Adaptive reuse of single-family structure or existing lot. A single-family detached dwelling may be converted for nonresidential use and an existing lot may be improved to include a nonresidential principal use in accordance with the following standards:
Maximum gross floor area of any one building and/or principal use shall be no more than 20% greater than the gross floor area of an existing building proposed to house the adaptive reuse as existing as of the date of adoption of this chapter or 3,500 square feet, whichever is greater. For purposes of this section, an establishment may utilize an unfinished basement as existing as of the date of adoption of this chapter, even if the expansion is greater than 20% of the existing gross floor area, provided that the expansion and use of the area meets all applicable codes and ordinances.
Maximum height of the building housing the adaptive reuse shall not exceed two stories.
Access drives and parking shall be set back a minimum of eight feet from adjoining lots bearing single-family detached dwellings.
All lot lines adjoining lots bearing single-family detached dwellings shall be screened with Buffer Yard C as per Part 19 of this chapter, Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development and the Township Construction Standards.
Where all lot lines adjoining the street(s) on which the lot bearing the adaptive reuse or site fronts are extended to the center line of the adjoining street right-of-way, and a portion or all of the front lot line of the site adjoins a lot line of a lot bearing a single-family detached dwelling, a continuous screening of evergreen low-level plantings maintained at a minimum height of three feet at maturity shall be installed and maintained along the entire front lot line of the site.
No more than one ingress and one egress point adjoining streets shall be installed to the site.
Only one principal use shall be permitted on the lot.
Maximum lot coverage: 70%.
The following principal uses are authorized:
Professional or business office.
Retail sales and service.
Restaurant on lot with lot area of at least 30,000 square feet and with no drive-through facilities.
Personal services.
All repair work, vehicle washing, waxing, detailing, lubrication and installation of parts and accessories shall be performed within an enclosed building.
All vehicle parts, dismantled vehicles and similar materials shall be stored within an enclosed building or totally screened from view by a solid or privacy fence.
All vehicles awaiting repair shall be stored on the lot in an approved storage area and in no case shall said vehicles be stored on or obstruct access to a public or private right-of-way.
Where supplemental retail service is proposed, off-street parking shall be provided as required for retail in addition to service station standards.
Supplemental retail service space shall not exceed 2,000 square feet.
Gasoline pump islands shall be set back in accordance with the dimensional standards of the C District.
All fuel, oil and similar substances shall be stored at least 25 feet from any property line.
The handling, storage and disposal of motor oil, battery acid and any other substance regulated by federal statute and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) shall be in accordance with all permits and requirements of that agency or its successor agency. Any suspension, revocation or violation of the DEP permits shall be a violation of this Part 16 and shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of this chapter.
All property lines adjoining a residential use or residential zoning classification shall be screened as required in Part 19 of this chapter, Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development and the Township Construction Standards.
Commercial car wash facilities, whether as a supplement to other automobile service facilities or as stand-alone business facilities, shall be subject to the following requirements in addition to the above requirements:
Stacking lanes with a minimum capacity for up to five vehicles shall be provided for vehicles waiting to use automatic car wash facilities and two vehicles per bay for self-service car washes. For the purpose of this requirement, the size of a vehicle shall be equal to the size of the parking stall required by this chapter. The Township may require the submittal of a traffic analysis to determine the minimum required stacking lane length.
Parked or waiting vehicles may not block sidewalks, internal access drives, ingress or egress points, or extend to adjoining streets.
No storage or repair of vehicles shall be allowed within the car washing facility.
A concrete straight curb of at least eight inches in height shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the paved area to prevent vehicles from being driven onto, or parked with any part of, the abutting grass, landscaped areas, sidewalks, streets, buildings, or adjoining property.
Buildings shall be oriented so that open bays, particularly for self-service car washes, do not face onto adjacent streets unless screened from view or sufficient landscaping is provided to prevent overspray from blowing onto the street right-of-way.
All washing activities shall be carried on within the building.
Self-service vacuuming facilities (if provided) shall be provided at the entrances to each bay for use by the stacked vehicles. If additional self-service vacuum, shampoo, fragrance, or other such facilities are provided, they shall be located in areas outside stacking lanes and areas needed for access to other facilities within the site. An area the size of the parking stall required by this chapter shall be reserved adjacent to each station. All vacuuming stations shall include an integrated or adjacent trash receptacle and shall be located at least 50 feet from adjacent residentially zoned or used property.
