The City is hereby empowered to provide and otherwise regulate water and sewer facilities in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Water and Sewer Department adopted from time to time as hereinafter provided.
There is hereby created a division of the Department of Public Works to be known as the "Water and Sewer Department." Said Department shall have jurisdiction over all aspects of the water distribution and sewer systems, including, but not limited to, meters, the pumping and distribution of water, water mains, and all lateral sewer and drains, in accordance with Division 139 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-139-1 et seq.).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
The Water and Sewer Department shall be under the direction of the Director of Public Works and such other officers and employees as may be from time to time appointed. They shall be responsible for the supervision, management and control, subject to the Mayor and City Council, of the maintenance, enlargement and operation of the waterworks system owned and controlled by said City, the procuring and selling of water, and all matters and things connected with the operation, maintenance, and extension or improvement of the waterworks and sewerage system and preserving the property belonging thereto.
The Director of Public Works shall have supervision over all buildings and equipment used in the furnishing of water in the City and shall see that the object and purposes of the Water and Sewer Department are carried out, and that the waterworks and sewerage system is conducted on an economical, businesslike basis, and for this purpose it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as "Director," and all of the officers, employees and servants of said Department to enforce all the provisions of this chapter and to observe and obey and carry out the orders and directions of the Mayor and Council. Where the streets are required to be opened for repairs or extensions, the Director shall protect the public against accidents during such repairs and extensions. He shall prepare and keep in his office a complete atlas of the waterworks, with all valves, hydrants, water service, sewerage connections and other appurtenances distinctly recorded therein.
The Director of Public Works and other officers and employees of the Department shall receive as compensation for their service amounts to be fixed by the City Council from time to time.
The Director shall provide such reports as the City Council shall from time to time direct.
The City Clerk is hereby appointed and designated as the collector for the Water and Sewer Department. He shall have active charge and control of the billing and collecting of all water bills rendered by the City. He shall include in his reports to the Council his reports of collections for the Water and Sewer Department, and shall make further reports and take such steps toward the collection of water and sewer bills as are herein prescribed.
The Clerk, or such officer or employees of the Department as he shall direct, shall read water meters.
Any person or corporation desiring to make any connection with said water and sewer system or plant, or to use water therefrom, shall first make application to the Director upon a blank form, or forms, to be furnished by the Department. Said application shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant that all the rules and regulations, conditions and provisions of any ordinance relating to the water and sewer system will be complied with; that he notify the City Clerk when the premises are sold or there is a change in the use or occupant; that an escrow of $30 shall be made and that any escrow deposit shall remain with the City to guarantee the payment of the water and sewer rates until such charges are paid and a new escrow deposit is made; that all water and sewer rates, assessments and rents, and all fines and penalties assessed, charged or imposed against said applicant or the property described in said application will be paid. When an applicant hereunder has complied with all the provisions of the ordinances of the City, a permit shall then be issued by the Director authorizing the connection to be made, specifying the size thereof. All plumbing and plumbing work, as well as all excavating, filling and replacement of pavement, shall be done by a plumber authorized by the ordinances of the City to do such plumbing; provided, however, that all such replacement of pavement shall be done by the City, in accordance with the provisions of this Code or other applicable ordinances. The permit shall authorize any such plumber to do such plumbing and plumbing work as is described in the permit. A street opening charge of $125 shall be deposited with the City before a permit is issued, which is refundable, less any expenses incurred by the City to replace the pavement surface whenever a street is cut open for the purpose of connecting to the water or sewer system. If the expense is more than $125, the permit holder shall pay such overage.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
No service pipe shall be laid or used to supply water to two or more distinct premises or buildings unless separate stopcocks for each of the premises or buildings shall be placed outside of such premises in the parkway, as hereinafter provided, and a permit fee shall be obtained for each service.
Each separately owned parcel of land shall have a separate sewer lateral to the City connecting sewer.
No person not duly authorized shall turn an any service cock, or use water therefrom when so turned on, under penalty of a fine for each offense, and the person so using or wasting water in such unlawful manner shall be liable to pay therefor at the regular water rates without discount.
No seal placed by the Department for the protection of any meter, valve, fitting or other water connection shall be defaced or broken, except on written authority from the Director of Public Works.
No person shall turn on any service cock if the same has been turned off by reason of the nonpayment of water or sewerage fees.
All water consumers supplied by the City shall be supplied through meters only, except that in cases where it is impracticable to set a meter, the use and consumption of water shall be governed by other applicable provisions of this Code.
All meters used in connection with said water system shall be and remain for all time the property of the City of Hometown and shall be purchased by the City.
