[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
The law governing fire prevention and safety in the City of Townsville is contained in Article 18 of the New York Executive Law and its accompanying regulations codified in Title 19 of the Official Compilation of the Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the State of New York.
[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
Enforcement. Pursuant to § 381 of the New York Executive Law, the City of Townsville shall be the entity responsible for enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code) within the City of Townsville. This article provides for the enforcement and administration of the Fire Code and the Property Maintenance Code of New York State.
Code enforcement official. The Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's designee shall be considered the code enforcement official for the Fire Code and Property Maintenance Code of New York State within the City of Townsville.
[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
The Fire Prevention Bureau is a division of the Townsville Fire Department designated by the Chief of the Fire Department for the enforcement and administration of this article.
Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal shall be designated by the Chief of the Fire Department. The Fire Marshal shall be an employee and fire officer within the Townsville Fire Department. The Fire Marshal shall be in charge of the Fire Prevention Bureau; and, for the purpose of this article, he/she shall be the Fire Chief's designee as the code Enforcement Official.
Inspectors. The Chief of the Fire Department may designate such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. Inspectors for the purpose of inspection of buildings or premises and ascertaining and causing to be corrected any violations of the Fire Code and Property Maintenance Code of New York State shall be the career Fire Department officers or members so designated by the Chief of the Fire Department.
Report to Mayor. A report of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall be made annually and submitted to the Mayor. It shall contain all enforcement actions under the Uniform Code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Fire Department may deem necessary to include therein. The Chief of the Fire Department may also recommend any amendments to this article as he/she may deem to be desirable.
[Amended 8-3-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-16; 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
An operating permit issued by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall constitute permission to maintain, store or handle materials or to conduct processes and activities which produce conditions hazardous to life or property or to install equipment used in connection with such activities. Any person who proposes to undertake any new activity or to operate any type of new building listed in this section shall be required to obtain an operating permit prior to commencing such activity or operation. Such permit shall not take the place of any license otherwise required by law. It is not transferable, and any change in the use or occupancy of premises shall require a new permit. The Fire Chief or the Fire Marshall shall, in his/her discretion, determine the appropriate duration of an issued permit. Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, no permit shall be valid for a period of more than one year.
Before an operating permit is issued, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's designee shall inspect and approve the receptacles, vehicles, buildings or storage places to be used. In cases where laws or regulations enforceable by other departments other than the Fire Department are applicable, joint approval shall be obtained from all departments concerned.
All applications for an operating permit required by this code shall be made to the office of the Fire Prevention Bureau in such form and detail as it shall prescribe. Applications for permits shall be accompanied by such plans as are required by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal.
Operating permits shall at all times be kept on the premises designated therein and shall at all times be subject to inspection by any City of Townsville fire inspector. The Chief of the Fire Department and the Fire Marshal shall have the authority to revoke a duly issued permit prior to the expiration thereof if there is a reasonable basis to believe that the permit holder is in violation of the provisions of this chapter regarding said permit, or that the permit holder has violated the terms of the permit.
The following permits are required:
Explosives, ammunition and blasting agents.
An operating permit shall be obtained to:
Manufacture, possess, store, sell or otherwise dispose of explosives or blasting agents.
Transport explosives or blasting agents.
Use explosives or blasting agents.
Operate a terminal for handling explosives or blasting agents.
Deliver to or receive explosives or blasting agents from a carrier at a terminal between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
Transport blasting caps or electric blasting caps on the same vehicle with explosives.
An operating permit shall not be issued for:
Liquid nitroglycerin.
Dynamite (except gelatin dynamite) containing over 60% of liquid explosive ingredient.
Dynamite having an unsatisfactory absorbent or one that permits leakage of a liquid explosive ingredient under any conditions liable to exist during storage.
Nitrocellulose in a dry and uncompressed condition in a quantity greater than 10 pounds net weight in one package.
Fulminate of mercury in a dry condition and fulminate of all other metals in any condition except as a component of manufactured articles not hereinafter forbidden.
Explosive compositions that ignite spontaneously or undergo marked decomposition, rendering the products or their use more hazardous, when subjected to 48 consecutive hours or less at a temperature of 167° F.
