The Council President presides at all meetings unless the Council President is absent or excuses him or herself.
In the absence of the Council President, the Council Vice President presides at meetings.
In the absence of both the Council President and the Council Vice President, a majority of the members present can designate among themselves the presiding officer.
Pursuant to the Charter, three Council members constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Voting on legislation is to be by roll call, except on procedural motions. The ayes and nays must be recorded in the Council Journal. Council members must be present during the roll call vote in order to cast their vote.
A bill is introduced by reading its title.
A bill may be introduced on any legislative day by any one or more Council members.
Pursuant to the Charter, the Council may reject a bill upon its introduction by an affirmative vote of at least four members.
If a bill is not rejected upon its introduction, then the Council President must schedule a public hearing on the bill. This requirement does not apply to a bill in the form of a resolution if no law requires it; however, a public hearing may be scheduled if it would serve the public interest.
The Council President may submit a bill to one or more County agencies, boards or commissions, including the Council Attorney, County Attorney and/or Special Counsel, for comment. Such submissions are to indicate the date by which the agency, board or commission is to reply. Parties in receipt of such submissions must supply whatever information the parties believe the Council needs to evaluate the merits of the legislation.
Pursuant to the Charter, within 72 hours of a bill's introduction, a copy of the bill, with notice of the date, time, and place of its public hearing, must be posted on the official bulletin board and appear on the County website or otherwise be published by electronic media. If circumstances require it, a scheduled public hearing may be postponed to a later date, provided that public notice of both the postponement and the subsequent hearing date are provided.
Except for a bill in the form of a resolution or except as may be provided by the Charter in regard to emergency legislation, a bill cannot be enacted on the date of its introduction.
A bill that results in a law or ordinance cannot be adopted unless it has been the subject of a public hearing.
A bill that has not been scheduled for a public hearing by the Council President may at any time be the subject of a petition demanding such a hearing.
A petition for a hearing may be made by motion by any Council member. The motion is to include the date, time and place of the proposed public hearing. The motion will stand adopted by an affirmative vote of at least three Council members.
Except for emergency legislation, no bill may be scheduled to be heard sooner than three weeks after its introduction.
Except as provided in this Policy, if the Council President has submitted a bill to a County agency, board or commission for review, a public hearing on the bill cannot be convened until the report has been received by the Council President and distributed to the Council members. Copies of any such reports shall be available to the public.
If pursuant to this Policy an entity fails to report on a bill submitted to it, a public hearing on the bill may be commenced by an affirmative vote of at least three Council members, even in the absence of the report.
The Department of Finance shall prepare a fiscal note on the effects a bill may impose on the revenues, expenditures, liabilities, or assets of the County. Such fiscal note is to be submitted to the Council President and distributed to the Council members prior to the bill's public hearing.
Upon convening a public hearing, the presiding officer will ask the bill sponsor, or designated staff from the administration, to give a brief explanation of the purpose of the hearing.
As needed, the presiding officer may require a witness to take an oath prior to the witness giving testimony before the Council. The oath is to be as follows: "Do you solemnly declare and affirm under the penalties of perjury that the evidence you are about to give in the matter now pending shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
Any member of the Council, upon recognition by the presiding officer, may question any speaker or witness.
A member may not initiate discussion or engage in debate without the consent of the presiding officer.
A bill may be amended any time after its public hearing.
An amendment to a bill shall embrace a single subject only and its subject shall not be different than the subject of the bill proposed for amendment.
An amendment to a bill cannot be combined with one or more amendments to any other bill.
A proposed amendment to a bill must be presented in writing before it may be considered for adoption.
In the event a bill is amended before enactment, and the amendment or amendments constitute a substantial change of substance, the bill, as amended, shall not be enacted into law until the bill meets the public hearing, notice, and publication requirements of a newly introduced bill.
An additional public hearing is not required of an amended bill if the amendment does not alter the substance of the legislation. Such amendments may include a change in the sponsors of a bill, punctuation, grammar, spelling, formatting, errors in section numbers, incorrect references to existing law and improper capitalization, provided such changes do not substantially alter a bill's substance.
Legislation that is not intended to have the effect of law (e.g., a resolution) may be amended at any time. Unless otherwise required by law, such a resolution is not required to have a public hearing before the resolution, or the resolution's amendment, is adopted by the Council. A public hearing on such a resolution may be scheduled by the Council President at his or her discretion, or shall be scheduled by the Council President with the affirmative vote of three Council members.
Only bills eligible for adoption by the Council under the applicable provisions of law, the Charter, ordinance and/or these Policies and Procedures may be scheduled for final reading.
