The provisions of this article shall apply alike to all officers or employees of the City, regardless of the time of the creation of the office or of the time of the appointment of the officer.
The Mayor and Aldermen, voting jointly, shall make appointments to fill all appointive offices unless otherwise provided by statute. Every appointive officer or employee of the City shall hold office for a term of one year or until his successor is anointed and qualified unless it is otherwise provided by statute or ordinance. (Referendum 11-2-1982)
The Council shall have the power to assign to any appointive officer any duty which is not assigned by ordinance to some other specific officer, and shall determine disputes or questions relating to the respective powers or duties of officers after consultation with the City Attorney.
Every officer of the City shall, before entering upon his duties, take the oath prescribed in the Illinois Municipal Code.
Every officer and employee shall, if required by the Council, upon entering the duties of his office, give a bond in such amount as may be determined by the Council, and with such sureties as it may approve, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office or position.
The City Clerk, City Treasurer, and City Collector shall employ the various clerks and subordinates in their respective offices as the City Council may authorize and shall be responsible for the fidelity of all persons so employed by them. All other employees not otherwise provided for in this Code shall be employed by the City Council.
The number of employees, pay, hours of employment, job description, method of discipline and discharge, and benefits for all employees shall be fixed by the City Council.
Every officer of the City, upon the expiration of his term for any cause whatsoever, shall deliver to his successor all books and records which may be the property of the City; and if no successor has been appointed within one week after the termination of office such property shall be delivered to the City Clerk, or to the City Treasurer.
Should the Mayor, City Clerk or City Treasurer be unable or unavailable to act during a proclaimed civil emergency, his temporary successors shall be, respectively, the Mayor Pro Tem, the Deputy Clerk and the City Collector. The Mayor Pro Tem shall be elected by a vote of the Aldermen, or in the event that it is impracticable or impossible to have a vote during the civil emergency, the Alderman with the longest number of years in office shall be the Mayor Pro Tem until an election by the Aldermen. The Aldermen may provide by resolution for the manner in which vacancies may be filled or temporary appointment to their office made should they be unable or unavailable to act during a proclaimed civil emergency.
Each appointed department head shall designate by rank of succession his or her interim emergency successor should he be unable or unavailable to act during a proclaimed civil emergency. The department head shall designate not less than three, nor more than seven, emergency interim successors. The interim emergency successors shall exercise the powers and discharge those duties attendant to the office for which they are designated. At the time of their designation by the department head, each emergency interim successor shall take an oath of office.