[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
All vacant properties shall be maintained in a clean, safe, secure and sanitary condition as provided in this chapter generally and in this section, specifically, so as not to become unsafe or otherwise adversely affect public health or safety.
Definitions. The following words, as used herein, shall be defined in this part, as follows:
Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
A property with a structure thereon which is not occupied by the owner, family members of the owner, a guest of the owner, a lawful tenant or guests of a lawful tenant and shall include properties in the possession or legal ownership of a lender or mortgagee or a repossessed property. Vacant property, in this part, shall not include land without a structure which could be occupied by a person. Vacant property includes residential, commercial, industrial or property used for other purposes.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
The owner of any vacant property shall keep the interior and exterior of the premises free of garbage and rubbish.
The owner of any vacant building shall keep all doors, windows, and openings from the roof or other areas in good repair, and shall ensure that the roof is intact and allows for proper stormwater drainage. Where such doors or windows or entrances to openings are readily accessible to trespassers, they shall be kept securely locked, fastened, or otherwise secured. The owner shall take any other measures prescribed by the Township to prevent unauthorized entry to the premises by sealing all openings with materials approved by the Township.
A vacant building which is not secured against entry shall be deemed unsafe under all Building Code provisions in the Codified Ordinances of Susquehanna Township. The owner of a vacant building that is a blighting influence on its neighborhood shall secure all spaces designed as windows with windows that have frames and glazing and all entryways with doors. Sealing such a property with boards or masonry or other materials that are not windows with frames and glazing or entry doors shall not constitute good repair or being locked, fastened or otherwise secured pursuant to this part. Except as otherwise provided herein, the owner of a vacant building shall keep all doors, windows and openings from the roof or other areas in good repair.
If securely fastened windows and doors fail or are inadequate to prevent trespassers from entering the building, the owner shall close and secure all accessible openings using a commercial quality, 14 gauge, rustproof steel security panel or door, or such other materials deemed by the Township to provide an equivalent level of protection considering the specific characteristics of the vacant property and its location. Security panels and doors shall be secured from the building interior, allow emergency access, and have an exterior finish that allows for easy removal of graffiti.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
The owner of a vacant property shall cause an inspection of such property to be performed within 15 days of acquiring the property or receiving knowledge of its vacancy and shall, during the term of vacancy, perform an inspection at least once a month thereafter. Such inspections shall determine whether the vacant property is in compliance with the requirements of this part. If an inspection shows that a vacant property is not in compliance with the requirements of this part, its owner shall promptly cause appropriate remediation to occur.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
Any owner of any vacant property who resides more than 50 miles outside of Susquehanna Township and does not customarily and regularly attend to or maintain a business office within 50 miles of the Township shall designate a property manager who is able to and will perform the inspections and any remediation required under this part. This requirement shall not prohibit an owner who resides in the Township or within 50 miles of the Township or who customarily or regularly attends to or maintains a business office within 50 miles of the Township from designating a property manager. The appointment of a property manager shall not discharge an owner from the legal responsibility for compliance with this part.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
The owner of a property that is vacant shall maintain proper documentation showing inspection, including identification of the person or persons making the inspection; the time of day and date of the inspection; the condition of the property and particularly any provision of this part or any other ordinance of the Township which is out of compliance; and documentation of what must be done to bring the property into compliance. The owner of property may maintain such documentation through a manager, but the owner continues to be responsible for both inspection and documentation. On request, the Township or its agents, officers or employees, during regular business hours, shall be provided access to and, on request, copies of documentation of inspections.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
The owner of a vacant property shall post the property with the owner's name and address, the name and address of the property manager responsible for inspecting the property and performing remediation, if any, which may mean the owner, and the twenty-four-hour contact telephone number of the property manager. The posting shall be made using a weather-resistant sign no smaller than 18 inches by 24 inches, and shall be in plain view, with print that may be easily read from the sidewalk or street immediately abutting the property.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
Failure to abide by any provisions of this part, including failure to remediate, shall constitute a violation. Each day of violation shall be a separate violation. When the Township determines that any vacant property is in violation of this part of this chapter, written notice of that determination shall be given to the registered owner and to the designated property manager, if different, together with an order to comply. A copy of the notice shall be posted at various conspicuous places on the premises. Such written notice shall indicate the number of doors, windows, or other entrances or openings to the building that the owner has failed to secure or seal in violation of this part. Such notice shall be in addition to a notice, if any, designating the property as a nuisance, blighted or other in violation of any other Township code, and violation of this section and citation therefor shall not restrict action for enforcement or citation under any other provision of the Codified Ordinances of Susquehanna Township.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
Notices may be served on the property manager by first-class mail at the address designated by the owner or on the owner at the address to which tax notices may be sent.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
The owner of any vacant property which is in violation of this part shall, upon written notice, either remediate the violation(s), thus bringing the property into compliance, or demolish the building. Where immediate compliance is not feasible, the owner shall notify the Health Officer or other designated Code Officer of the Township, in writing, within 10 days of the notice served by the Township, of the steps being taken to correct the conditions, together with an estimate of the time required to fully comply with the provisions of this part.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
If the owner does not comply with the notice or fails to correct the conditions specified within the time period set forth in the notice, the owner shall be subject to penalties, including a continuing violation for each day of noncompliance.
[Ord. 15-04, 5/14/2015]
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this part shall be guilty of a summary offense and, on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus the cost of prosecution for each and every offense, and in the default of payment thereof shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 30 days. Each violation and each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.