An amended bill on final reading cannot be adopted by the Council until the bill is reprinted or reproduced as amended.
A bill shall stand adopted by the Council when a bill scheduled for final reading has been adopted by the Council with an affirmative vote by the required number of members.
[Amended 10-20-2020 by Res. No. 57-2020]
After adoption of a bill, and prior to its submission to the County Executive, if required, the Council President may correct errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling, formatting, errors in section numbers, incorrect references to existing law, as well as improper capitalization, provided such changes do not alter a bill's substance.
The Council President shall certify an adopted bill. Thereafter, and pursuant to any relevant provision of law, the Charter, and/or ordinance, the President shall forward the certified bill to the County Executive for further consideration within 10 business days after adoption.
Editor's Note: Former § A387-44, Request for return, was repealed 9-19-2017.
When a bill is vetoed by the County Executive and returned to the Council pursuant to the Charter, the presiding officer must, at the next legislative meeting of the Council, read the statement of the County Executive to the Council that provides the reasons for the veto. Said reasons are to be entered into the Council Journal.
Pursuant to the Charter, not later than the next legislative meeting immediately following the receipt of any vetoed legislation, the Council may override the veto by the affirmative vote of at least four Council members.
Pursuant to the Charter, the Council must cause a fair summary of all laws enacted, amended, or repealed under this Charter to be published promptly at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County and on the County website or otherwise to be published using electronic media.
Council members may request assistance in drafting legislation from the Council Manager.
The Council Manager will provide research and draft text for legislation.
When the Council member is satisfied with the draft, legislation will be scheduled for introduction.
All legislation will be reviewed by legal counsel for legal sufficiency. Counsel may suggest revisions that the Council member may consider.
All legislation will be numbered sequentially and given a title and synopsis for introduction.
At the time of introduction, the date of public hearing, if required, date of posting, and date of consideration will be identified on the title page.
Legislation will be introduced under the Council member's sponsor. Other Council members can request to co-sponsor legislation.
The County Executive or others in the administration may submit legislation to the Council.
In the event a bill is amended before enactment, and the amendment or amendments constitute a change of substance, the bill, as amended, shall not be enacted into law until the bill meets the public hearing, notice, and publication requirements of a newly introduced bill [Charter Section 304(e)].
The "law" is a statute or the entire sum of legislation, judicial precedent and accepted legal principles, the body of authoritative grounds of judicial and administrative action.
In Cecil County, local "statutory authority" is comprised of the Charter, the Code of Cecil County, and certain ordinances, including the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Ethics Code and Building Code. These are subject to Section 304 of the Charter, which specifies that the enactment of legislation shall be by bill. The enactment of a bill requires a public hearing, and bills adopted by the Council are subject to veto by the Executive.
Resolutions are less formal than bills, and generally do not carry the force of law, or amend or repeal existing Cecil County laws or statutes. Resolutions are not subject to Section 304 of the Charter.
Resolutions can be used to amend or add to the Master Water and Sewer Plan, Personnel Policies and Procedures, and budget amendments. These items have shared responsibility between the executive and legislation branches and are subject to veto by the Executive.
Certain Resolutions are exclusively within the Council's purview, and are not subject to veto by the Executive, such as for example the Council Policies and Procedures.
The adoption of policy statements by the Council, such as a statement in opposition to a state law, is not subject to Section 304 of the Charter, and is not subject to veto by the Executive.
Generally, a resolution may be introduced in one legislative session and considered at the next legislative session.
The Charter, state law, or local ordinance may require that certain resolutions be subject to a public hearing, such as an amendment to the Master Water and Sewer Plan.
When a public hearing is not required for a resolution, the Council may determine whether a public hearing will be scheduled at the time of introduction in legislative session.
At introduction, the Council may take action on a resolution that all members agree that is straightforward and without controversy, and with a unanimous vote.
Resolutions that require a public hearing or are otherwise scheduled for a public hearing at the Council's request will be scheduled for consideration after introduction in order to provide sufficient time to publish notice of the public hearing. Such notice will generally be published one time per week for two consecutive weeks prior to the hearing.
Introduction, public hearing, and consideration of all resolutions will be included in the agenda of the legislative session.
Resolutions regarding the Master Water and Sewer Plan, Personnel Policies and Procedures, and budget amendments are subject to veto by the Executive.
Resolutions regarding policy statements, such as support or opposition to a state law, are not subject to Section 304 of the Charter, and are not therefore subject to veto by the Executive.