In order that adequate open spaces and sites for public uses may be properly located and reserved and in order that the cost of providing public areas, such as but not limited to parks, recreation areas and public schools, may be equitably apportioned on the basis of additional need created by the subdivision development, each subdivider shall be required to dedicate land or fees in lieu of land for park or other public uses.
Dedication of parks, playgrounds, recreation and open spaces. The subdivider shall dedicate sufficient land area to provide adequate park, playground, recreation and open space to meet the needs to be created by and to be provided for the land division, subdivision or comprehensive development. The minimum dedication shall be:
Five percent of the total acreage intended to be used for commercial or industrial uses.
Ten percent of the total acreage intended to be used for single-family and two-family dwelling units.
Fifteen percent of the total acreage intended to be used for multifamily dwellings.
Combination of residential uses. Where a combination of residential uses is intended, the minimum dedication shall be the sum obtained by adding 10% of the acreage intended for single-family and two-family dwellings and 15% of the acreage intended for multifamily dwellings. Where a definite commitment is made to the City by the developer with respect to those portions of the total acreage intended for single-family, duplex and multifamily dwellings, the dedication shall be based upon the maximum dedications which the zoning classification of the parcel will permit.
Minimum size of park and playground dedications.
In general, land reserved for recreation purposes shall have an area of at least two acres. Where the amount of land to be dedicated is less than two acres, the Common Council may require that the recreation area be located at a suitable place on the edge of the proposed land division, subdivision or certified survey so that additional land may be added at such time that the adjacent land is subdivided. In no case shall an area of less than one acre be reserved for recreational purposes if it will be impractical or impossible to secure additional lands in order to increase its area.
Land reserved for recreation purposes shall be of a character and location suitable for use as a playground, play field or for other recreation purposes and shall be relatively level and dry. A recreation site shall have a total frontage on one or more streets of at least 200 feet, and no other dimension of the site shall be less than 200 feet.
Where, in the opinion of the Common Council, there is no land suitable for parks within the proposed subdivision or the dedication of land would not be compatible with the City's comprehensive development or park plan, or City officials determine that a cash contribution would better serve the public interest, the Common Council shall require the subdivider to contribute a fee payment in lieu of land. In the case of land divisions other than subdivisions, the subdivider shall be required to pay a fee according to the schedule established by the Common Council. The fees collected shall be held in a nonlapsing fund to be used for purchase, development, improvement and maintenance of parks, playground, open spaces and other recreational sites and facilities.
Payment shall be made in a lump sum, or in a sum of 50% paid at the time of final land division approval and the balance to be paid within one year thereafter, on condition that a performance or payment bond in the amount of the unpaid balance executed by a surety company authorized to do business in Wisconsin and approved by the City Attorney is simultaneously filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer.
Where the lot or parcel for which payment has been made is further divided, payment shall be required only for the additional residential lots.
No payment shall be required for a parcel on which a permanent residential structure has existed for at least one year prior to the date of the division.