Sufficient space shall be provided on the subject lot so that vehicles do not enter or exit the car wash building directly from an adjacent street. All maneuvering areas, stacking lanes, and exit aprons shall be located on the same parcel as the car wash building or facility. A sufficient distance shall be maintained between the exit door of the car wash building to the nearest exit driveway to permit adequate time for excess water to drip off the vehicle prior to exiting to street rights-of-way. Additional devices, such as rumble strips, mechanical dryers, etc., may be proposed to lessen the required distance, upon approval by the Township. Under no circumstances shall the use be permitted to cause or contribute to icing problems on adjoining or adjacent streets.
One parking stall for each employee on the largest shift, plus one additional stall, or a minimum of two stalls shall be provided. The required parking stalls shall not be part of, or interfere with, access to the car wash building or other related facilities. The parking stalls shall be designed to permit access to and from the stalls assuming all required stacking lanes and other areas reserved for vacuuming or other activities are occupied.
Supplemental regulations governing communications antennas and communications equipment buildings:
A building-mounted communications antenna shall not be located on any single-family dwelling or two-family dwelling.
A building-mounted communications antenna shall be permitted to exceed the height limitations of the applicable zoning district by no more than 20 feet.
An omnidirectional or whip communications antenna shall not exceed 20 feet in height and seven inches in diameter.
A directional or panel communications antenna shall not exceed five feet in height and three feet in width.
Any applicant proposing a communications antenna to be mounted on a building or other structure shall submit evidence from a Pennsylvania registered professional engineer certifying that the proposed installation will not exceed the structural capacity of the building or other structure, considering wind and other loads associated with the antenna location.
Any applicant proposing a communications antenna to be mounted on a building or other structure shall submit detailed construction and elevation drawings indicating how the antenna will be mounted on the building or structure for review by the Township Engineer for compliance with applicable Jackson Township ordinances and other applicable law.
Any applicant proposing a communications antenna to be mounted on a building or other structure shall submit evidence of agreements and/or easements necessary to provide access to the building or structure on which the antenna is to be mounted so that installation and maintenance of the antenna and any communications equipment building can be accomplished.
A communications antenna shall comply with all applicable standards established by the Federal Communications Commission governing human exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
A communications antenna shall not cause radio frequency interference with other communications facilities located in the Township in contravention of any regulations promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission or any other applicable federal, state or local regulations.
All communications equipment buildings shall comply with the yard, height and other requirements and restrictions applicable to principal structures located in the same zoning district.
The owner or operator of any communications antenna shall be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to operate such antenna.
The facility shall be licensed by the Department of Human Services, or other appropriate state agency. Proof of this valid license shall be provided to the Township prior to the Township's issuance of a zoning occupancy permit for the use. Copies of this valid license shall also accompany the annual operating report to be filed with the responsible Police Department and Township Fire Departments.
A facility which provides child care shall provide a minimum area for indoor play at a ratio of 40 square feet per child. Outdoor play areas shall be provided which shall have a minimum area of 65 square feet per child and which shall be secured by a fence with a self-latching gate.
A facility which provides child care shall provide a minimum area for outdoor play at a ratio to assure the functionality of the space as an outdoor play area. The outdoor play area shall also:
Not be less than 20 feet in width at any point.
Adjoin the building where the facility is located.
Not be located less than 30 feet from any street right-of-way.
Not be located less than 10 feet from any property line.
Be completely enclosed by a safe, secure and adequate fence or wall a minimum of four feet in height, unless a greater height is required by the Board of Supervisors. Any outdoor play area potentially susceptible to encountering vehicles leaving a street, travel lanes or accessways shall be protected by a barrier capable of preventing the vehicle from entering the outdoor play area.
Contain appropriate yielding surfaces underneath any permanent play equipment.
Outdoor play areas shall be set back a minimum of 40 feet from adjoining lot lines bearing a single-family detached dwelling.
A permit, issued by the Zoning Officer, shall be required for all logging or forestry activities.
Contents of the forest management or forest harvesting plan. At a minimum, the forestry plan shall include the following, to be submitted to the Zoning Officer:
Design, construction, maintenance, and retirement of the access system, including haul roads, skid roads, skid trails and log landings.
Design, construction, and maintenance of water control measures and structures such as culverts, broad-based dips, filter strips, and water bags.
