[Amended 1-5-1993 by Ord. No. 1993-1; 12-23-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-27; 2-23-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-7]
The President shall appoint, as soon after the organization of the City Council as shall be convenient, the following standing committees:
Committee on Finance, consisting of nine members.
Committee on Ordinances and Legislation, consisting of five members.
Committee on Public Works and Transportation, consisting of three members.
Committee on Regulations, consisting of three members.
Committee on Public Safety, consisting of three members.
Committee on Health and Environmental Affairs, consisting of three members.
Committee on Real Estate, consisting of three members.
[Amended 2-9-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-4]
Committee on Economic Development and Tourism, consisting of three members.
Committee on Human Services, Housing, Youth, Elder and Veterans' Affairs, consisting of three members.
[Amended 10-11-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-32; 9-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-15][1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection J, Committee on Budget Preparation, Revenue and Audits, added 2-9-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-6, was repealed 3-15-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-8.
A majority of the membership of each committee of the City Council shall constitute a quorum.
No committee of the City Council shall sit during the session of the City Council without permission of the President of the City Council.
The President of the City Council shall name the chairperson on all committees of the City Council. In case of the absence of the chairperson, the committee shall have power to elect a chairperson pro tempore.
The President of the City Council shall be ex officio chairperson of the Committee on Finance and any other committee consisting of the full City Council.
If the chairperson fails to call a meeting of a committee within 10 days from the time a subject has been referred to it, any two members may call such a meeting.
It shall be the duty of any committee of the City Council to which a subject may be specially referred to report thereon within one month from the time the subject is referred to it, or at the next meeting thereafter, or ask for further time.
No report shall be received from any committee unless the subject matter thereof shall have been considered in committee actually assembled, and unless the report shall state the vote by which the report was adopted, indicating by name in case the vote was unanimous the members absent, if any, and in case the vote was not unanimous, the members voting in the affirmative, the members voting in the negative and the members absent at the meeting of the committee at which such action was taken.
Records of the proceedings of committees of the City Council shall be kept in books provided by the City for the purpose. All votes in the several committees upon reports or recommendations of the committee to the City Council shall be taken by "yeas" and "nays," and a record thereof shall be kept by the Clerk of Committees.
Appointment and term. There shall be an officer of the City to be known as the "Clerk of Committees," who shall be appointed by the City Council and serve as provided by Acts of 1959, c. 542.
Duties. The Clerk of Committees shall act as the Clerk of all committees, standing or special, of the City Council. He shall make such records as may be requested by the City Council, in books kept for that purpose, of all the proceedings and transactions of such committees. He shall, if requested by the City Council, keep a calendar of all the meetings of such committees. He shall cause notice to be issued to the members when requested so to do by the chairperson or a majority of any such committees, and shall perform such other duties and services for such committees as they may from time to time require.