Membership. The Personnel and Finance Committee shall consist of six members. Four members shall be citizen members. One member shall be a Town Board Supervisor. The Town Administrator shall be an ex officio member of the Committee but shall not have the right to vote and shall not be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum.
Appointment and term. The citizen members and Town Board supervisor shall be appointed by the Town Chairperson with the approval of the Town Board. Citizen members shall serve two-year staggered terms beginning May 1 of the year of appointment. Two citizen members shall be appointed in odd years and two members shall be appointed in even years. The term of the Town Board Supervisor shall commence upon appointment and thereafter coincide with his or her term of office as Supervisor.
Powers and duties. The Personnel and Finance Committee shall be advisory to the Town Board on all matters relating to Town employees. Its powers and duties shall include:
Advising the Town Board on all matters related to Town finances and financial policies, including the annual Town budget, fund transfer resolutions, contracts, borrowing, investments, purchasing procedures, capital expenditures, land acquisitions, collection of delinquent taxes, commencement or defense of litigation (not including code enforcement actions unless referred to the Committee for recommendation by the Town Board), addition of personnel, reclassification of personnel, and creation of new positions.
Monitoring all Town policies, including wages, salary, benefit plans, job descriptions, grievance and disciplinary procedures. The Personnel and Finance Committee shall make recommendations to the Town Board to ensure such policies are consistent with then current legal requirements and to ensure such policies serve to retain and attract quality employees and otherwise serve the best interests of the Town.
Conducting hearings on employee grievances or disciplinary matters and to report all findings and conclusions to the Town Board consistent with policies or ordinances adopted by the Town Board.
Membership. The Length of Service Award Program Committee shall consist of one Town Board member, one member of the Fire Department and three citizen members.
Appointment and term. Members shall be appointed by the Town Chairperson with the approval of the Town Board. The citizen members shall serve two-year staggered terms beginning May 1 of the year of appointment, except, for the initial appointment only, one citizen members shall be appointed to a one-year term.
Powers and duties. The Length of Service Award Program Committee shall be advisory to the Town Board on all matters relating to the operation of the Length of Service Award Program adopted pursuant to § 16.25, Wis. Stats., including recommendations on service standards, contributions, benefit distributions, the granting of leaves of absence, recordkeeping, program administrator performance and compliance and investment options.
The Town of Ledgeview Park, Recreation and Forestry Committee is hereby established as follows:
[Amended 10-20-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-010]
The Park, Recreation and Forestry Committee shall consist of seven voting members and two ex officio members.
Six of the seven voting members shall be appointed by the Town Board Chairperson, subject to confirmation by the Town Board, The seventh voting member shall be a Town Board Supervisor and shall be elected each April by a majority of the Town Board. All voting members shall be residents of the Town.
The Committee member who is also a member of the Town Board shall serve for a one-year term. The other voting members shall be appointed to three-year terms except for the initial appointment of members, at which one member shall be appointed to a one-year term and another appointed to a two-year term to stagger the terms. All terms of office shall commence on May 1 in the year of appointment.
The ex officio, nonvoting members of the Committee shall be appointed Town officers or employees who shall be appointed by the Town Board and remain in office at the pleasure of the Town Board.
The seven voting members shall not receive compensation for their service on the Committee. Each member shall take the oath from § 19.01, Wis. Stats., prior to entering into the duties of office. The written oaths shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
The Town Board Chairperson shall by May 1 select a President from among the members of the Committee, subject to confirmation by the Town Board, to serve in that capacity for one year. The Town Board member may not be selected as President of the Committee.
The Committee may elect a Vice President and a Secretary, at its discretion.
The ex officio members shall not be officers of the Committee.
Time and place. Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least monthly, unless there is no business to conduct, at a time and place decided by the Committee. Meetings may be called by the President or by any two of the voting members. Notice of each meeting and an agenda for that meeting shall be posted.
Proceedings and records. Rules for the governance of meetings shall be created and adopted by the Committee as it deems necessary, provided that those rules do not contravene any provision of this section or any other ordinance enacted by the Town of Ledgeview. The Committee shall keep minutes of all proceedings indicating, at a minimum, the vote of each member on each question. The minutes of each meeting shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Powers and duties. The Park, Recreation and Forestry Committee shall be an advisory body to the Town Board, with the following powers and duties, along with any powers and duties necessarily implied:
Make recommendations to the Town Board with respect to the management, control, improvement, use and care for all public parks, parkways and boulevards located within, or partly within and partly without, the limits of the Town, and secure the quiet, orderly and suitable use and enjoyment of such facilities for the residents of the Town, including the implementation and operation of recreational programs and opportunities.
Recommend to the Town Board such rules, policies and ordinances that are necessary to promote the efficient management, control, improvement and care of all public parks, parkways and boulevards located within, or partly within and partly without, the corporate limits of the Town.