After the meter is placed, only officers or employees of the Department shall be allowed to repair, remove or in any manner interfere with the same. A stop-cock or valve shall be placed immediately after the meter. Adequate distance shall be provided to accommodate the water meter and meter connector for each side of the meter.
Water meters shall be located inside the building in a heated area to prevent freezing. Such location should be easily accessible for reading, repairs or replacement as the City, through its Director, shall direct. The owner or tenant of a premises may request a remote meter reading device to be located on the outside of the premises; however, any said device must be installed and supplied by said City, with all expenses for purchase and installation of said device charged to the owner or tenant making the request, and all charges must be paid prior to the installation of the device; the owner or tenant will be liable for any and all damages or repairs to said remote device. However, accessibility to the meter for repairs or inspection will be required at least once in any twelve-month period.
Any water meter to be located outside the building will have to be approved by the Director and Water and Sewer Committee according to City specifications for such installation.
The cost of keeping each meter in repair shall be paid by the Water and Sewer Department. The person upon whose application any meter is installed shall be liable for any breakage or any loss or damage to such meter in any way, except by ordinary use and wear, and the cost of making good such loss or damage shall be paid by the person upon whose application such meter was installed or repaired as soon as the bill for same is presented, and the amount therefor shall be a lien against the premises for which said meter was installed, to the extent and with the same effect as water rates.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
The Director shall in all cases determine the kind and pattern of water meters to be adopted and no other kind shall be installed at any time.
As a condition of water and sewer services, all duly authorized employees of the City are hereby granted access to any premises, place or building for the purpose of installing, reading, examining, testing and repairing water meters or otherwise examining or testing for the consumption, use and flow of water. The City is hereby authorized to shut off the water supply to any person who wrongfully refuses access under this section.
All consumers, users, or owners of properties (who shall be jointly and severally responsible to pay the same) in the City of Hometown shall pay the following rates:
For water service:
All residential users (single-family, two-family and apartments) shall be charged at the rate of $14.74 per 1,000 cubic feet of usage, with a minimum quarterly charge of $29.48 for the first 2,000 cubic feet.
Commercial establishments shall pay a monthly water service charge of $11.94 per 1,000 cubic feet and a minimum monthly service charge of $3.64.
Schools; others. All schools, not-for-profit corporations, and all users not otherwise classified above shall be billed monthly at the same rate as commercial users.
For any percentage increase in the water rate by the City of Chicago, there shall be an increase in the then water rate to the City of Hometown's users at the same percentage rate, which shall apply to all billings for water used in the month of the effective date of the City of Chicago's rate increase. For purposes of this section, a rate increase shall also include an increase to a user's gross billing amount as a result of an abatement of any discount from the City of Chicago to the City of Hometown.
[Amended 2-14-2006 by Ord. No. 2-2006]
For sewerage:
In addition, at the time of the payment of the water rates, there shall be paid the following charge for use of the sewerage system:
[Amended 12-13-2011 by Ord. No. 8-2011]
For each separately owned or used residential unit, the sum of $14.27 per month.
For each separately used commercial establishment, the sum of $14.27 per month.
For any percentage increase in the sewer charge by the City of Chicago, there shall be an increase in the existing sewer rate charged to the City's users at the same percentage rate, effective the date of the City of Chicago's increase.
[Added 12-13-2011 by Ord. No. 8-2011]
There shall be no charge to a municipal corporation, a public or parochial school, or any other religious or charitable institution duly chartered for such purpose by the State of Illinois.
The sewer charge shall be added to the water rate charge at each billing and shall be a combined charge. The failure to pay the combined charge when due shall subject the user to the penalties provided in § 16.15.
No person, firm, association, corporation or partnership having its residence or place of business within the territorial limits of the City of Hometown shall be permitted to buy water from any other municipal corporation or other public utility for such residence or place of business located in the City whenever the water of said City is adjacent to its property.
All water and sewer charges shall be due and payable on or before the 15th day after the date when statements of such charges are rendered and shall become delinquent if remaining unpaid thereafter.
It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to cause said statements for water and sewer charges to be delivered on the respective dates thereof, and at least every three months, to each consumer or user.
Upon the monthly and quarterly service charge for water supplied, there shall be added a charge of 10% for each month the charges remain unpaid.
Whenever any such charges shall remain unpaid for a period of more than 30 days from the due date of the statement herein provided for, the water may be turned off from the premises of such delinquent consumer and the service shall not be resumed until all water and sewer bills in arrears have been paid, including a charge of $20 for the services of the Water and Sewer Department to visit the premises in order to turn off the water, whether it is turned off or not, and an additional $20 to turn on the water. When the water is shut off temporarily at the request of any consumer, and the meter is not removed, the consumer shall pay $20 for turn off and an additional $20 to turn it on.
