[Adopted 10-1-2015]
The Town of Hebron shall hereby establish a Public Safety Special Revenue Fund (the "fund") for police service utilization; to provide accountability and for increased financial reporting for the provision of additional public safety services within the Town. This fund would allow for the receipt of revenue and payment of expenditures for the provision of reimbursable public safety services within the Town. It would allow for surpluses to be segregated and accumulated to be solely used towards any future needs for the provision of public safety services within the Town without additional tax burden to the taxpayers.
There shall be deposited in said fund:
All monies received by the Town of Hebron attributed to the provision of public safety police services within the Town, including but not limited to charges for service, grants, loans and gifts provided to said fund. The Town shall be authorized to accept gifts and donations which are specifically designated for the provision of public safety services within the Town for crediting to said fund.
All monies appropriated to said fund by the Town of Hebron.
The fund shall be in the custody of the Finance Director of the Town of Hebron. All or any part of the monies in the fund may, from time to time, be invested in any investment in which public funds may be lawfully invested. All income derived from such investments shall be credited to the fund and become a part thereof. The monies so invested shall at all times be subject to withdrawal from such investments for use as provided in § 42-16 (Use of fund) below.
The unexpended balance of the fund existing at the close of any fiscal period shall remain credited to such fund and shall not lapse to the General Fund.
Upon authorization of the Boards of Selectmen and Finance, the monies in the fund may be used by the Town for purposes relating to the operations and benefit of any public safety service provision and also relating to the contractual requirements including any negotiated agreements with the Town regarding the provision of said services within the Town. This article shall govern the replacement of physical structures and vehicles used for the provision of public safety services within the Town if necessary. Expenditures and revenues for this fund shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Town Charter, Purchasing Policy and to be added to the Hebron Code.