The care and management of the City waterworks shall be in and exercised by the Watuppa Water Board.
The Watuppa Water Board shall consist of three Commissioners appointed by the Mayor, no one of whom shall be a member of the City Council. They shall receive no compensation or salary.
The officers of the Watuppa Water Board shall be a president and a clerk. The president shall be chosen by the members thereof by ballot. The clerk shall not be a member of the board.
The president of the Watuppa Water Board shall exercise general supervision over the waterworks and the materials and property connected therewith, and over all subordinate officers and agents. He shall preside at all meetings of the board, and in his absence a president pro tem shall be chosen.
[Amended 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-40]
The Administrator of Community Utilities may be the clerk of the Watuppa Water Board as provided in § 74-301.
The clerk shall be the recording officer of the Watuppa Water Board, and shall be sworn to the faithful performance of his duties. He shall have the custody and supervision of all the books, plans and documents under control of the board and shall keep all such books and records as the board shall direct.
The Watuppa Water Board shall have and exercise, subject to any order of the City Council, all the powers vested in the City Council by An Act for Supplying the City of Fall River with Pure Water, approved March 24, 1871, Acts of 1871, c. 133, and any acts in addition thereto or in amendment thereof, so far as such powers can be legally delegated.
The Watuppa Water Board is hereby authorized to act as agents, officers and servants of the City to exercise all the rights, powers and authority given to the City by Acts of 1891, c. 114, and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof relating to the preservation and the protection of the water supply of the City; provided, however, that no lease or grant of any right in, over or upon the lands and waters purchased, acquired or taken under such acts, and no lease or conveyance of any portion thereof, shall be granted or made, and no public way shall thereon be laid out, except upon vote of the Water Board, approved by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
The Watuppa Water Board may construct and make such repairs of water pipes and fixtures and do such plumbing work as it may deem necessary.
The Watuppa Water Board may establish such regulations, not conflicting with any ordinance of the City, for the introduction and use of water, the measurement thereof and payment therefor, as it may deem expedient; and upon any failure or refusal to comply with such regulations, the Board may shut off or refuse to supply water.
The Watuppa Water Board shall assume all obligations and possess all rights and privileges now or formerly borne by or possessed by the Reservoir Commission, so-called, and for the purposes of any law heretofore enacted, or any contract heretofore entered into, shall be the Reservoir Commission.