New explosives until approved by the United States Department of Transportation, except that permits are permitted to be issued to educational, governmental or industrial laboratories for instructional or research purposes.
Explosives condemned by the United States Department of Transportation.
Explosives not packed or marked in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Transportation.
Explosives containing an ammonium salt and a chlorate.
Nothing in this Subsection E(1) shall be construed as applying to:
The transportation of explosive materials when under the jurisdiction of and in compliance with the regulations of the Hazardous Materials Regulation Board of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). It shall, however, apply to municipal supervision as to compliance with federal regulations within the jurisdiction of a municipality.
The transportation and use of military explosives by federal and state military departments, nor to the transportation and use of explosive materials by federal, state and municipal governmental departments while in the normal and emergency performance of their duties.
The manufacture, under the regulations of the Department of Defense, of explosive materials for or their distribution to or storage or possession by the military or naval services or other agencies of the United States or to arsenals, navy yards, depots or other establishments owned by or operated by or on behalf of the United States.
The use of explosive materials in medicines and medicinal agents in the forms prescribed by the United States Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary.
Manufacture, sale, storage, and discharge of fireworks.
An operating permit shall be obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal for the manufacture and storage of fireworks. The Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal may restrict the quantity of fireworks that can be manufactured or stored.
The Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by municipalities, fire associations or groups of individuals.
Such permits can be granted upon application to the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal and after approval of the Chief of Police. Applications for permits shall be made, in writing, at least 30 days in advance of the date of the display. No permit granted shall be transferable.
Pyrotechnic displays and devices. A permit shall be obtained for the use of pyrotechnic devices in areas of public assembly. The permit shall be valid for one day and shall not be transferable to a different location. Applications for permits shall be made, in writing, at least 30 days in advance of the date of use. A demonstration of the pyrotechnic display and devices shall be witnessed by the Fire Department prior to use before a public gathering.
Hazardous materials.
An operating permit shall be required for the manufacturing, storing or handling of hazardous materials in quantities exceeding those listed in Table 2703.1.1(1), 2703.1.1(2), 2703.1.1(3) or 2703.1.1(4) in the publication entitled "Fire Code of New York State" and incorporated by reference in 19 NYCRR § 1225.1.
An operating permit shall be required for the storage or handling at any installation of radioactive materials having a radioactivity greater than one microcurie or any amount of radioactive material for which a specific license from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission is required so as to be reasonably safe to persons and property. A specific license for the radioactive material obtained from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall be evidence that such license represents reasonable procedure for safety to persons and property.
An operating permit shall be required for hazardous processes and activities, including but not limited to commercial and industrial operations which produce combustible dust as a byproduct, fruit and crop ripening, and waste handling.
Before authorizing the issuance of any operating permit, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal is permitted to require the applicant to submit, in writing, one or more of the following:
A report from an approved testing laboratory for the physical and chemical properties of the chemical in question whenever such properties are not readily available in published reference or from other recognized sources.
Evidence that the amount of manufacture, processing, storage, use or transportation of the hazardous chemicals in question is in accordance with nationally recognized safe practices and that no undue hazard to life or property is involved.
The qualification, experience and knowledge of the person who is to supervise the operations involving the particular material.
Reports concerning materials or processes are permitted to be marked for the confidential information of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal, who shall use the data contained therein to evaluate the fire and explosion hazard.
Liquefied petroleum gases.
An operating permit shall be obtained for:
Each installation of liquefied petroleum gas employing a container or an aggregate of interconnected containers of over 2,000 gallons' water capacity.
Each temporary or permanent installation of liquefied petroleum gas, irrespective of the size of the containers, made at buildings or gatherings at which people congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, social or recreational purposes. Such buildings shall include but not be limited to schools, churches, health-care occupancies, hotels and restaurants, each having a capacity of 20 or more persons. This section shall not apply to one- or two-family dwellings utilizing appliances supplied with a single cylinder not exceeding 20 pounds' capacity.
Where the nature of the adjoining occupancy, the proximity of adjacent buildings or unusual conditions indicate the need, the Chief of the Fire Department or Fire Marshal may require the submittal of plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to making the installation; and if compliance with the requirements of this code is shown by said plans, an operating permit shall be issued.