Make recommendations to the Town Board regarding the acquisition of lands to be developed and utilized for park purposes and improvements within the parks.
Make recommendations to the Town Board regarding all matters relating to the efficient operation of the park system and such other matters as may be referred from time to time to the Park, Recreation and Forestry Committee for its review and recommendation by the Town Board.
Recommend to the Zoning and Planning Commission prior to the Zoning and Planning Commission's consideration of preliminary plats, certified survey maps, or planned development districts regarding land dedications or fees in lieu of land dedications for parks required under subdivision ordinances. Recommendations which are not timely received by the Zoning and Planning Commission's review of preliminary plats or certified survey maps or preliminary review of planned development districts may be disregarded by the Zoning and Planning Commission and the Town Board. Recommendations to the Zoning and Planning Commission under this section shall be in writing and in accordance with the Park Master Plan, Parks Five Year Plan and the Master Plan or shall be supported with reasons for deviating from these plans.
Review and make recommendations to the Town Board on the annual budget prior to September 1 of each year.
The Committee shall study and develop forms of recreation in public parks, playgrounds and other property which may, from time to time, be placed under its direction by the Town Board. The Committee may negotiate joint contracts with other municipalities subject to Town Board approval.
The Committee will also be responsible for the implementation of the Comprehensive Park and Outdoor Recreation Plan and the updating of the plan as needed. It will recommend new park locations and park amenities, as well as improvements to existing parks and trails.
Make recommendations regarding the planting, trimming, spraying, protection and removal of all trees and shrubs in the Town as such actions may further the protection of the health or safety of the public or trees or shrubs located on public lands.
Make recommendations regarding the removal of any dead, diseased, infested, or structurally damaged tree or portion of a tree on private property when such tree constitutes a potential hazard to life and property within the right-of-way or on public property or constitutes a threat to other trees and shrubs within the Town.
Establish any subcommittees from its membership the Committee deems prudent and necessary to carry out the Committee's powers and duties, and shall establish a Beautification Subcommittee for the purpose of focusing on recommendations relating to maintaining aesthetics of public lands, including recommendations on pruning and landscaping. The Beautification Subcommittee shall consist of three members and shall meet as deemed necessary, but not less than once every other month. The Committee shall nominate and appoint the members of all of its subcommittees.
Membership. The Public Works Committee shall consist of one Town Board member and two citizen members. The Town Public Works Director shall be a nonvoting, ex officio member.
Appointment and term. Members shall be appointed by the Town Chairperson with the approval of the Town Board. The citizen members shall serve two-year staggered terms beginning May 1 of the year of appointment, except, for the initial appointment only, one member shall be appointed to a one-year term. Thereafter, one citizen member shall be appointed in even-numbered years and one member shall be appointed in odd-numbered years.
Powers and duties. The Public Works Committee shall be advisory to the Town Board on all matters relating to Town highways, streets, alleys, stormwater and drainage facilities and other public improvements under the control and authority of the Town Board.
[Added 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-013]
Membership; organization. The Public Safety Committee of the Town shall consist of five members, three citizens appointed by the Town of Ledgeview Board, two elected Town Board members, and ex officio members noted below in Subsection C.
Appointment. The Town Board members of the Public Safety Committee shall be appointed by the Town Chairman and confirmed by the Town Board annually. A Town Board member of the Public Safety Committee shall serve for one year unless his/her office becomes vacant.
Ex officio members. The Town Chairman, the Town Administrator, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Public Works Director, and Building Inspector shall be ex officio members of the Public Safety Committee.
Quorum. A quorum of the Public Safety Committee shall be three members of the Public Safety Committee and at least one ex officio member.
Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of members whose terms become vacant in the same manner as originally appointed.
Powers and duties. The Public Safety Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Town Board regarding matters related to the following:
To ensure overall public safety through review of police, fire and inspection operations and recommendations to other pertinent committees or boards.
To periodically review and update those ordinances concerned with overall public safety and make recommendations to the Town Board.
To review the regulations of traffic related to public safety and in concert with the Public Works Director create recommendations to the Board.
To recommend to the Town Board the approval of certain purchases above the department heads' authority relative to police and fire matters.
To recommend a forum for the public to review various permits and inspection complaints, to include special use permits, and make recommendations to the Town Board.
To review the Police, Fire and Inspection Departments' proposed budgets annually and make recommendations to the Personnel and Finance Committee.
To recommend to the Town Board the adoption of such ordinances that will promote safety to our citizens.
To review parking, traffic or pedestrian complaints and make recommendations to the Town Board.
Any other matters of public safety, emergency management or keeping of the peace the Committee or Town Board so desire the Committee to review.
The Public Safety Committee in addition to the above shall act as the Town Board's Loss Control Committee. In such role they will evaluate all property loss accidents exceeding $2,500 in value as well as all defined OSHA reportable injuries.