Unless a separate fine or penalty is provided for in a section of this chapter, then any person, firm or corporation who or which violates, neglects or refuses to comply with, or who resists or opposes the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $750 for each offense, and every such person or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day on which such violation, neglect or refusal shall continue; and any builder or contractor who shall construct any building in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, and any architect designing, drawing plans for or having charge of such building or who shall permit it to be constructed, shall be liable to the penalties provided and imposed by this section.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
In addition to the penalty provided by Subsection (A), the City shall file suit and proceed to demolish, repair, enclose, recover cost or sue for an injunction to cause compliance as provided for in 65 ILCS 5/11-31-1 and 5/11-31-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code.