Design, construction, and maintenance of stream and wetland crossings.
A stand prescription for each stand located in the proposed harvest area.
The general location of the proposed operation in relation to municipal and state highways, including any accesses to those highways.
Compliance with state law. The forestry plan shall address and comply with the requirements of all applicable state laws and regulations, including but not limited to the following:
Erosion and sedimentation control regulations contained in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102, promulgated pursuant to the Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. § 691.1 et seq.).
Stream crossing and wetlands protection regulations contained in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 105, promulgated pursuant to the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P.S. § 693.1 et seq.).
Stormwater management plans and regulations issued pursuant to the Storm Water Management Act (32 P.S. § 680.1 et seq.).
Relationship of state laws, regulations, and permits to the forestry plan. Any permits required by state laws and regulations shall be attached to and become part of the forestry plan. An erosion and sedimentation pollution control plan that satisfies the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102 shall also satisfy the minimum requirements for the forestry plan and associated map specified in this section, provided that all information required by said section is contained therein.
All activities and livestock shall be constrained by a fence which otherwise meets the requirements of this chapter within an area a minimum of 20 feet from adjoining property lines.
No structure housing operations of the hobby farm shall be placed within the required front yard.
Storage of manure, odor or dust-producing substances shall be located at least 200 feet from any property line.
Adequate provisions shall be made to contain all poisonous or obnoxious odors or fumes.
Unless otherwise set forth below, the structure shall adhere to the dimensional standards of the underlying zoning district.
Minimum side and rear yard: 60 feet, plus 25 feet per story above three.
Minimum distance between principal buildings: 50 feet.
The dwellings and establishments shall be served by public water and public sewer.
Any building containing more than 20 dwelling units shall provide for at least 50% of the parking required for the dwelling units within a parking garage or within the basement of the building. The parking garage shall be located no closing to a front lot line than the principal structure closest to the front lot line. The parking garage shall be limited to two stories in height, but may be increased to four stories upon meeting the standards of § 27-507A and B. Parking garages obscured from view by a surrounding multifamily or mixed use building shall not be subject to the preceding height limitations.
Maximum Height: Four and one half stories, including parking within a basement or ground level as one story.
No-impact home-based businesses, which comply with the definition and standards of this chapter, shall be permitted as an accessory use to any principal dwelling unit in all residential zoning districts as long as the business or commercial activity satisfies the following requirements, except that such permission shall not supersede any deed restriction, covenant or agreement restricting the use of the land, nor any master deed, bylaw or other document applicable to a common interest ownership community:
The business activity shall be compatible with the residential use of the property and surrounding residential uses.
The business activity shall be conducted within the dwelling or within the confines of a garage attached to the dwelling.
The business shall employ no more than one nonresident employee in addition to family members residing in the dwelling.
There shall be no display or sale of retail goods and no stockpiling or inventory of a substantial nature.
There shall be no outside appearance of a business use, including, but not limited to, parking, signs or lights.
There shall be no more than two off-street parking spaces located on the subject property behind the front yard setback area in addition to those off-street parking spaces required for the principal use.
The business activity may not use any equipment or process which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical or electronic interference, including interference with radio or television reception, which is detectable in the neighborhood.
The business activity may not generate any solid waste or sewage discharge, in volume or type, which is not normally associated with residential use in the neighborhood.
The business activity shall be conducted only within the dwelling and may not occupy more than 25% of the habitable floor area.
The business may not involve any illegal activity.
A medical marijuana grower/processor shall be a permitted use in the zoning district(s) specifically identified in Table 27-1 (Permitted Uses, Conditional Uses and Uses by Special Exception by Zoning District) of this Chapter subject to the following express standards and criteria:
The facility shall hold a valid permit from the Department of Health to grow and process medical marijuana. A copy of such valid permit and all appropriate documentation shall be submitted to the Township.
The facility shall comply with the requirements for a grower/processor under the Medical Marijuana Act and any applicable State regulations promulgated thereunder. Proof of such compliance shall be provided to the Township.
A company, entity or person desiring to engage in Oil and Gas Well Site Development shall obtain a Zoning Certificate from the Township.
Application Requirements. The Application must include the following information:
A written narrative signed and dated by the applicant, describing the proposed use outlining an approximate time line for the proposed development.
