the State. All hazardous waste materials shall be disposed of according to state regulation or the manufacturer's recommendations.