[Adopted by Ord. No. 2-28-68A]
Council of the Municipality of Bethel Park hereby creates a position in the Municipality of Bethel Park to be known as Director of Public Works.
The Director of Public Works shall be an individual who possesses the qualifications of a professional registered engineer and a degree in civil engineering, who shall serve at the will and direction of Municipal Council and shall report administratively to the Municipal Manager.
The Director of Public Works shall perform general basic engineering functions for the municipality and submit a monthly report to the Council.
The Director of Public Works shall supervise and direct the operation of the Municipal Road Department, and his duties shall extend to the fixing of schedules of work crews and the scheduling of projects as directed by the Council in conjunction with the Municipal Manager.
The Director of Public Works shall supervise the operation of the sewage treatment facilities of the Municipality of Bethel Park; shall attend to the scheduling of personnel at the sewage treatment plant; handling maintenance and operational functions of the sewage treatment plant; handling maintenance and operation functions of the sewage treatment system.
The Director of Public Works shall attend all formal Councilmanic meetings, all Public Works Committee meetings of Council, Planning Commission meetings and any other meeting necessary as designated by Municipal Council.
The Director of Public Works shall be in charge of and supervise the issuance of building permits.
The salary of the Director of Public Works shall be as established by Council from time to time.
Any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.