Bode'wadmi traditions and values recognize the interconnectedness of every person and everything in this world and that the actions of one individual, or of a group of individuals, will have an impact on the whole of our community. In all things we do as a government, it is our obligation to promote Bode'wadmi traditions and values by seeking consensus so that decisions that are made will benefit the whole of our community for this and the next seven generations.
Children are the Tribe's most vital and cherished resource. The Tribe's future depends on the health and well-being of its children. Children have a sacred right to receive the care and guidance necessary for their spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical development. Feeling pride from their identity as Potawatomi will help them grow into strong, healthy, responsible adult tribal citizens. The focus shall be on healing the parties rather than punishing the juvenile for his or her behavior, to provide appropriate options at all levels of the juvenile matter regarding treatment, healing and rehabilitation of the minor, their families, and the victim.
In carrying out the powers of self-government in a manner that promotes and preserves our Bode'wadmi values and traditions, the Tribe strives to be guided by the Seven Grandfather Teachings in its deliberations and decisions. The rights and limitations contained in this chapter are intended to reflect the values in the Seven Grandfather Teachings to ensure that tribal youth and community and other persons participating in youth development within the jurisdiction of the Tribe will be guided by the Seven Grandfather Teachings:
Bwakawen — Wisdom
Debanawen — Love
Kejitwawenindowen — Respect
Wedasewen — Bravery
Gwekwadzewen — Honesty
Edbesendowen — Humility
Debwewin — Truth