Installers shall report all installations for which an operating permit is not required, not including installations of gas-burning appliances, but including heater-container units, and have them available for inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Lumberyards and woodworking plants. A permit shall be required for the storage of lumber exceeding 100,000 board feet.
General precautions against fire.
Bonfires, recreational fires, and outdoor rubbish fires. No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire, recreational fire or rubbish fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained without an operating permit or other proper authorization. During construction or demolition of buildings or structures, no waste materials or rubbish shall be disposed of by burning on the premises or in the immediate vicinity without having obtained an operating permit or other proper authorization.
Matches. No person shall manufacture matches without an operating permit. No person shall store matches exceeding in aggregate 25 cases of matches without an operating permit.
Storage of readily combustible materials.
Permit required. No person shall store in any building or upon any premises in excess of 2,500 cubic feet gross volume of combustible empty packing cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers, rubber tires, rubber or cork or other similarly combustible material without an operating permit.
Storage requirements. Storage in buildings shall be orderly, shall not be within two feet of the ceiling, shall be separated from heaters or heating devices by distance or shielding so that ignition cannot occur and shall not be so located as to endanger exit from the building. Storage in the open shall be so located with respect to adjacent buildings as not to constitute a hazard and shall be compact and orderly.
Welding or cutting, acetylene generators, calcium carbide and acetylene cylinder charging plants.
Operating permit required for welding or cutting.
An operating permit shall be required of each company, corporation, copartnership or owner/operator performing welding or cutting operations, except as provided by the provisions of § 325-3. This permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. The company, corporation, copartnership or owner/operator shall notify the Fire Chief or the Fire Marshal in advance where such work is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time to issue the necessary permit.
An operating permit shall not be required of any company, corporation, copartnership or owner/operator:
Where the welding or cutting is performed in areas approved for the purpose; or
Having an approved permit system established for control of the fire hazards involved.
Application for an operating permit required by this article shall be made by the company, corporation, copartnership or owner/operator performing the welding or cutting operation or by his/her duly authorized agent.
An operating permit for welding or cutting operations shall not be issued unless the individuals in charge of performing such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of this article shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement.
Companies, corporations, copartnerships and owner/operators required to have an operating permit shall maintain a record of all locations where welding or cutting operations are performed and have it available for inspection by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Operating permit required for cylinder and container storage. An operating permit shall be required for the storage of cylinders or containers used in conjunction with welding or cutting operations when more than 2,000 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas, other than liquefied petroleum gas, or a total water capacity of 735 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas or methylacetylene-propadiene, stabilized, or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas is stored.
Operating permit required for acetylene generators. No person shall operate an acetylene generator having a carbide capacity exceeding five pounds without an operating permit.
Operating permit required for storage of calcium carbide. An operating permit shall be required to store or keep calcium carbide in excess of 200 pounds.
Asphalt kettles.
An operating permit shall be required for asphalt kettles. Such permit shall be obtained prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction or reconstruction of any roof and prior to operation of the kettle on the site.
An operating permit shall be obtained for each kettle to be used, even if more than one will be used at one site.
Regulations governing the operation and use of asphalt kettles shall be as specified in the Fire Code of New York State.
Areas of public assembly (Assembly Group A Occupancies).
Definition. Areas of public assembly are those areas set forth as such and defined in the Uniform Code as "Assembly Group A Occupancies." These assembly areas include buildings and portions of buildings used for gathering together 50 or more persons for purposes of amusement, athletics, civic purposes, dining, education, entertainment, or patriotic, political, recreational, religious, or other social purposes. Examples of such buildings include but are not limited to: nightclubs, restaurants, art galleries, bowling alleys, churches, community halls, funeral parlors, lecture halls, libraries, museums, passenger stations, and skating rinks.
An operating permit shall be obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal for the operation of an area of public assembly prior to such operation.
The Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal may promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits, including but not limited to requiring the submittal of plans and/or specifications for such space, and requiring the submittal of installation and/or testing records for fire protective equipment or systems in use in said area of assembly.
