Purpose. As the name implies, overlay zoning districts over-lay applicable base zoning district classifications to alter some or all of the base zoning regulations that apply to particular sites. Overlay districts work to modify or supplement the regulations imposed by the applicable base zoning district when necessary to address special situations or accomplish specific objectives. Overlay zoning is intended to be used when the base zoning applied to an area remains generally appropriate, but when an additional, modified or eliminated requirement could help implement Village planning goals or address an area-specific planning, design or land use issue.
All applicable regulations of the underlying base zoning district apply to property in an overlay district unless otherwise expressly stated in the overlay district regulations.
When overlay regulations conflict with regulations that otherwise apply in the underlying base zoning district, the regulations of the applicable overlay govern. If property is classified in multiple overlay districts and the regulations of one overlay district conflict with the regulations of another overlay district, the more restrictive regulation governs.
Procedure. The boundaries of overlay zoning districts must be shown on the official Zoning Map. The following procedures apply to the establishment, amendment or termination of all overlay districts unless otherwise expressly stated.
Overlay district regulations must be established, amended or terminated in accordance with the zoning chapter text amendment procedures of § 475-1102.
Except as otherwise expressly stated, Zoning Map amendments establishing, expanding or reducing the boundaries of an overlay district or terminating all or part of an overlay district must be processed in accordance with the Zoning Map amendment procedures of § 475-1103.
Applicability. The master development plan (MDP) overlay regulations of this section (§ 475-502) apply to any site over three acres in area and any site plan that includes a new public or private street.
Purpose and intent. The MDP overlay regulations are intended to promote walkable development patterns by ensuring that larger parcels are developed with a system of streets, blocks and open spaces and a mix of zoning districts.
Approval procedures. A master development plan (MDP) application must be processed in accordance with the mandatory development plan procedures of § 475-1104. Design exceptions defined within § 475-502 shall be approved during the mandatory development plan approval process.
Platting and division of land. All regulations in Chapter 460 apply, unless otherwise expressly stated in this section (§ 475-502).
All streets must be located on parcel(s) or rights-of-way separate from development lots and platted.
Streets may be dedicated to the Village or held privately and maintained by the applicant/owner, subject to any agreements with the Village.
Public access easements are required for all streets held privately.
All civic space required by this section (§ 475-502) must be located on a separate parcel and platted. Civic space may be dedicated to the Village or held privately and maintained by the applicant/owner, subject to any development agreements with the Village.
Alleys, drives, or service lanes are not required to be located on a separate parcel, unless they are dedicated to the Village or provide access to multiple development parcels under potentially separate ownership.
Proposed zoning districts must meet the requirements of this chapter.
Primary street designations must be mapped separately and submitted in the rezoning process for inclusion on the Village's Primary Streets Map.
Proposed open space must be zoned with a PI designation.
Implementation of the conceptual site plan may be phased, i.e., submitted as separate rezonings; however, the rezoning area must match the subdivision plat area.
Site plan review. After approval of both the subdivision plat and the rezoning, site plan review is required for each parcel to be developed within the master plan development based upon the zoning district and applicable requirements. Multiple parcels may be submitted together and approved as one site plan.
Blocks, street, and lot configuration. An interconnected system of streets and blocks is required for all MDP sites.
Block size. Block length may not exceed 600 feet or a perimeter of 1,800 feet. Deviations from these dimensions may be approved for sites with natural or existing constraints in accordance with the public hearing design exception procedures of § 475-1107. Exceptions may be approved under the following conditions:
A deeper block is required to allow parking on the interior.
Natural constraints, such as waterways, slopes, or other natural features, exist precluding the location of a new street.
Abutting development conditions affect the developability of the applicable site.
Study of the extension of the system of streets and blocks illustrates an adjustment to the requirements of the site.
Access points. A minimum of two access points must be provided for the development, with a minimum of one per every 1,600 feet of boundary, except along rail corridors or limited access highways. An access point is a new street connecting to an existing street.
