All differences of opinion in regard to points of order or modes
of procedure of the City Council not otherwise provided for shall
be governed by parliamentary practices as set forth in Cushing's Law
and Practice of Legislative Assemblies.
All rules and orders of business of the City Council shall be
observed in all cases, unless suspended for a specific purpose by
a vote of 2/3 of the members present.
No rule or order of the City Council shall be repealed or amended,
and no additional rule shall be adopted, except by a majority vote
of the entire City Council.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-22]
Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the second
and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise
ordered. Every adjourned sitting of the City Council, not an adjourned
special meeting, shall constitute a regular meeting, and the order
of business thereat shall be the same as in the case of a regular
The Mayor, and in like manner the President of the City Council,
may at any time call a special meeting of the City Council by causing
a written notice of such meeting, specifying the subject which he
desires to have considered, to be left at the usual place of residence
of each Councilor, or given to him in hand, at least 24 hours before
the time appointed for the meeting, and no other business shall be
transacted at such special meeting. On petition of any five members
of the City Council, the President shall call a special meeting of
the City Council to act upon any matters set forth in the petition.
Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as provided in this
A. As provided in Section
2-6 of the Charter, a majority of the City Council shall constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the City Council shall be necessary to adopt any motion, resolution or ordinance.
[Amended 6-20-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-21]
B. A quorum, whether the vote be "yea" or "nay" or otherwise, shall
be a present quorum and not a voting quorum.
A. At every meeting of the City Council, unless otherwise determined
by a majority of the members present, the order of business shall
be as prepared by the City Clerk in the agenda unless otherwise directed
by the President of the City Council.
B. The order of business shall be suspended by the Chair for consideration
of any communication from the Mayor.
A. The President of the City Council shall take the chair at the hour
of meeting, and call the members to order. If a quorum is present,
business shall proceed.
B. The President may express his opinion on any subject under debate,
but in such cases he shall leave the chair and appoint some other
member to take it. The President may state facts and give his opinion
upon questions of order without leaving his place.
The Vice President who is elected annually by the City Council
shall preside in the absence of the President.
If both the President and the Vice President are absent, the
City Clerk shall call the City Council to order and preside for the
selection of a President Pro Tempore.
The President of the City Council shall preserve decorum and
order and speak to points of order in preference to other members.
He shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the
City Council, duly seconded, and no other business shall be in order
until the question on the appeal has been decided.
The President of the City Council shall declare all votes, but
if any member doubts a vote, the chair shall, without permitting any
debate, require the members voting in the affirmative and negative,
respectively, to rise and stand until counted, and he shall declare
the result.
The City Clerk shall attend all meetings of the City Council,
and keep the records thereof. The City Clerk shall record the names
of members present and absent, and shall have the care and custody
of all records, documents, maps, plans and papers of the City Council,
respecting the care and custody of which no other provision is made.
When the "yeas" and "nays" are taken, the Clerk shall call the names
of all the members in alphabetical order, excepting that of the President,
which shall be called last.
On all questions and motions before the City Council, the chair
shall take the sense of the City Council by "yeas" and "nays," if
any two Council members present shall require it.
A. The President of the City Council shall propound all questions in
the order in which they are moved, unless the subsequent motion shall
be in its nature a preferred motion, except that in naming sums and
fixing times the largest sum and the longest time shall be put first.
When a motion is made to refer any subject and different committees
are proposed, the question shall be taken in the following order:
B. When a question is under debate he shall receive no motion but: 1)
to adjourn; 2) to lay on the table; 3) for the previous question;
4) to postpone to a day certain; 5) to commit; 6) to amend; or 7)
to postpone indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence
in the order stated in this subsection, and the first three and last
shall be decided without debate.
Every motion before the City Council shall be reduced to writing
if the President shall direct or if any member of the City Council
requests it.
The President of the City Council shall put the previous question
in the following form: "Shall the main question be now put?" All debate
upon the main question shall be suspended until the previous question
shall be decided.
After the adoption of the previous question, the sense of the
City Council shall forthwith be taken, first, upon amendments reported
by a committee, then upon all pending amendments, and finally upon
the main question.
All incidental questions of order before the City Council arising
after a motion has been made for the previous question shall be decided
without debate, except an appeal; and on such appeal no member shall
be allowed to speak more than once without leave of the City Council.
After a motion is stated or read by the President of the City
Council, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the City Council,
and shall be disposed of by vote; but the mover may withdraw it, by
unanimous consent, at any time before a decision or amendment.
A question having been taken, it shall be in order for any member
of the City Council voting with the majority to move a reconsideration
at the same meeting, or at the next meeting, provided the subject
of the vote has not passed out of the custody of the City Council.
No more than one motion to reconsider shall be entertained.
Every member of the City Council shall take notice of the day
and hour at which the City Council may be in session and shall give
his punctual attendance accordingly.
Every member of the City Council, when about to speak, shall
address the chair (as "Mr. President"), and confine himself to the
question under debate, avoiding personalities. No member in debate
shall mention another member by name, but may describe him by some
designation as may be intelligible and respectful. No member shall
speak or vote out of his place without leave of the President.
No member of the City Council, while speaking, shall be interrupted
by another, except by a call to order or for explanation.
No member of the City Council shall speak of the same question
more than once, until all members choosing to speak shall have spoken.
Any member of the City Council may call for a division of a
question when the question will admit it, and the President shall
decide this question without appeal.
When the reading of a paper is called for, and the reading is
objected to by any member of the City Council, the reading thereof
shall be determined by a vote of the City Council.
The seats of the City Council shall be numbered, and they shall
be occupied in alphabetical order beginning with the seat at the furthest
left of the President, and no member shall thereafter change his seat
without permission of the chair.
When two or more members of the City Council rise at the same
time, the President shall name the member who is first to speak.
Every member of the City Council, except as provided in §
2-100, who shall be in the City Council chambers when a question is put shall vote, unless the City Council, for special reasons, excuses him. Application to be excused on any question must be made before the City Council is divided, or before the calling of the "yeas" and "nays," and such application shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the reasons, and shall be decided without debate.
No member shall be permitted to vote on any question where his
private interest is immediately concerned, distinct from that of the