[Added 10-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-05]
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
In this article, the following terms have the meanings indicated:
Land area within the subdivision which is undeveloped or developed for recreational purposes and is either dedicated to the Town or is owned in common among the residents.
Those open space areas which are designed for active leisure pursuits by providing amenities such as athletic fields or courts, athletic equipment, tot lots, playgrounds or other similar amenities or as further defined within the Comprehensive Plan.
Those open space areas that are designated for public access with the primary purpose of recreating in open, preserved or minimally disturbed natural areas. Such areas may include natural and paved pedestrian or bike trails, picnic pavilions, nature observation facilities, boardwalks, benches or other similar amenities or as further defined within the Comprehensive Plan.
The provisions of this article shall be applicable to the development of all property which:
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Is located in whole or in part in the R-1, R-2, or R1-SG districts; and
Includes areas which are shown on the Myersville Comprehensive Plan as reserved for one or more parks, playgrounds, schools or other public open space uses.
The provisions of this article shall also be applicable to the subdivision and development of all property which is zoned, in whole or in part, in the Open Space (OS) District.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to a "minor subdivision" within the meaning of § 130-10 of this chapter.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
"Net tract area," as applied in this article, shall mean that portion of property being developed less that portion of the property which, as part of the subdivision process, is or will be designated and used for stormwater management facilities, public streets, public utility easements or other public or private infrastructure, or which are designated wetlands or steep slopes.
At least 10% of the net tract area of property being developed shall be reserved for open space purposes, for active recreational uses, public parks or playgrounds, for passive recreational uses, or for any combination thereof. Any portion of the property being developed which is designated as open space under the control of a homeowners' association or the Town which is reserved open space or designated on the preliminary subdivision plat as an active or passive recreational area may be credited toward the required open space requirement. Projects less than 10 acres in net tract area shall be exempt from this requirement.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
The design of any dedicated recreational and open space areas shall be completed and approved in conjunction with the submission and approval of the improvement plans pursuant to § 130-13 and Article VI of this chapter.
All recreation areas shall be directly accessible either by way of a public sidewalk or by way of paved or natural surface trail which connects the recreation area to a public street. When direct access is not available, practical, or would contravene any other provision within Chapter 130, an easement granting access or maintenance to the Town shall be recorded and be deemed suffiecient to fulfill the requirements set forth in this section.
The Planning Commission may require improvements to be made to the dedicated recreational and open space areas and shall follow the procedures and provisions set forth in Articles III and VI of this chapter. Improvements for the reserved areas may also include such amenities as may be identified in the Comprehensive Plan.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
The developer or owner may be required to post such security in the form of bonds, letters of credit or other guarantees as required by the Town to secure the successful completion of the required improvements as set forth in § 130-17 of this chapter. The amount of the security shall be based upon cost estimates as may be recommended by the Town Engineer and approved by the Mayor and Council.
Upon completion of the improvements, the Town Engineer shall perform an inspection as to the adequacy, completeness and quality of the improvements. The Town Engineer shall prepare and file a report with the Mayor and Council setting forth the findings of the inspection. When it has been determined by the Town that the improvements have been satisfactorily completed, the Mayor and Council may authorize the reduction or release of the bond, letter of credit or other security; provided, however, that no release or reduction in the security shall occur until building permits shall have been issued for at least 75% of the lots in the subdivision. The release or reduction of the security shall not constitute an acceptance by the Town of the dedication of the improvements, nor shall it constitute a warranty or other guarantee by the Town with regard to the quality of the improvements.
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
The Mayor and Council may require such public works agreements, easements, and maintenance, rights and responsibilities agreements as may be deemed necessary and may require the dedication of all or part of the reserved areas and the improvements to the Town for public use. The Town may require that the developer or any succeeding community or homeowners' association be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the improvements and that failure to do so will authorize the Town to undertake such repairs or maintenance and recover the expense of doing so from the association or the owners of property in the subdivision. Such costs may be collected in the same manner as taxes and shall constitute a lien, to the extent of each property's pro rata share, on the properties in the subdivision.
In the event that the development of the property is undertaken in phases and that there will be more than one area of dedicated open space in all phased portions of the entire subdivision, then the Planning Commission may authorize the phasing of the completion of the open space requirements as set forth herein. In any phasing schedule, the open space reserved areas, and the improvements thereon, shall be completed in that portion of the property which is most proximate in distance to the lots which will be served by that area.
The improvements in the open space areas shall be completed as building permits are issued in accordance with the following schedule:
[Amended 10-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-08]
Percentage of Building Permits Issued for Entire Development Project
Percentage of Open Space Improvements Required to be Completed