Construction drawings and engineering specifications shall be submitted following stormwater management plan approval but prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits.
Construction drawings and engineering specifications shall be submitted to the Township Clerk in accordance with reasonable information requirements and calculations specified by the Township Engineer.
Engineering drawings and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Township Engineer.
A building permit, construction permit or certificate of occupancy shall not be issued unless the detailed engineering drawings and specifications meet the standards of this chapter, additional requirements of the Township Engineer, and any applicable requirements of other government agencies.
The peak rate of stormwater discharge from upstream and off-site locations for both the ten- and one-hundred-year-frequency storm event shall be included in detailed engineering drawings and specifications. Stormwater runoff conveyed by watercourses and conveyed via overland flow shall be determined.
Engineering design standards approved by the Township shall be the basis for the Township Engineer's review of engineering drawings and specifications.