[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Haledon 2-18-2015 by Res. No. 2015-001. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Board of Health — See Ch. 27.
Board of Health general provisions — See Ch. 410.
All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law.
The Board of Health shall conduct monthly meetings as designated by the Board at the annual reorganization meeting.
The President of the Board shall preside at all meetings. In his or her absence, the Vice President shall preside. In the absence of both President and Vice President, the members of the Board shall choose a presiding officer pro-tem.
Special meetings may be called by the President by directing the Secretary of the Board to send written notice to official newspapers at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
No business shall be transacted at the meeting without a quorum. A total of four members appointed to the Board out of the allowable seven members, as outlined by Bylaw § 425-2A shall constitute a quorum.
The Board shall consist of a maximum of seven members appointed by the governing body in accordance with the requirements of law. Five members shall have a term of three years, one member shall have a term of two years, and one member shall have a term of one year.
Members must reside in Haledon.
Members must attend all monthly meetings.
In the event that a member misses two consecutive meetings, the Board shall notify the member by written letter. If a third consecutive meeting is missed, the Board will dismiss the member and request, in writing, the appointing authority to appoint a new member.
In the event that a member misses a majority of meetings in a calendar year, the Board shall notify the member by written letter. If the member does not attend the next consecutive meeting, the Board will dismiss the member and request, in writing, the appointing authority to appoint a new member.
Alternates vote in the absence of a member.
Upon every vote of the Board, each member shall vote "yes" or "no." In the event a member abstains, said abstention shall be recorded as an "abstention."
No member shall vote on any question in which he or she has a personal, financial, or filial interest in the subject matter thereof.
When a roll call is requested, the Secretary of the Board shall call the name of each member.
A member must be physically present to vote or may call in by phone to vote.
The President can vote only in the case of a tie.
All questions shall require for passage, an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present, unless otherwise required by law.
The order of business at all regular meetings of the Board shall be as follows:
Sunshine Law statement.
Flag salute.
Roll call.
Reading of minutes.
Public hearing.
Employee reports.
Board Secretary.
Borough Nurse's report.
Registered Environmental Health Specialist.
Registrar of Vital Statistics report.
Standing and Special Committee reports.
Old business.
New business.
Reading of the bills.
At the annual reorganization meeting, the members shall elect from their members a President, Vice President and a Secretary of the Board.
At the annual reorganization meeting, the members shall hire as non-voting employees:
Board Secretary.
Borough Nurse.
Registered Environmental Health Specialist.
Registrar of Vital Statistics.
All statutory officers shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of law. The Board may appoint a Health Officer or contract with another municipality to receive the services of a Health Officer.
The President shall serve as presiding officer of the Board and, in his or her absence, the Vice President shall so serve in accordance with § 425-1B of these bylaws. From time to time, the President may appoint committees as shall be deemed by him or her to be necessary or appropriate.
The Secretary of the Board shall be custodian of all Board records. The Health and Welfare Liaison will present written reports to the Borough Council for consideration at the Council's work sessions and regular meetings. The Secretary of the Board shall perform other duties as required by law or directed by the President. In the Secretary's absence, the President will designate another member to perform the Secretary's duties.
The Secretary of the Board will mail meeting reminders as requested by members and employees, issue press releases about meetings and board-sponsored events, and perform other such duties as required by law or directed by the President.
Members must submit a completed oath of office to the Borough Clerk upon taking office as required by law. Members must also submit a completed annual financial disclosure form to the Borough Clerk as required by law.
Where reasonably practicable, payments for goods or services require prior Board approval in accordance with § 425-3F of these bylaws. Payments shall be in accordance with the Borough requisitions policy and process.
Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not covered by law or these bylaws.
These bylaws shall not be altered or amended except at a regular meeting of the Board.
All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and acted upon at the next regular meeting.
An amendment shall require for adoption an affirmative vote of a majority of all appointed members of the Board.
These bylaws are to be read and reviewed at the annual reorganization meeting. At that time a copy of the bylaws, with the last date of Board review affixed to it, shall be provided to each member. Newly-appointed members shall also be provided with a copy of the bylaws.