Upon receipt of such application, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall cause the area of public assembly to be inspected. Such inspection shall include measuring and calculating maximum occupancy load(s) for the space and determining whether or not the space is in compliance with the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code of New York State.
No permit for an area of public assembly shall be granted if, in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal, such space is not in compliance with the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
An operating permit for an area of public assembly shall be effective for a period not to exceed one year. An application for renewal must be made prior to the expiration of the current permit.
An operating permit for an area of public assembly may be suspended or revoked if, in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal, there is a violation of the Fire Code or Property Maintenance Code of New York State resulting in immediate danger to the life or health of occupants thereof.
In the event that an on-premises inspection organization exists which may provide third-party inspection and certification of compliance, such fees as required for this section shall be adjusted to reflect the actual time spent by the Fire Department required to assure compliance with the intent of this part.
Fees for an operating permit for an area of public assembly or for renewal of such permit shall be established by the Fire Chief, according to § 181-9F of this article. Such fees shall be the actual costs incurred to do the work. The personnel costs included shall be based on the average hourly rate plus expenses for Fire Department personnel. An estimate of these costs shall be provided to the applicant upon preliminary approval of the application for said permit.
Fire protective systems.
An operating permit shall be required to install or substantially repair a fire detection, alarm or fire suppression system as such is defined in the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
The permit required in Subsection E(11)(a) above shall be obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal. This permit is separate from, and shall be required in addition to, any building permit issued by the Building Department.
Prior to the issuance of an installation permit, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall review said application along with the associated building permit to ensure compliance with applicable codes, rules and regulations.
Upon completion of installation or repair work, an applicant shall conduct an acceptance test of the full system, which test shall be observed by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's designee. The applicant shall provide the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's designee with a system test record describing the system to be tested and its components. The test shall be conducted in accordance with the standards prescribed by the National Fire Protection Association or other appropriate standard-setting organization as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal. If it is satisfied that the installation work meets the prescribed standards, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall certify the work as complete and satisfactory.
Fees. Fees for an installation or repair permit shall be established by the Fire Chief in accordance with § 181-9F(1) of this article. Such fees shall be the actual costs incurred to do the work. The personnel costs included shall be based on the average hourly rate plus expenses for Fire Department personnel.
An operating permit shall be required to operate an existing or install a new elevator or conveying system as defined by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. A separate operating permit is required for each elevator or conveying system.
The operating permit required in Subsection E(12)(a) shall be obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal. This permit is separate from, and shall be required in addition to, any building permit issued by the Building Department.
Prior to the issuance of an operating permit, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall review said application along with the associated inspection reports to ensure compliance with the applicable codes, rules, and regulations.
New installations. Upon completion of the installation of a new elevator or conveying system, an applicant shall conduct an acceptance test of the elevator or conveying system. The acceptance test shall be witnessed by a qualified elevator inspector, as defined in Subsection E(12)(f), and shall also be witnessed by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's designee. The applicant shall provide the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's designee with a system test record that describes the system to be tested and its components. The acceptance test shall be conducted in accordance with the standards prescribed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) or other appropriate standard-setting organization as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal. If it is satisfied that the installation work meets the prescribed standards, the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall certify the work as complete and satisfactory.
Fees. Fees for an operating permit shall be established by the Fire Chief in accordance with § 181-9F(1) of this article. Such fees shall be the actual costs incurred to do the work. The personnel costs included shall be based on the average hourly rate plus expenses for Fire Department personnel.
Qualified elevator inspector (QEI). Elevator inspectors shall be required to provide a current certification from an ASME accredited organization to the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal. The Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall maintain a list of QEI's who are authorized to perform periodic inspections of elevators in the City of Townsville.
Periodic inspections. Periodic inspections of elevators or conveying systems, as required by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, shall be made by a qualified elevator inspector. Inspection reports shall be filed with Fire Department within 30 days of the inspection by the QEI. The owner of the building shall provide documentation to the Fire Department from an elevator service contractor that states the violations have been abated.
