An administrator may be appointed by the City Sewer Commission, who, with the clerk thereof, and all such subordinate officers, agents and directors as may be found necessary, and whom such commission is hereby authorized to appoint, shall perform such duties, respectively, as the commission shall assign, and receive such compensation as the City Council, in relation thereto, shall determine.
[Amended 6-21-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-10; 5-23-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-12; 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-40]
The Administrator of Community Utilities shall have charge of the conduits, wastewater treatment facilities, lands, engines and all other property connected with the sewer works, subject in all matters in relation thereto to the control and direction of the City Sewer Commission; and he shall perform all such other services in connection with such works as may, by the Sewer Commission, be required of him.
[Amended 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-40]
The Administrator of Community Utilities shall be the Sewer Registrar, and the Director of Administrative Services shall be his assistant.
The Sewer Registrar shall have the charge, under the direction of the Sewer Commission, of all matters connected with the use of the sewers; and he shall see that the rules and regulations of the commission or of the City Council in relation to the use of sewers are observed and all the penalties for their violation enforced. For this purpose, he shall, every year, and as much oftener as he may be directed by the commission or may himself think proper, personally, or by an assistant under his direction, visit the premises of every person using sewers, and in all suitable ways exercise a constant and careful supervision over their use. The Registrar shall keep suitable books in which shall be entered the names of all persons who use sewers, the name of the street and the number of the building, the nature of the use, the amount charged, and basis upon which such charge is computed; and he shall prepare and put into use all such forms as may be approved by the commission and which may be found necessary for the prompt and reliable discharge of the duties of his office. He shall forthwith report to the commission all failures on the part of the sewer users to meet the demands made upon them, shall execute all decisions of the commission in relation to the turning on or cutting off of the taking of sewage, and under its control may make abatements in the sewer rents in all proper cases.
[Added 2-10-1998 by Ord. No. 1998-6]
Those full-time personnel hired by the Sewer Commission between the years 1987 and 1989, inclusive, and providing continuous service to the Sewer Commission as of 1997, shall have designated employment starting dates as per the time of their actual hiring between 1987 and 1989, and shall be considered City employees, with all rights and benefits designated in this Code, including the service time from their hiring date to the present.