Written authorization from the property owner(s) who has legal or equitable title in and to the surface of the proposed Development. A copy of the oil and gas, mineral or other subsurface lease agreement or similar document vesting legal or equitable title to the surface will constitute written authorization.
The name and address of each property owner for each property within 1,000 feet of the proposed well, as well as all abutting property owners.
A copy of the Applicant's Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCGP-2) and Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan if said plans have been prepared by a licensed professional (e.g. engineer, surveyor, geologist or landscape architect) who is registered in Pennsylvania and who has attended up-to-date training provided by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Oil and Gas Management on erosion and sediment control and post construction stormwater management for oil and gas activities.
A road access plan showing both temporary and permanent access routes and identifying all ingress and egress points.
If any weight-restricted Township roads will be used by Applicant for any oil and gas development or operations, Applicant shall comply with any applicable Township ordinances, PennDOT regulations, Township road bonding requirements and provide proof of bonding of said roads and enter into a road maintenance agreement with the Township. In lieu of road bonding, the Township and Applicant may mutually agree to other terms to provide for restoration of the affected road(s).
A copy of Highway Occupancy Permits and other permits already obtained at the time of the application submission. If no such permit has been obtained, the Applicant shall provide a copy of its application for the HOP and with an approved permit when obtained. A driveway permit shall be required if the entrance to the site is on a Township road.
A copy of the Applicant's Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan.
The name of an individual or individuals and their emergency contact information for the Township or residents to report emergencies 24 hours a day for each day of the week.
Fee reimbursement. The applicant agrees to reimburse the Township for all fees permitted under Section 617.3(e) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10617.3(e).
Minimum Lot Requirement. Oil and gas well site development shall only be permitted to be located on property that is a minimum of ten (10) acres or larger. Multiple properties may be combined to meet the ten (10) acre minimum.
State and Federal Compliance. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable state and federal regulations and shall show evidence of obtaining the required state and/or federal permits, including proof of insurability, before initiating any work and maintaining the required permits throughout the duration of all operations. The Applicant shall notify the Township immediately of any suspension or revocation of the required state and/or federal permits. Upon notification of said suspension or revocation, the Township-issued permits will herby be deemed suspended or revoked until state and/or federal compliance is reached.
Access roads. Access to any well site shall be arranged to minimize danger to traffic and nuisance to surrounding properties and to maintain the integrity of Township roads. The following shall apply:
The access road to the well site, beginning with its intersection with a Township road, shall be paved for the first 50 feet and shall be improved with gravel or limestone for the remaining length in a manner that would reasonably minimize water, sediment, or debris carried onto any public road. This shall be in place prior to the commencement of drilling operations.
All roads and accessways shall be constructed and maintained to prevent dust and mud from the surrounding area. A method of dust abatement shall be utilized during dry weather and under no circumstances shall brine water, Sulphur water, or water in mixture with any type of hydrocarbon be used for dust abatement.
Traffic. The Applicant shall take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of persons in areas established for road crossing and/or adjacent to roadways (for example, persons waiting for public or school transportation). Where necessary and permitted, during periods of anticipated heavy or frequent truck traffic associate with development, Applicant will provide flag persons or other alternative and approved safety mechanisms to ensure the safety of children at or near schools or school bus stops and include adequate sign and/or warning measure for truck traffic and vehicular traffic. Applicant will coordinate its efforts with affected school districts to as to minimize heavy truck traffic during the hours school busses are pick up or dropping off children.
Site Orientation. Before drilling, First Responders shall have on-site orientation and be provided with adequate awareness information. Upon request from the Township, Applicant will, prior to drilling of an oil or gas well, make available at its sole cost and expense, an approximate site orientation for First Responders. Such site orientation shall be made available at least annually during the period when the Applicant anticipates drilling activities in the Township.
Noise standards for Oil and Gas Well Site Development shall comply with the standards set forth in Performance Standards in § 27-1513.J. In the event that an Applicant is unable to meet the aforementioned requirements the Applicant may either:
Utilize appropriate noise mitigation measures that may include sound barriers or such technology or devices that will allow the Applicant to meet said noise requirements; or
Obtain a release waiver of said noise requirements from the owners/renters of those properties which would be affected by noise conditions in excess of that allowed.
Lights. No Applicant shall permit any lights located on any operation site to be directed in such a manner so that they shine directly on public road, protected use, adjacent property, or property in the general vicinity of the operation site. To the extent practicable, and taking into account safety considerations, site lighting shall be directed downward and internally so as to avoid glare on public roads, protected uses, and adjacent dwellings and buildings. Exterior lights shall be turned off except when personnel are working on site or motion sensors are activated.