Periodic tests. Periodic tests of elevators or conveying systems, as required by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, shall be witnessed by a qualified elevator inspector. The building owner or the owner's authorized agent shall have all tests required by the Uniform Code made by persons qualified to perform such service in the presence of a qualified elevator inspector authorized by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal. The qualified elevator inspector witnessing the periodic test shall not possess a financial interest with parties performing service or testing of the elevator or conveying system that is being tested.
Frequency of inspection and testing. The frequency of inspection and testing is determined by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Expiration of operating permit. An operating permit for an elevator or conveying system shall be valid for a period no greater than three years. The operating permit will be automatically renewed upon a firesafety and property maintenance inspection as required by § 181-16.
Validity of operating permit. An operating permit for an elevator or conveying system shall be valid for three years, provided that the elevator or conveying system is operated, maintained, tested, and inspected in accordance with the requirements of this article and the Uniform Code.
The operating permit issued by the Townsville Fire Department shall be posted in every passenger car, freight car and elevator machine room for which the operating permit was issued.
Permit fees.
The Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall promulgate an operating permit fee schedule applicable to the permits required herein. Fees established in the fee schedule shall reasonably reflect the cost of receiving, investigating, processing and issuing each of said permits.
Such schedule and any changes proposed thereto shall be submitted to the Common Council for adoption prior to collection of such fees.
The fee schedule shall be posted at the Fire Chief's office and distributed to any interested parties.
Editor's Note: Former § 181-10, New materials, processes or occupancies, was repealed 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3.
[Amended 8-3-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-16; 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
The Board of Fire Appeals shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Common Council and shall be composed of five members who shall be selected on the basis of their interest in fire prevention. The Mayor may appoint not more than one Council member and one Fire Commissioner to serve on this Board.
This subsection shall apply only to those elements of this chapter that are not addressed or otherwise covered by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall refuse to grant an operating permit applied for, or when the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall revoke a duly granted permit for alleged violation of the provisions of this chapter and/or the terms on which the permit was granted, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code may have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal to the Board of Fire Appeals within 30 days from the date of the decision. The Board of Fire Appeals may affirm, modify or reverse any determination of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
The procedure for seeking a variance or appealing any of the provisions of the Fire Code of New York State is governed by 19 NYCRR 1205, titled "Variance Procedures," which procedure is administered by the Secretary of State.
This subsection shall apply only to those elements of this chapter that are not addressed or otherwise covered by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall refuse to grant an operating permit applied for or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code may have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal to the Fire Appeals Board within 30 days from the date of the decision. The Fire Appeals Board may affirm, modify or reverse any determination of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Fire limits of the City of Townsville are hereby defined as follows:
Fire Limits A: those areas of the City which are zoned Industrial I-1 and Business B2-b, CBD-60, CBD-85, CBD-100, CBD140, WEDZ-1a, WEDZ-1b, SW-1, except the northern boundary of fire limits in SW-1 shall be the northerly property lines of parcels 100.-3-1 and 101.-1-1.2, SW-2, SW-3, and WF-1 (a, b, c, and d) in the City of Townsville Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 325 of this Code).
Fire Limits B: those areas of the City which are zoned Business B-2a, B-2c, B-2d, B-4 or B-5 in the City of Townsville Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 325 of this Code).
Aboveground tanks. The limits referred to in the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code in which storage of flammable liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited are hereby established as follows: all portions of the City not described as the Industrial Zone in the Zoning Ordinance[1] of the City and lying west of the east shore branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad between Cascadilla Creek on the north and West Clinton Street on the south.
Ordinance Editor's Note: See Ch. 325, Zoning.
New bulk plants. The limits referred to in the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code in which new bulk plants for flammable liquids are prohibited are hereby established as follows: all that portion of the City not described as the Industrial Zone in the Zoning Ordinance[2] of the City and lying west of the east shore branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad between Cascadilla Creek on the north and West Clinton Street on the south.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 325, Zoning.
The limits referred to in the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted are hereby established as follows: all that portion of the City not described as the Industrial Zone in the Zoning Ordinance[1] of the City and lying west of the east shore branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad between Cascadilla Creek on the north and West Clinton Street on the south.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 325, Zoning.
