[Code 1975, § 29-34; Code 1992, § 25-46]
The City Council may, by resolution, require the owners of lots and premises to build sidewalks in the public streets adjacent to and abutting upon such lots and premises. When such resolution shall be adopted, the City Clerk shall give notice thereof, in accordance with § 2-768, to the owner of such lot or premises requiring him or her to construct or rebuild such sidewalk within 20 days from the date of such notice.
If the owner of any lot or premises shall fail to build any particular sidewalk as described in such notice and within the time and in the manner required thereby, the Public Works Director is hereby authorized and required, immediately after the expiration of the time limit for the construction or rebuilding by the owner, to cause such sidewalk to be constructed, and the expense thereof shall be charged to such premises and the owner thereof and collected as provided for single lot assessments in Chapter 40.
[Code 1975, § 29-35; Code 1992, § 25-47]
No person shall permit any sidewalk which adjoins property owned by him or her to fall into a state of disrepair or to be unsafe.
Whenever the Public Works Director shall determine that a sidewalk is unsafe for use, notice may be given to the owner of the lot or premises adjacent to and abutting upon such sidewalk of such determination, which notice shall be given in accordance with § 2-768. Thereafter, it shall be the duty of the owner to place the sidewalk in a safe condition. Such notice shall specify a reasonable time, not less than seven days, within which such work shall be commenced and shall further provide that the work shall be completed with due diligence. If the owner of such lot or premises shall refuse or neglect to repair the sidewalk within the time limit therefor or in a manner otherwise than in accordance with this article, the Public Works Director shall have the sidewalk repaired. If the Director determines that the condition of the sidewalk is such that immediate repair is necessary to protect the public, he or she may dispense with such notice. The cost of repairs under this subsection shall be charged against the premises which the sidewalk adjoins and the owner of the premises and shall be collected as provided for single lot assessments.
[Code 1975, § 29-36; Code 1992, § 25-48]
No person shall construct, rebuild or repair any sidewalk without first obtaining a written permit from the Department and paying the fee as provided in § 42-4, which pertains general provisions concerning permits and bonds required by this chapter.
[Code 1975, § 29-37; Code 1992, § 25-49]
No person shall construct, rebuild or repair any sidewalk, except in accord with the line, grade, slope and specifications established by the Department. The Department shall furnish line and grade stakes as may be necessary for proper control of the work, but this shall not relieve the owner of responsibility for making careful and accurate measurements in constructing the work to the lines furnished by the Department. Where it is necessary to replace engineer's stakes disturbed or destroyed, without fault on the part of the City or its employees, a charge shall be paid as set by resolution of the City Council from time to time.
[Code 1975, § 29-38; Code 1992, § 25-50; 9-25-2017 by Ord. No. 17-013]
Unless otherwise prescribed by the City Council, sidewalks shall be five feet in width, and the outside edge shall be seven feet from the property line on sixty-six-foot streets and 10 feet from the property line on one-hundred-foot streets. The Public Works Director may allow an existing sidewalk less than five feet in width to be replaced with a sidewalk of similar width.
[Code 1975, § 29-39; Code 1992, § 25-51]
The Public Works Director may suspend any permit issued under this article for incompetency or failure to comply with the terms of this article or the rules, regulations, plans and specifications established by the Department of Public Works for the construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk. The City Manager may cause work to be stopped under any permit granted for the construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk for any of the causes enumerated in this section, which the stop-work order shall be effective until the next regular meeting of the City Council. If confirmed by the Council, at its next regular meeting, such stop-work order shall be permanent and shall constitute a revocation of the permit.