Before water is shut off by the City for unpaid water or sewer charges, the owner or tax assessee shall be entitled to a hearing before a person designated by the Mayor to hear whether the amount of the charges are true and correct and why or whether or not, because of said charges, the water should be turned off.
The hearing officer shall give the owner and tax assessee notice of his right to request a hearing to dispute any delinquency. If a hearing is not requested in writing in the time allotted in the notice, water service may be terminated. The delinquent party shall be given reasonable notice before water service is terminated. If a party agrees to pay any delinquency in installments, the City is hereby authorized to terminate water service upon nonpayment of the installment without notice or a hearing.
The above procedure does not apply to opening water service to a new tenant or owner for unpaid charges for the same premises.
No person, firm, association, or corporation owing water and sewer charges and removing to other premises where there are water connections, or where connections shall afterward be made, shall be supplied with water and sewer until such charges in arrears are paid in full.
The owner and tenant of a premises supplied with water will be held jointly responsible for all water registered by the meter and for the sewer charges, and no reduction shall be made or rebate allowed to any consumer on account of leakage, or alleged leakage, in any pipe, tank, or other apparatus or device.
Any person or party who or which shall vacate any premises, and any agent or broker leasing the same, or any party who shall enter upon and occupy any premises, shall immediately, before vacating said premises or moving to said premises, notify the Water and Sewer Department and secure reading of the meter. All water and sewer charges shall be immediately paid upon reading of said meter. No water shall turn on for a new occupant until all the unpaid water and sewer charges have been paid.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
The fees to be charged for a permit to tap or otherwise make a connection with any water main constructed shall be as follows:
Where the meter is installed in the basement of a building, the charges shall be $150 and said owner shall receive for said charge the use of one meter, one round way, one valve, one corporation cock, one buffalo box and one tap, which articles shall remain at all times the property of the City of Hometown.
Where the meter is installed in a vault outside of the building on the premises, the charge shall be $165 and the owner of said real estate hereinbefore described shall receive for said charge the use of the following items: one meter, one round way, one valve, one corporation cock, one buffalo box, one tap, two eighteen-inch or twenty-inch tiles, and one cast iron cover for said tile, which articles shall remain at all times the property of the City of Hometown.
Provided that the above charges are for lots of 40 feet or less in frontage; in case of lots over 40 feet in frontage, there shall be an additional charge of $3 for each foot of frontage of said lot over 40 feet. On corner lots, the narrowest side of the lot shall be used in counting feet for frontage. If the connection or tap to the water main is over two inches in diameter, a charge in addition to the above of $50 for every inch over two inches shall be made and no materials or articles provided above shall be furnished.
Provided further, however, that in any case where the lateral water main to which the connection is to be made has been constructed by the person, firm, association or corporation desiring such connection, or where the costs of construction of such lateral water main to which the connection is to be made have been paid for in whole or in part by the person, firm, association or corporation desiring such connection, the charge for such tapping permit shall be reduced to such amount as may have been agreed upon between such person, firm, association or corporation and the Council of the City of Hometown at the time of the construction and installation of such lateral water main, but in no case shall the fee be less than $80 in the case of a meter installed in the basement of a building, or less than $95 in the case of a meter installed in a vault outside of the building.
All the above articles or materials shall be and remain the property of the City.
Permit required. No connection shall be made to the sewerage system or to any pipe or lateral which may dispose of sewage or stormwater in the sewerage system of the City without first securing a permit from the Director.
Fees. All connections to the sewerage system shall be at the cost of the applicant and shall be made by a licensed plumber authorized to do business in the City. In addition, the Director shall estimate the cost of the Department's inspection and require the applicant to pay said sum before any permit is issued.
A permit is required from the Director for any person or persons to repair or replace any damaged or clogged sanitary sewer line from a premises. Such repaired sewer line may not be backfilled until the repairs or replacement is inspected and approved by the Director or an officer or employee designated by him to make such inspection. Should such excavation require the removal of street pavement, a street opening charge will be required as prescribed in § 16.09(A).
Whenever any permit for a connection with the water mains of the City of Hometown is used hereunder, the Director or an employee of the City so designated for the work by the Director shall tap the main of said system where such connection is to be made and shall insert the corporation cock.
No connection with any water main of said City shall be less than 3/4 inch.
All corporation cocks and goosenecks, curb cocks and buffalo or shut-off boxes and meter boxes installed in connection with the water system of the City of Hometown must be purchased through the City.
No person shall, in any manner, obstruct or cause to be obstructed the free access of any duly authorized officer or employee of the City of Hometown to any stop cock, water meter, elevator dial, buffalo or shut-off box or connection with any water main or service pipe by means of any coal, lumber, brick, building material or by any other means or device whatsoever or to use or prevent free access thereto by such officer or employee whenever such officer or employee shall desire access thereto.
