The regulations in this division are hereby established and, together with such regulations as shall be from time to time made by the City Sewer Commission under the authority of §
74-59, shall be considered a part of the contract with every person who uses the sewer; and the fact of discharge shall be considered as expressing assent on the part of the user to be bound thereby. A copy of the regulations shall be given to all applicants for sewer service.
It shall be unlawful for any person to injure any public conduit,
pipe or facility connected with the City sewer works, or to break
and enter such conduit, pipe or facility, or to, without license from
the City Sewer Commission, discharge or cause to be discharged wastewater
in any public pipe, conduit or receptacle, or make any opening or
connection with such pipe, conduit or receptacle.
All applications for sewer service by or for tenants shall be
countersigned by the owner of the property.
Care shall be taken to prevent an unnecessary discharge into
sewers, and there shall be no concealment of the purposes for which
the sewer is used.
Both the applicant for sewer service and the owner of the property
shall be equally responsible for the sewer dues as well as for any
unnecessary discharge of sewage that may occur.
No alteration shall be made in any of the sewer pipes or fixtures
inserted by the City, except by its agents, who are to be allowed
to enter the premises supplied, to examine the apparatus and to ascertain
whether there is any unnecessary waste.
No sewer service shall be supplied to parties not entitled to
the use of it under any City ordinance, unless by special permission
of the City Sewer Commission.
[Amended 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-40]
The Sewer Registrar and Administrator of Community Utilities,
or their agents or assistants, may enter the premises of any sewer
user to examine the quantity used and the manner of its use, and to
cut off the water and/or sewer service for nonpayment of charges,
fees or fines or for any violations of regulations, or for any other
necessary purposes connected with the discharge of their duties.
All work from the sewer main to the property line shall be under
the direction and approval of the City Sewer Commission at the expense
of the sewer user both for labor and material.
No person shall be entitled to damages or to have any portion
of a payment refunded for any stoppage occasioned by accident to any
portion of the sewage works, or for stoppage for purposes of additions
or repairs, or for nonuse occasioned by absence, and the City Sewer
Commission shall have the right to shut off the sewer to make repairs
or additions of new work.
[Amended 6-20-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-12]
A. Permit required; standards. No person shall enter a private drain
into any main drain or common sewer constructed by the City unless
he shall obtain a written permit therefor from the Sewer Commission
and unless he shall conform to all regulations of the City Council
relating to sewers and drains.
B. Record of permits. The Engineering Division shall keep a complete record of permits required by Subsection
A of this section, giving the name of the street and the number of the estate, if any, the name of the owner, the size and kind of side drain entered, the name of the drainlayer making the entrance, and such facts in connection therewith as may be of importance as a matter of record.
C. Any new construction must tie into the sewer where available. Any
existing structure tying into the sewer must connect to water if available.
[Added 1-26-2016 by Ord.
No. 2016-1]
[Amended 10-25-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-23; 6-20-2000 by Ord. No.
A. Generally. No person shall make or cause to be made any entrance into any main drain, common sewer or water main unless he shall have been licensed to do so by the City Council and shall have given a bond in the sum of not less than $25,000 for the faithful performance of his work and to indemnify the City against any loss or damage from negligence or defective work. An acceptable certificate of insurance in accordance with the provisions of Chapter
66, §§
66-371 and
66-372, of the City Code shall be filed with the required bond. Each such license shall be granted for one year from May 1 until April 30 of the following year, and the required bond and certificate of insurance shall be coterminus with the license. Such license may be suspended for cause by the Sewer Commission or City Engineer, which or who shall report the suspension to the City Council at its next meeting. Every application for a drainlayer's license shall first be submitted to the City Engineer, who shall endorse thereon his recommendation for approval or disapproval and his reason therefor.
B. Corporations. Every corporation shall submit with its application
a copy of its current annual certificate of condition and a copy of
any subsequent certificate of change of corporate officers on file
with the Secretary of State as required by MGL c. 156, §§ 24
and 47.
C. Fee. The fee for a drainlayer's license shall be as provided in Chapter
A110, Fee Schedule, of the City Code.