Extend existing streets. Streets must connect and continue existing streets from adjoining areas. Future connections must be considered and temporary dead-end streets may be supplied for future extension with Zoning Administrator approval.
Culs-de-sac and dead end streets. Cul-de-sac and temporary dead-end streets require a public hearing design exception and are allowed only when necessitated by natural features or site constraints, including but not limited to waterways, or highways. If allowed, pedestrian connections and landscape plantings may be required.
Block and lot configuration. All lots must have frontage along a street, unless otherwise specified.
The shape of blocks and lots should be generally rectangular in order to accommodate typically rectilinear buildings, but may vary due to natural features or site constraints.
With the exception of blocks containing open space, blocks must typically be fronted with lots or buildings on at least two faces, preferably on the longest street faces.
Flag lots are prohibited.
The configuration of the blocks may consider alley and service drive inclusion per § 475-502I.
Blocks may be established including already existing lots and those lots may retain their existing zone designation.
Consider lot and block orientation for maximum energy efficiency, depending on the building type. For example, block orientation along an east-west longitudinal axis will encourage development of long mixed-use buildings oriented along an east-west axis, with smaller east and west facing facades, able to take advantage of passive solar technology.
Views. Views down streets must be considered when laying out streets and locating open space, parking, and buildings.
Rears of buildings. The location of open space and streets may not create views of the rear of buildings or parking behind buildings.
Street termini. The lot across from a street terminating at a T-shaped intersection must include a civic space type at that intersection or a building facade. The portion of that building facade aligned with the intersection must be treated as a primary frontage and should be treated with a building element such as a tower, bay, or courtyard. A parking structure or a surface parking lot may not terminate the view down a street.
Civic space. Refer to § 475-502K for open space regulations, including street frontage regulations. Open space, existing and new, must be fronted with streets to provide more visibility and access.
Streets and public ways. Complete streets provide for multiple modes of access throughout the Village. All streets, whether publicly dedicated or privately held, must meet the following regulations.
Base street regulations. The base street type is illustrated in Figure 5-1. The Zoning Administrator may require additional street right-of-way or configuration based on existing context and circulation needs. The base street defines the minimum components of any new street on the interior of the development and includes the following:
On-street parking. On-street parallel parking must be provided on both sides of all new streets in the MDP site. Back-in or head-in, angled parking is acceptable in lieu of parallel parking. On-street parking on one side of the street may be approved by the Zoning Administrator where existing natural or man-made constraints exist.
The minimum dimension required for streetscapes along nonresidential ground stories is 12 feet, with a clear sidewalk width of at least five feet and a seven-foot street tree and furnishings zone.
Along residential ground stories, the minimum is 12 feet with a clear sidewalk of at least five feet and a seven-foot landscape zone (boulevard).
Maximum pavement width. The maximum pavement width for all streets internal to the development is 38 feet. Pavement widths wider must include a median in the middle to provide pedestrian refuge and/or bulb-outs to reduce the crossing widths to less than 38 feet.
Reduced minimum pavement. When only one lane of on-street parking is approved, the minimum pavement width for a two-way street is 28 feet and the minimum right-of-way width is 54 feet.
Exceptions. A public hearing design exception may be approved for other street configurations per § 475-1107.
Mid-block pedestrian paths. Mid-block pedestrian paths may be located on blocks within the development that are longer than the maximum block sizes, approved by the Zoning Administrator during the MDP approval process.
Street crosswalks. Crossings at all street intersections must include a clear pedestrian path across streets (crosswalks) with accessibility ramps at curbs, demarcated by paint, stamped patterns, or pavers. Raised crosswalks are encouraged.
Curb radii. Intersections must be designed for actual turning radius of the typical design vehicle as opposed to the maximum design vehicle. Small curb radii at intersections shorten pedestrian crossing distances and reduce vehicle turning speeds, increasing pedestrian safety.
Where on-street parking is provided with no bulb-out, a radius no greater than five feet is required.
Where on-street parking is provided with a bulb-out or where no on-street parking is provided, a radius no greater than 10 feet is required.