In addition to the other charges, the fee payable by the permit holder to the City for installing all taps under permits will be $25.
The connection from the main to the service cock shall be placed at least five feet below the level of the ground. All service lines from the main to the service cock and from the service cock to the meter shall be of Type IK copper in sizes 3/4 of an inch internal diameter to and including two inches internal diameter. Service lines larger than two inches internal diameter shall be of cast iron. Such service lines shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent rupture or breakage from settling of the ground.
No person, whether as owner or occupant, in possession or control of any building, structure or premises into which water is supplied through the Hometown water system shall be allowed, without permission from the Mayor and City Council of said City, to supply other persons or families, or to supply water from such building or premises to any building, structure or premises. In the event of violations of any of the foregoing provisions of this section, the supply of water to the building, structure or premises of such person shall be shut off and stopped forthwith, and the water shall not again be turned on to such building, structure, or premises from which it was cut off until there shall have been paid to the City such sum of money as the Mayor and City Council of said City shall deem properly due to the City.
If, after the water supply shall have been turned on to any building, structure or premises, it shall be found by any officer or employee of the City that fraudulent representations have been made by an applicant for such water supply or that water is being used in or upon such building, structure or premises for purposes not set forth in the application made for such water supply, or that there is willful and unreasonable use or waste of water, the Director or employee of the City of Hometown shall have the authority, and it shall be his duty, to cut off and stop the supply of water into such building, structure or premises forthwith, and the water shall not be turned on to such building, structure or premises until the person or persons responsible for such fraudulent representation or for such use of water or willful or unreasonable waste thereof shall pay to the City such additional sums of money for such water supply on account of such unreasonable waste of water as the Mayor and City Council shall find properly to be due to the City.
Every person supplied with water from the Hometown water system shall, at his or their own cost and expense, have installed and kept in repair all pipes leading from the buffalo or shut-off box to his or her building, structure or premises, which are supplied with water through such service pipe. All service pipes laid from the water main to the buffalo or shut-off box, and from the buffalo or shut-off box to the building, structure or premises, shall not be less than 3/4 inch internal diameter.
Each water service pipe shall be connected with said main water pipe and shall extend horizontally at right angles with said main water pipe to a point at least 18 feet from the center line of the street and shall be provided with a brass stop cock of not less than 3/4 of an inch internal diameter, to be installed within a telescopic shut-off box of the best quality of cast iron or first grade steel pipe.
All corporation and curb cocks used in connection with the water system shall be made of bronze which shall have the following composition: copper 80%, tin 4% to 6%, zinc 4% to 6%, Lead, not more than 5%. All castings shall be high grade, true to form and dimensions, smooth and free from all sand or blow holes or other foundry defects, and all material uses herein shall be of the best quality and subject to the approval of the Director.
The main must be tapped at an angle of 45°, with the vertical and the corporation cock turned so that the T handle will be on top.
In all cases where a standard water main is now installed or hereafter may be installed in any street or alley or other public way in the City of Hometown, all water users located on any lot or parcel of real estate fronting or abutting on any such street or alley or other public way shall make or cause to be made connections to such standard water main and pay the tapping charges therefor within six months after the installation of such standard water main if the same is not now installed, and each user shall discontinue within the same period of time any connection which they theretofore may have had with any temporary water line.
All service pipes and connections shall be inspected and approved by the Director or other persons under his direction, and no such service pipes shall be covered until they have been inspected.
Before a permit for use of water shall be issued where meters cannot be conveniently used, the person applying for the same shall deposit $10 with the Collector as payment on account of water to be used by him on or before 30 days from the date of the permit; the person to whom such permit is issued shall file with the Department a statement in writing, verified by his affidavit, showing fully the purpose for which the water was used by him for that time, and the amount and location of all work done by him during said time in connection with which any water was used, or required. The Director shall ascertain from said statement, and any other information, the amount due for water so used. If the amount so found to be due, together with all other fees and costs chargeable against such person, is less than the sum deposited, the surplus shall be paid back to the depositor. If the amount due for water so used is more than the sum deposited, then the excess shall be paid at once to the Collector by such person. If such person desires to continue to use the water after he shall have filed his statement, he shall again deposit $10 with the Collector and shall continue to make deposits thereafter and in the same manner as is provided therein with respect to the first deposit, and the method of determining the amount of water used and the charge for the same shall be the same as the provisions respecting the first deposit as hereinbefore provided.
No plumber shall allow his name to be used by any other person or party directly for the purpose of obtaining permits or doing any work under his license.