[Added 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
Inspections required. Firesafety and property maintenance inspections of buildings and structures as required by 19 NYCRR 1203 shall be performed by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Chief's Designee at the following intervals:
Firesafety and property maintenance inspections of buildings or structures which contain an area of public assembly shall be performed at least once every 12 months as required in § 181-9 by the Fire Department.
Firesafety and property maintenance inspections of buildings or structures being occupied as dormitories shall be performed at least once every 12 months.
The code enforcement officials of the Building Department shall perform firesafety and property maintenance inspections of dormitories inspected per the requirements of Chapter 210.
Firesafety and property maintenance inspections of all multiple dwellings not included in Subsection A(1) or (2) shall be performed at least once every 36 months.
The code enforcement officials of the Building Department shall perform firesafety and property maintenance inspections of multiple dwellings inspected per the requirements of Chapter 210.
Buildings or structures with mixed occupancies containing residential dwelling units and nonresidential buildings, structures, uses and occupancies shall be inspected by the Fire Department, except those areas of the building or structure inspected per the requirements of Chapter 210 by the Building Department.
Firesafety and property maintenance inspections of all nonresidential buildings, structures, uses and occupancies not included in Subsection A(1), (2), or (3) shall be performed at least once every 36 months by the Fire Department.
Inspections permitted. In addition to the inspections required by § 181-16A, a firesafety and property maintenance inspection of any building, structure, use, or occupancy, or of any dwelling unit, may also be performed by the code enforcement official at any time upon:
The request of the owner of the property to be inspected or an authorized agent of such owner;
The receipt by the code enforcement official of a written statement alleging that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code exist; or
The receipt by the code enforcement official of any other information, reasonably believed by the code enforcement official to be reliable, giving rise to reasonable cause to believe that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code exist. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed as permitting an inspection under any circumstances under which a court order or warrant permitting such inspection is required, unless such court order or warrant shall have been obtained.
The Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal shall promulgate a fee schedule applicable to inspections required herein. Fees established in the fee schedule shall reasonably reflect the cost of receiving, investigating, processing and issuing each of said inspections.
Such schedule and any changes proposed thereto shall be submitted to the Common Council for adoption prior to collection of such fees.
The fee schedule shall be posted at the Fire Chief's office and distributed to any interested parties
[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
Pursuant to § 506 of the Fire Code of New York State, the regulations pertaining to key boxes shall be as follows:
A key box for storing building keys shall be obtained and affixed on certain premises as described herein. Such key box shall be as prescribed by the Fire Department and shall be obtained in the manner established by the Fire Department.
Key boxes shall be required for all new and existing buildings, other than one- or two-family dwellings, that have fire alarm and/or fire detection systems that are or will be interconnected with the Fire Department. Alarm system interconnects include but are not limited to municipal fire alarm, radio, telephone leased line, telephone dialer or central station systems.
Key boxes shall be affixed to structures in the manner detailed by the manufacturer and in the location established by the Fire Department.
The owner of a building required to have a key box shall provide two identical copies of the key or keys required for entry into the building and associated tenant spaces. Keys within the key box shall be replaced at any time the locks of the building or tenant spaces are changed. The owner of the building shall contact the Fire Department to schedule any changes required of the contents of the key box.
All costs incurred by the City of Townsville as a result of operations of its respective departments in mitigating and/or recovering from a hazardous material spill, discharge, release or other eventuality requiring response and action by the City shall be recoverable by the City of Townsville. Such costs shall be recoverable from the owner, agent, shipper or other party having responsibility for the material(s) causing the hazardous situation. For the purposes of this section, "hazardous materials" shall have the meaning provided for in the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 201, Hazardous or Radioactive Materials.
The owner and/or manager of any nonresidential premises using an unattended guard dog to provide security shall register with both the Police and Fire Departments. Such registration shall include the number and breed of dog(s) in use, the days and times such dog(s) is (are) unattended on the premises and the name(s) of the owner(s) and/or handler(s) and methods of contacting them. Additionally, the registration shall include a floor plan of the premises with dog patrol areas designated.
The owner/manager of such premises shall file a release that shall indemnify the City of Townsville from liability for harm or damage to the dog(s) or the premises caused by any act or omission on the part of the Police or Fire Department as a result of the presence of guard dogs on the premises.
