Monitoring for program compliance and general reporting.
The Director may require periodic reporting on the status and implementation of best management practices.
In the course of determining the source of a FOG-related blockage or interference, the Director may require remote visual or direct visual monitoring, at the sole expense of the FSE or designee, to document the actual conditions of the food service establishment's sewer lateral and sewer lines downstream of the grease control device.
Other reports may be required such as compliance schedule progress reports, FOG control monitoring reports, and any other reports deemed reasonably appropriate by the Director to ensure compliance with this article.
Specific reporting requirements.
Food service establishments with grease interceptors shall submit appropriate documentation of all grease interceptor cleaning, pumping and/or maintenance activities to the IPC within seven business days of any such activity. Appropriate documentation includes, but is not limited to, waste hauler manifests, pump-out report, etc. Documentation maybe faxed, mailed, e-mailed or hand-delivered to the IPC.
Food service establishments with grease traps shall maintain accurate and complete inside grease trap/solids interceptor maintenance logs. A template shall be made available through the City website.
Recordkeeping requirements. The food service establishment or designee shall be required to keep all manifests, receipts and invoices of all cleaning, maintenance, grease removal of/from the grease control device, and disposal carrier and disposal site location for no less than three years. The FSE or designee shall, upon request, make such documentation available to any City representative or inspector. These records may include:
A logbook of grease interceptor, grease trap, solids interceptor or grease control device cleaning and maintenance. At the FSE's option, receipts for cleaning and maintenance may be used to satisfy the requirements of this subsection for grease interceptor recordkeeping.
A record of best management practices being implemented, including employee training.
Copies of records and manifests of grease interceptor or grease trap waste hauling activities.
Records of sampling data and sludge height monitoring for FOG and solids accumulation in grease interceptors (25% Rule).
Records of any spills and/or cleaning of the sewer lateral. Any other information deemed appropriate by the Director to ensure compliance with this article.
Falsifying information or tampering with process. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement or representation, or to submit or prepare a false record, report, plan, or other document that is filed with the City, or to tamper with or knowingly render inoperable any grease control device, monitoring device, or access point required under this article.
The Director may inspect and/or sample or order the inspection and sampling of the wastewater discharges of any food service establishment to ascertain whether the intent of this article is being met and the FSE is complying with all requirements.
The Director shall have the right to place or order the placement on a food service establishment's property or other locations as determined by the Director such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering operations.
The Director shall have the right to inspect and copy all notices, monitoring reports, waste manifests, and records maintained by the FSE as required by this rule, including, but not limited to, those related to wastewater generation and wastewater disposal.
Any grab or composite sample taken from a sample point is considered to be representative of the discharge to the POTW at that sampling location.
The food service establishment or Designee shall notify the IPC at least 90 days prior to any facility change in operations/remodeling or process modifications that may result in new or substantially increased FOG discharges or a change in the nature of the discharge. The food service establishment or designee shall provide notice to the IPC, in writing, of the proposed change in operations or remodeling and shall submit any additional information needed to evaluate the impact or effect of the changes as may be required by the Director.