Bicycle accommodations. New streets within the development must accommodate bicycle access per the Village's most recent bicycle policy. Bicycle accommodations must be included on through streets and higher activity streets. On noncommercial and lower activity streets, bicycles may share vehicular lanes.
Alleys, lanes, or service drives. Alleys, lanes, or service drives should be provided through all blocks to provide vehicular access to all lots:
Parking drives and parking structure drives may serve as alleys/lanes if the drive is continuous through the block with at least two access points and serves all lots on the block.
A single point of access is all that is required and a nonprimary street is available for access.
Natural or existing constraints limit the block depth, and no more than two vehicular access points are required for the lots on the block.
Primary street designation. The orientation and location of buildings on lots is determined by the primary street designation. Some building regulations are specific to the primary street frontage. Primary street frontages are treated as the front of the building and the lot.
Minimum designation. A minimum of 50% of a combination of the new streets on the MDP site and existing streets fronting the development must be designated as primary streets. A public hearing design exception may be approved for a reduction of up to 20% in the minimum requirement for streets treated as primary. Refer to § 475-1107 for the public hearing design exception process.
Building frontage. Primary streets must be designated so that all building lots front at least one primary street, except up to 20% of the lots may front a nonprimary street.
Civic space frontage. Where practicable, streets along civic space must be designated as primary streets to ensure buildings front the open space.
Driveways and alleys/lanes. Driveways and alleys/lanes to lots should not be located off a primary street, except when the parcel is fronted by more than two primary streets and/or there is no other alternative access.
Civic and open space. All developments where an approved MDP is required must provide the following open space.
Required amount. The following minimum amount of open space must be provided:
A minimum of 10% of the total master plan site must be provided as one of the civic space types; and
One type of civic space is required within a 500-foot distance, as measured continuously along a sidewalk, from the principal entrance of all residential and live-work units and all other buildings. The intent is to provide usable open space within a short walkable distance for all occupants and visitors.
Existing usable natural area or open space, more than 1/4 of an acre and meeting one of the civic space types defined in this subsection, may fulfill the requirements if the distance requirement is met.
Civic space types. The following types of civic space are permitted. A mix of types is required, with not more than three of any one type utilized. Refer to Figure 5-3 for example images.
Figure 5-3
Examples of Civic Space Types
475 Fig 5-3 Plaza Ex.tif
475 Fig 5-3 Green Ex.tif
475 Fig 5-3 Greenway Ex.tif
Plaza. A plaza is a generally hardscaped area (minimum 60% coverage), minimum 5,000 square feet in area, with either street, pedestrian, or river right-of-way or building frontage on all sides and at least one side the equivalent of 25% of the perimeter fronting a primary street. A single plaza may not fulfill the minimum open space regulations; if a plaza is utilized to meet the distance requirement, another open space must be incorporated in another location on the site.
Square. A square is a combination of hardscape and landscape (approximately 50% and 50% respectively), minimum 1/4 acre in size, and surrounded by street frontage on all sides.
Green. A green is a generally landscaped space (minimum 70%), minimum 1/2 acre with street right-of-way on at least 50% of the perimeter.
Greenway. A greenway is a linear landscape space, minimum two acres in total with minimum width of 30 feet and minimum average width of 60 feet, and with street right-of-way on at least 30% of the perimeter.
Park. A park is a larger, generally landscaped space, a minimum of two acres in size, with at least 25% of the perimeter on street right-of-way.
Trails. Refer to any Village open space and/or trail plans, and any existing trails surrounding the site, to provide connections through and within the site for continuous trails.
Layout and location of building type sites. The master development plan (MDP) must define locations of building types to meet the following regulations.
Permitted districts. Permitted districts include any district. Refer to Article II and Article III for district descriptions and regulations.
Determination of type. The type of master development applied to the site is determined by the existing zoning designation on the parcel. Refer to Table 5-1 for the types.