The owner/manager of such premises shall notify the Police and Fire Departments at such time as a guard dog(s) is (are) no longer employed at and is (are) removed from those premises.
[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
Installation requirements.
Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed as per the requirements of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed by or under the direct supervision of licensed electricians licensed by the City of Townsville or by those demonstrating equivalent license reciprocity as provided for in this code.
The City Electrical Inspector shall, upon application by the installing electrician or the owner of the premises, make the rough-in inspection of such system as has been installed to ensure compliance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70), the edition referenced in the Fire Code of New York State, as it applies to said system.
The Fire Department shall, upon application by the installing electrician or the owner of the premises, make the rough-in inspection of such system as has been installed to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Uniform Code of New York State.
Following complete testing of the system by the installer, the installer shall cause a certification of system installation and operation to be executed prior to the Fire Department making observations of acceptance testing. This certification shall be made on forms provided by the Fire Department.
The Fire Department shall observe acceptance testing per the provisions of the Uniform Code of New York State.
System design.
All fire alarm and/or detection systems shall be provided with adequate zone reporting capacity to ensure rapid and efficient location of the source of the alarm by the Fire Department. During plan review, the Fire Department shall specify zone reporting assignments for the proposed system.
Fire alarm and/or detection system control panels shall be capable of isolating each zone from the panel so that defective or impaired devices or systems causing alarms may be isolated and repaired without requiring the remainder of the system to be shut down.
Required Fire Department interconnects shall be provided by connection to the municipal alarm system by installation of a radio transmitter alarm system or, for the purpose of compliance with Chapter 210, Housing Standards, by installation of a listed digital alarm communicator transmitter approved by the Fire Department. All other Fire Department interconnects must be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation.
System operation.
Should a fire alarm/detection system cause numerous false alarms in such a way that the safety of the occupants, fire fighters or any other persons or property is imperiled, the Fire Chief is hereby empowered to order disconnection of such alarm system until such time as the problem is resolved. During such time when any required system is disconnected, alternate protection shall be provided, as specified by the Fire Chief, or the building shall be vacated.
The owner/operator of any premises with a required fire alarm/detection system must notify the Fire Department whenever the system must be made inoperative for maintenance or repair. The Fire Department must be renotified when the system is restored. In no event is a required system permitted to be rendered inoperative without alternative means of protection, acceptable to the Fire Department, being provided.
[Amended 4-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-3]
There shall be three categories of penalties for violations of the Municipal Fire Prevention Code or for violations within the City of Townsville of those portions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code which pertain to firesafety or fire prevention. The categories shall be:
Violation with discretionary fines. Any person who shall violate any provision of the Uniform Code of New York State shall be guilty of a violation as defined in Article 10 of the Penal Law. The maximum penalty shall be a fine of $500 for each section of the code which is violated and for each day on which the violation exists. Each day on which a person continues to violate said code is considered a separate violation.
Violation with mandatory fine. Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any order of the Fire Chief or the designated Fire Code enforcement officer shall be guilty of a violation as defined in Article 10 of the Penal Law, punishable by a fine of not less than $250 for each day on which the violation exists and not more than $1,000 for each day on which the violation exists or a sentence of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day on which a person continues to violate said order is considered a separate violation.
Misdemeanors. If injury occurs to any person or to property as the result of any violation of any provision of the Fire Code of New York State or of any provision of this chapter, the person who violated the provisions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000 for each separate violation of the code and for each day on which the violation exists and further punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year. Each day on which a person continues to violate the code is considered a separate violation.
The imposition of a penalty for any violation of the fire codes shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, nor shall the imposition of a penalty prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
[Amended 5-4-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005]
The Chief of the Fire Department, the Deputy Chief, and other Fire Department personnel designated by the Chief of the Fire Department shall have the authority, as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law § 10(4)(a), to issue appearance tickets, in accordance with Article 150 of the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, to enforce any statute, local law, or ordinance, rule, or regulation with regard to fire prevention and/or safety and shall also have the authority to issue appearance tickets for any parking violations related to fire prevention, public health and/or safety.