Water Storage. Temporary water storage tanks or impoundments are permitted on the same lot provided the applicant shall adhere to the following:
Impoundment must be 200 feet from property lines;
A copy of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection permit(s), if applicable, must be provided at the time of application or when available;
Chain-link fencing must be installed around any impoundment and shall be at least eight feet in heights; and
The impoundment must be reclaimed in accordance with Department of Environmental Protection's rules and regulations after all of the proposed wells have been completed, or after each well is completed in the event that no additional wells are to be drilled within three months.
Operating times. All site preparation and pre-production activities on the site, as well as access road maintenance, site reclamation activity and other ongoing ancillary activities shall be permitted only on Mondays through Saturdays (with the exception of federal and/or state holidays) between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, prevailing time, or as otherwise authorized by the Board of Supervisors. The active drilling and completion phases are exempt from the limitations of this paragraph.
Signage, site identification. All signage must comply with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's "Unconventional Well 911 Emergency Response Information" Regulations, 35 Pa. C.S. § 7321(a)(4) and Pa. Code § 78.55(e), as may be amended.
A windmill, which complies with the following requirements, shall be permitted as an accessory use to a single-family dwelling or an agricultural operation:
The minimum lot size for a windmill shall be one acre.
Only one windmill shall be permitted per lot.
A windmill shall only be permitted as an accessory use to a single-family detached dwelling or an agricultural operation.
The applicant shall demonstrate that it has received all necessary federal, state and county licenses, permits and approvals to operate the windmill.
The design of the windmill shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards Institute. The applicant shall submit certificates of design compliance obtained by the equipment manufacturers from Underwriters Laboratories, Det Norske Veritas, Germanishcer Lloyd Wind Energies, and/or other similar certifying organizations.
The windmill shall comply with the Township Construction Code (Chapter 5, Part 1).
A windmill shall not be climbable up to 15 feet above ground level. A windmill shall be fitted with any anti-climbing devices recommended by the windmill manufacturer for the type of installation proposed. All access doors to a windmill and electrical equipment shall be locked or fenced, as appropriate, to prevent entry by nonauthorized persons.
The maximum structure height of a windmill shall be 100 feet; provided, however, that such height may be increased by an additional 50 feet, provided that a certified engineer expresses an opinion that the proposed windmill is designed and constructed in a safe and secure manner and does not pose a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the subject property or adjacent properties or the general public.
The blade of a windmill shall be located at least 30 feet above the adjacent ground level.
No signs or lights shall be mounted on a windmill except for any warning signs required by the Township Construction Code (Chapter 5, Part 1).
A windmill shall be set back from any property line or street right-of-way a distance not less than the normal setback requirements for the relevant zoning district or 1.2 times the windmill structure height, whichever is greater. The setback distance shall be measured from the center of the windmill base.
All equipment buildings shall comply with the yard, setback, height or other requirements and restrictions applicable to a principal structure located in the same zoning district.
If a windmill remains unused for a period of 12 consecutive months, then the landowner shall, at its expense, dismantle and remove the subject windmill within six months of the expiration of such twelve-month period. The landowner shall also comply with the following requirements:
The landowner shall remove the windmill(s) and related buildings, cabling, electrical/mechanical equipment, foundations to a depth of 36 inches and any other associated facilities.
Disturbed earth shall be graded and reseeded.
If the landowner of the windmill fails to remove the subject windmill and reclaim the site as required by this section, then the Township may remove or cause the removal of the subject windmill and reclamation of the site. Any removal or reclamation cost incurred by the Township that is not recovered from the landowner of the windmill shall become a lien on the property where the removal or reclamation takes place and may be collected from the owner of the subject property in the same manner as property taxes.
[Added 12-15-2022 by Ord. No. 22-05]
The keeping of chickens is allowed by right, provided the following conditions are met or otherwise authorized by this Chapter 27:
The building lot has been developed as a single-family residence.
No more than eight chicken hens shall be kept per one-family dwelling.
No person shall keep a rooster on a tract of land less than three acres in size.
The coop and runs shall not be located within 30 feet of any occupied building on an adjacent lot.
All coops and runs are subject to setbacks for accessory structures.