[CC 1971 §5-1; Ord. No. 471, §101, 8-16-1955]
The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits; beginning at the southwest corner of Water and Calhoun Streets; thence north along the west side of Water Street to the northwest corner of Water and Mill Streets; thence west along the north side of Mill Street to the northeast corner of Mill Street and Main Street; thence north along the east side of Main Street to the U.S. Highway No. 136; thence east along the south side of said highway to Rock Creek ; thence north along Rock Creek to where it intersects the City limits; thence west to the east side of Main Street; thence south to Highway No. 136, thence northwest along said highway to the City limits; thence southeast along the south side of said highway to the west side of Main Street; thence south to Mill Street; thence west to the east side of Market Street; thence south to the south side of Calhoun Street; thence east to the point of beginning.