[CC 1971 §10-57]
It shall be unlawful for any person, or his agent, having control of any premises or place to knowingly permit a violation of this Article.
[CC 1971 §10-58]
No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or match, or use any spark, flame or fire-producing device not specially authorized for use in such place by the Chief of the Fire Department in any of the following places:
Retail stores. Retail stores designed and arranged to accommodate more than one hundred (100) persons, or in which more than five (5) persons are employed. Provided however, this prohibition shall not apply to smoking in restrooms, restaurants, executive offices or beauty parlors, in retail stores when specifically approved by the Chief of the Fire Department by written order to the person having control of the premises upon a finding that such use therein is not dangerous to life or property.
Beds in public rooms. In beds in hospitals, hotels, dormitories, nursing homes, and rooming and lodging houses. Provided however, a printed notice advising the occupant of the effect of this Subsection shall be posted in a conspicuous place in every sleeping room of such buildings.
Public theaters. During a performance in public theaters, motion picture houses, or other auditoria used for such purposes. Provided however, this prohibition shall not apply to smoking rooms and areas and restrooms when specifically approved by the Chief of the Fire Department by written order to the person having control of the premises upon a finding that such use therein is not dangerous to life or property. This Subsection shall not be construed to prohibit smoking by performers upon the stage as part of any theatrical production.
Projection booths. Any projection booth, enclosure or other room in a public place in which any motion picture machine is operated.
Dance floors. Dance floors of any cabaret, restaurant, nightclub, or other public place offering facilities for dining and dancing.
[CC 1971 §10-59]
Every person, or his agent, having control or premises upon which smoking or the carrying of lighted objects is prohibited by or under the authority of this Article, shall conspicuously display upon the premises a sign reading "Smoking Prohibited by Law."
[CC 1971 §10-60]
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have the authority to order "Smoking Prohibited by Law" signs erected in any place of public assemblage where, in his opinion, smoking, or the carrying of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or match, or any use of any spark, flame or fire-producing device not specially authorized for use in such place would constitute a menace to life or property.
[CC 1971 §10-61]
No person shall smoke in any properly placarded place, nor shall any person remove any placard required to be erected by or under the authority of this Article.
[CC 1971 §10-62]
No person shall throw hot or burning substances or objects, such as cigars, cigarettes, papers, matches, and ashes from windows and doors on any building, or public place, or from any moving vehicle.
[CC 1971 §10-63]
No person shall throw or place hot or burning substances or objects, such as cigars, cigarettes, or the contents of a burning pipe in, upon, or in close proximity to any public or private premises, object, or structure or in any public street or place, where there is any material or condition which is combustible, or liable to damage by heat, fire or explosion.