Table 5-1
Types of Master Developments
Allowed Zoning Districts
Type of Master Development (MD)
Existing Zoning District
Refer to Section
Mixed-Use MD
§ 475-502L(6)
Office MD
§ 475-502L(7)
Mixed Residential MD
§ 475-502L(8)
R1, R2
§ 475-502L(9)
R = Required per specific development type requirements
P = Allowed or permitted per specific development type requirements
L = Allowed but limited per specific development type requirements
MDP rezoning. The general location of all districts proposed for the MDP site must be located within boundary lines or lot lines on the plan and must fulfill the regulations of this section (§ 475-502).
General layout of districts. The following general layout regulations apply:
The same districts should generally face each other across streets, including existing districts.
More intense districts located on blocks with less intense districts should be located on block ends.
Changes in districts should generally occur at a rear boundary line, at an alley, or at corner parcels.
MX Districts layout and locations. The following layout regulations are applicable to any site.
The MX1 District is only permitted where MX1 is a base zoning district.
MX Districts (MX1, MX2, and MXR) should generally be located within 200 feet of any major transportation corridor.
Small nodes of MX2 and GX Districts, maximum 20,000 square feet, may be located within the development at intersections of collector streets.
GX and NX Districts may be used as transitions between MX and existing single-family residential districts.
Mixed-use master developments. Mixed-use master developments are required on applicable parcels (per § 475-502A) where an MX zoning designation exists on the Zoning Map. Refer to Table 5-1 for the allowed zoning districts available for use in the master developments.
MX1 District. A minimum of 40,000 square feet of area shall be zoned MX1 when the existing zoning is MX1. Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
MX2 District. A minimum of 40,000 square feet of area shall be zoned MX2 when the existing zoning is MX2. Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
Other districts. Other districts are allowed per Table 5-1.
P Districts. P Districts shall be designated for open space as required in § 475-502K.
Office master developments. Office master developments are required on applicable parcels (per § 475-502A) with a GX zoning designation on the Zoning Map. Refer to Table 5-1 for the allowed zoning districts available for use in the master developments.
GX District. A minimum of 40,000 square feet of area shall be zoned GX. Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
MX2 Districts. The MX2 District, where allowed per Table 5-1, is limited to a node at one street intersection of no more than 20,000 square feet of area or 10% of the total net land area, whichever is greater. Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
Other districts. Other districts are allowed per Table 5-1.
P Districts. P Districts shall be designated for open space as required in § 475-502K.
Mixed residential master developments. Mixed residential master developments are required on applicable parcels (per § 475-502A) with an NX zoning designation on the Zoning Map. Refer to Table 5-1 for the allowed zoning districts available for use in the master developments.
NX District. A minimum of 40,000 square feet of area shall be zoned NX when the existing zoning is NX. Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
MX2 District. The MX2 District, where allowed per Table 5-1, is limited to a node at one street intersection of no more than 20,000 square feet of area or 10% of the total net land area, whichever is greater. Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
R2 District. The R2 District is allowed per Table 5-1 only on developments over 15 acres in size. The R2 District is limited to no more than 30% of the total MDP.
Minimum required residential mix. With more than 10 gross acres of residential districts, at least two residential building types (general or row building) shall be used. Each residential building type shall occupy a minimum of 10% of the total MDP.
Other districts. Other districts are allowed per Table 5-1.
P Districts. P Districts shall be designated for open space as required in § 475-502K.
Neighborhood master developments. Neighborhood master developments are required on applicable parcels (per § 475-502A) with an R zoning designation on the Zoning Map. Refer to Table 5-1 for the allowed zoning districts available for use in the master developments.
MX2 District. The MX2 District, where allowed per Table 5-1, is limited to a node at one street intersection of no more than 20,000 square feet of area or 10% of the total net land area, whichever is greater. The intersection shall be located along a major road (Riverside, Webster, Allouez, Libal, or per the Zoning Administrator). Refer to § 475-502L for location and layout.
Minimum required residential mix. With more than five gross acres of residential districts, at least two residential districts (NX, R1, R2) shall be designated. Each residential building type shall occupy a minimum of 10% of the total MDP.
P Districts. P Districts shall be designated for open space as required in § 475-502K.